About Help in BasketPulse game

Record updated: 2021-01-09 14:21

This Help section provides the main information about the game. Here you'll be able to find information about various areas of the game and the relations between game's elements. However, every user, using the available information, has to find his own formula of success.

Most of the game's pages have their Quick help - brief description about page's elements and available actions. Quick help is displayed by clicking on the icon (?!) in the top right of the page.

Beginner's guide helps new users to get acquainted with the game. Following the tasks of beginner's guide, users familiarize with the main features of the game. Information received from beginner's guide is always available in User Information section, next to beginner guide's settings.

You can also find answers to the majority of your questions in our Discord chat.

First steps

Record updated: 2019-07-17 22:50

So you have a team - now what? First of all, click on everything you can, get comfortable with the design and see what you have got. Notice, that in the top right corner there is a ?! button. There you can get a lot of useful advice, and answers to frequently asked questions.

Now - these are the steps you should follow after getting a new team:

1. Go to "Finances"->"Sponsors" -> "Offers".

Every day (while there is free space of advertisement) you will get offers from sponsors. You can decide to accept an offer or wait for better one. Next day not accepted offers will be deleted and new ones will be offered instead. It is your choice - when and what offer to accept. However, it is recommended to sell all advertising space until Sunday (when sponsors pay money for clubs).

2. Players - see what you have got. Pay attention to skills that they are good at and keep that in mind. Strength rate (RT) is a good way to compare players. Strength rate is evaluation of all player's skills. The bigger RT, the better the player is.

3. League -> press on "Team" -> "Rosters" (or "Trades", under the name of the team - you will be able to see the salaries here). See what your opponents have - that is, if your players are good in comparison with them, or only average.

4. Tactics - try to create a tactic for your players for the next match. There is no best tactics - it is more of a try and fail process.

5. Finances - look at your finances. Maybe you need to trade your very expensive players with cheaper ones, or maybe you need to buy some new players, or trade them. Read the finance help section - there you will find how to plan and use your budget.

6. Trades - there are a few ways to get better players. The main one is to buy them in the market. However you will probably spend a week until you get a new player. Therefore you can try and trade your leader for two good players, or by looking at all the teams, try and trade a player that is totally unnecessary for your team (with a cheap contract) to a better and more expensive player, who would be useful for your team (e.g. the unnecessary player is always sitting on a bench and never plays, and he gets paid for it).

However you need to be careful. You should rather ask others if the person trading his player is not trying to cheat you. When you get an offer of trade, do not reject it straight away - see if the trade is useful for you:

A) You might save some money

B) Your team might get stronger

7. Market - the players that will soon choose a new team are displayed. However, do not make decisions too fast, so that you do not need to fire players from the team. You might be able to win with the players that you have already - or you might let yourself loose 2-3 matches, and then get a good player.

Sort the players by the RT (strength rating - what value the player has for a team). Do not pay too much attention to position the player is written to play in, because you can change that. Look at the RT, Height, and a little to the previous Statistics of the player. Still the most important factor is the RT. Choose the players that you like, and offer them some money. Firstly, we would recommend buying players that do not interest others very much, so they would not want a lot of money. The price of the players with a lot of interest (from other clubs) is usually big because of the competition to hire him. Therefore usually (mostly in the beginning) it is better to buy a couple of average players for a low salary than 1 really good for a huge salary.

8. Help - if you have any questions how to do one thing or the other, you should use help. Notice that in the top right corner of mostly every page there is an icon (?!). Click on it will display a lot of useful information about the page ant available actions in it ((quick help)). If you did not find the answer in quick help and in help, you can consult a teacher (can be received in the main page after login). If you could not find answers anywhere, you can ask for help in federation's press conferences.

Beginner's guide

Record updated: 2021-02-17 16:28
Beginner's guide helps new users to get acquainted with the game and its features faster.  It is recommended to accomplish all beginner's guide for the new users of the game.
Beginner's guide consists of separate tasks that introduce various areas of the game.

Tasks include:
  • Description of the task to be accomplished
  • Important information about the analyzed area (displayed after the task is accomplished)
  • Link to related section in help
When a task is accomplished the club receives a bonus. So, following beginner's guide not only helps to get acquainted with the game but also contributes to the budget of the club.

When beginner's guide is fully finished the club is given credits that may be used for ordering Premium package or some other feature. When credits are spent user can get more credits by supporting the game or helping to strengthen game's community.

All accomplished tasks and their summaries will always be accessible in: User information -> Beginner's guide -> List of all tasks

All-Star day

Record updated: 2017-08-01 00:01
All-Star day takes place on different days in: National league, International league and Youth league. Candidates to participate in All-Star day are announced one week before the All-Star day.

The following events take place during All-Star day:
  • All-Star match
    Coaches, candidates to All-Star matches, are selected by: tactical skills, experience, number of won matches (in the season). Everyday votes for all candidates are updated. Bigger increase of votes may be due to won match.
    Players, candidates to All-Star matches, are selected by: RT, ranking, +/- rate, popularity. Players must have played at least 5 matches in the season in the league. Players from teams managed by real users also have advantage. Bigger increase in everyday votes may be due to good performance in league's match: ranking and +/- rate. 
  • Slam dunk contest
    The most important features - jump, also speed, toughness and experience. Player must have played at least 5 matches in the season in the league.
  • Skills challenge
    The most important features - passing, speed, dribbling and 3-pointers' skills, also height, number of assists in matches. Player must have played at least 5 matches in the season in the league.
  • Three-point contest
    The most important features - 3-pointers' skill, also experience, speed, height, number of accurate 3-pointers in matches. Player must have played at least 5 matches in the season in the league.
  • 1 on 1 youth challenges
    Each age group players (14-18 year old) compete in separate challenge.
    The most important features - RT, athletic skills, accuracy.
Clubs are given prizes for their players' and coaches' participation and achievements in All-Star day. Value of prize depends on the number of players/coaches that participated in All-Star day's events and their achievements. 
Maximum size of prize depends on the strength of division's players.


Record updated: 2018-06-21 00:14
The peak of basketball - the match - takes place in arena. If appropriate arena is used, a club may get additional income or create atmosphere that will scare opponents.

Every club owns a small arena (which is also a court for training). As this owned arena is not big, most of the clubs have to rent additional arena/arenas that will be used for playing league matches. Club can have few contracts with arenas at the same time. Arena's size and features influence income from match and home advantage. Of course, arena's size and features also influence the price of rent.

Types of spectators:
  • fan - comes to the match whenever it is possible. They do not care about the features of arena. The number of such spectators is not big. It depends on team's fan club and the league of the match.
  • common - supporters of the team that tend to visit matches if conditions are good. The number of common spectators depends on the image of the club and the compatibility of arena.
  • casual - visits the match few times in the season. The number of such visitors depends on the strength of the teams and arena's comfort.
Features of arenas:
  • Compatibility - with club's colours, dislocation. It influences the number of common spectators.
  • Comfort - how comfortable arena is for spectators (chairs, screens). Has big influence on the number of casual visitors.
Good atmosphere in the match brings bigger home advantage. Sometimes it may become the key  to victory. Atmosphere in the match depends on:
  • how full the arena is (the less free seats, the better atmosphere)
  • number of spectators (the more spectators, the better atmosphere)
  • number of fans and common spectators. Casual spectators are quite passive during the match, therefore they have almost no impact on the atmosphere of the match.
  • type of tickets for the match. Atmosphere is lower with expensive tickets and higher with cheap tickets.

Rent of arena

Arena may be rented at any time of the season and it can be used for playing match just after signing the contract.

When renting arena, the following parameters have to be indicated:
  • Arena's features - compatibility and comfort. Depending on the type of spectators that tend to visit club's matches most (common or casual), it may be worth to invest in one or the other feature.
  • Number of seats - what size arena is needed. Interest in matches (displayed in the schedule) may help to make the decision. It shows how many spectators would come to the match if it is played in arena of average features (value 7) and with average price tickets.
  • Minimum number of matches - how many matches will be surely played in this arena till the end of the season. The more matches are planned to be played, the cheaper is price for one match. Though if too big number of matches is agreed, in the end of the season the club will have to pay fine for matches not played (fine = no. of matches not played * price of one match). Therefore, manager has to make the decision carefully, considering the number of matches that can be played in arena of this size (most clubs will probably rent few arenas of different sizes).
Contracts with rented arenas are automatically cancelled in the end of the season. If club hasn't played the agreed number of matches, it has to pay the remaining sum (no. of matches not played * price of one match).

Contract with arena may be cancelled manually during the season (in club's arenas page). If club wants to cancel contract and hasn't played agreed minimum number of matches in that arena, it has to pay a fine. If no match has been played in the arena, fine is quite small. The more matches have been played in the arena, the bigger is the fine for cancelling contract.

Contracts with arenas can be signed for the next season in advance. In the last week of the season, arena can be rented for the upcoming season (additional option in the page of renting arena).

Setting arena for the match

Different settings can be set for each league - arena and type of tickets. These settings can also be set for particular match in the page of schedule (PREMIUM users can make individual settings for any match in the schedule, other users - for the nearest matches).

If it is necessary, club can adjust the number of spectators by increasing or decreasing the price of the tickets:
  • Cheap tickets - common spectators will not miss a chance to visit the match. It will increase the atmosphere of the match but won't be useful financially.
  • Expensive tickets - some part of common spectators will not come, therefore the atmosphere of the match will be worse. However, such strategy of tickets is most useful financially.
Note. Even if the number of spectators is the same, either better match atmosphere or bigger income may be received. For example: Interest in the match is 7000 but arena has only 5000 seats. It is very likely that there will be 5000 spectators using either type of tickets (cheap or expensive). However, if cheap tickets are used (more common spectators), match atmosphere will be better. If expensive tickets are used, there will be more casual spectators that do not create such a good atmosphere.

Basketball schools

Record updated: 2024-01-18 16:48
Users who have "Paper" or higher rank can establish basketball school. Establishing basketball school requires one time fee of 1000 Eu.

The list of basketball school talents is given in page Players - Basketball school. Clubs that don't have their basketball school can establish it there. At first it is minor afterschool programme that can raise 1 talent. When the number of talents in school is maximum, club can enhance the type of school. When the number of talents in school is under the limit of lower school type, it can be reduced (a fee is applied).

Maintaining a basketball school requires weekly fee (size depends on the type of school) but no salaries are paid for basketball school's talents.

Scouts find talents for basketball school. If talent's age is appropriate for school, he can be invited to basketball school. Once a day every manager can send scouts to look for talents. It can be done for free or some financing can be appointed (the bigger financing, the bigger chances to find better talent).

Talents of 14-18 years old can be trained in basketball school. From 16 years old talents can be hired to the main team. If 18 year-old-talent is not hired, in the end of the season he leaves school and ends basketball player's career.

Types of basketball schools
Name Weekly fee Fee for reducing type Max number of talents
Minor afterschool program 0 Eu
Intense afterschool program 500 Eu 500 Eu
Small basketball school 1000 Eu 500 Eu
Average basketball school 5000 Eu 4000 Eu 10 
Big basketball school 10000 Eu 5000 Eu 15 
Academy of basketball 20000 Eu 10000 Eu 30 


Training takes place everyday and reports are given together with other players' training reports. Talents in basketball school are trained just like all other players - club's manager can indicate which skills to improve.
Experience of basketball school talents increases a little everyday.

Franchise player

Newly registered teams get their franchise players (high potential talents that can become the highest level players). However, after some time these players get old and end their career. Therefore when the current franchise player is 32 year-old or more and minimum 15 seasons have passed after selection of the previous franchise player club can choose one talent and select him as franchise. This is only available for clubs that play longer than 15 seasons. New franchise player can be selected only from talents currently playing in basketball school.
If a club still has the old franchise player, he becomes a regular player after selecting the new one.

When franchise player is selected, his potential becomes maximum. If talent's potential in basketball school at first is lower, after setting him as franchise player, his potential immediately reaches maximum.

Franchise player is not available for trades and doesn't go to limited players' market. If franchise player’s contract is not prolonged (or player is fired), he ends his career.

Club's personnel

Record updated: 2012-04-17 17:19

Probably the most important and the most difficult task is to create a strong and well balanced team. The team consists of coaches and players:

Coaches - their functions are to help during the match and when training players.

Players - everybody knows who the players are and what their functions in the team are. Manager's task is to create a well balanced and harmonised team, and there are many ways of doing so. You can "raise" young players, hire the ones that do not have a club and/or trade them with other clubs.


Record updated: 2024-03-15 10:58

Coaches are an important part of personnel. Their guidance is important during matches and they take part in players' training.

  • Each team has one head coach, who guides the team in the match, is responsible for substitutions, strategy and etc.
  • Team can have 3 assistant coaches who help during the matches. If one or few assistant coaches have better knowledge than the head coach in a certain area, they can help evaluate the situations a little better during the match (in these areas). Coaches' influence during match is mainly determined by the skills of head coach. Other coaches can increase head coach's competence only a bit.
  • All the other coaches are player development coaches.

All team's coaches take part in players' training and each skill improves according to the knowledge of the coach that is best in that particular area.

It is not important how many coaches there are in a team, unless they complement each other. For example, one coach is a better expert in offensive play, while the other - in defensive. 

Coaches may be purchased in two ways: in the market or found by the scout. When the contract with the coach ends, he goes to limited coaches' market. Here all clubs can give offers but coach's current club can outweigh the best offer. Coaches that were found by scouts always want to extend the contract.

Coaches can be fired only in the beginning of the season, when free coaches' market is open.

Coaches' skills can be improved. In training settings, manager can choose a certain skill or group of skills to be improved. Report gives information about the improvement of skills.


Record updated: 2012-03-01 14:05

Coaches have 8 different skills. Each of them is rated in the range 1-12. According to these skills and experience, coach's strength rate (RT) is determined. It is a good way to compare coaches by their RT. However, when purchasing a coach, one should pay attention to the rate of each skill - some of the skills may be more important to you (for example, head coach needs good tactical skills and training skills are more important to just coaches).

Each coach has a certain potential that does not change. Potential has impact on the speed of skills' improving.

Training skills – they are useful when exercising players. The better skills the coach has, the faster corresponding skills improve for the players. Training skills:

  • Athletic skill;
  • Accuracy;
  • Offence;
  • Defense.

Tactical skills – they are useful when guiding the match. Tactical skills:

  • Strategy - coach's knowledge in creating the strategy for the match;
  • Defense - influences the results of team defense;
  • Offence - influences the results of team offence;
  • Psychology - coaches with good psychology skill will be better at inspiring players to fight at the end of the match or when the team is behind the opponents. The team with better coaches in psychology skill, has a little advantage in the end of the match and a little more chances to struggle when the team is losing.

Experience - high coach's experience give a bonus during the whole match, especially in the most important moments - for example, in the end of the match. The growth of coach's experience depends on his position in the team and the division of the international tournament, where his team is playing in. Experience grows only for the head coaches (most) and their assistants.

Dismissing personnel

Record updated: 2015-08-01 19:17

Due to various reasons sometimes club needs to dismiss players or coaches. The dismissing process is completely identical for players and coaches.

Usually personnel members are released in order to save money or because the player/coach does not fulfill the expectations.

There are two ways of dismissal: in the player/coach finance window (by clicking on the number - it indicates the compensation that will be paid for the released - in Release column), or from a certain player/coach window.

Nevertheless, you have to remember that dismissals also have a bad influence for your club. First of all, you will feel it financially, as you will have to pay the compensation indicated in Player (Coach) - Finances page. Usually, it is 10% of all the sum left to pay during the contract (but not less than his weekly salary!).

If you overuse firing, personnel's opinion and your club's image can decrease.

Players and coaches can be fired only during the regular season.

Extending contracts

Record updated: 2016-11-20 22:15

End of player's contract:

  1. Extend the contract in advance. Denominative player (the best young player that was received at the moment of creating the team) and players brought to club by scouts always want to extend their contracts. Players from scouts want to prolong contracts for average salary of similar players (also depends on contract length) and denominative player - for smaller than average salary. 
    Once in two seasons a club can choose one player/coach to extend contract with (contract conditions are chosen by the player). Younger than 31 years old player will never want to extend contract for smaller salary.
    Extending contracts in advance is available till the end of free market. Only denominative player's contract can be extended until the evening of the last season day.
    As soon as the contract is extended, the new salary is paid.
    In one season maximum 3 contracts can be extended in advance - including players and coaches.
    Players whose contracts are not extended act the same as all other players - go to free or limited players' market.
  2. Free players' market. Player may decide to become a free player only if his opinion about the club is bad or very bad. In the end of the season (when the contract ends), the player leaves the club and becomes a free agent (when he comes to the free players' market, any club can offer contract to him).
  3. Limited players' market. Most of players choose to become limited players and determine which day they will make final decision about the new contract for the next season. Until the day of decision, all the clubs can send offers for the players. On the last day, only the player's current club can give the offer to the player. The player informs the current club about the minimum salary that he could prolong contract for (salary depends on the offers received from other clubs). Limited players come to the new teams at the end of the season, after the end of limited players' market (on the 63rd day of the season).


Contracts with coaches can be prolonged in two ways:
  1. Extend the contract in advance. This option can be used for coaches that were found by scouts. Also once in two seasons a club can choose one player/coach and extend his contract.
    Extending contracts in advance is available till the end of free market.
    As soon as the contract is extended, the new salary is paid. Coaches want to prolong contracts for average salary of similar coaches but not smaller than the former salary.
    In one season maximum 3 contracts can be extended in advance - including players and coaches.
  2. Coaches whose contracts are coming to an end (weren't extended) go to limited coaches' market, where current club can outweight other offers and resign the contract. Limited coaches' market works the same as limited players' market.



Record updated: 2024-10-04 16:05

The players are one of the most important components of this game. You do not only have to worry how to get them, but also how to keep them and train them.

There are many functions that are related to the players. You can hire them, get them from the scouts, or trade them with other clubs. If needed, you can fire the player, or if the player wishes - you can prolong contract with him.

Strength rate (RT) shows how good the player is. RT evaluates all player's skills in one number. However player's skills (you can find concrete skills in player's page) is not all that matters - his potential is also important; it shows the player's capability of improving. Player's height, age and shape are also important. Shape can be observed in Training page. Player feels best when his shape is Excellent. All players are individual and one player can feel excellent while the other can be tired on the same conditions (playing time during the match).

Each player/coach has his minimum required salary (displayed in player's/coach's description page). If no club offers equal or bigger salary, player/coach ends his career (old stars will rather end career than play for minor salary; young players also have minimum limit that can keep them playing basketball).

Every player has his own opinion about the team that he is currently playing in (you can find his opinion in Player's description page). Player's opinion is influenced by a few factors: if he gets enough playing time in court, if his shape tends to be Excellent, if the team invests into personnel's sector (i.e. takes care of other players' amenities). At the end of player's contract with the team, his opinion has impact on making decision about his future - whether to stay in the current club, to become a limited agent or leave the club at all (read more about this decision in section "Prolonging contract").

After the match you can study your players' performance (Match information), after the trainings - results of training (Training report). By observing your players, you can draw conclusions and "get rid of" the ones that do not fit in the team, as well as look for new players to strengthen your team.

Every day players can get injured (medics inform about it at 21:00 (GMT +2)) and depending on the seriousness of the injury, that player will not be able to play in matches for a particular number of days. Another player will have to be sent to the court instead of him, therefore club should always have some backup plan (for example, some players in reserve).
The lower is player's health, the bigger is the probability to receive injury. Player may not be injured if he doesn't play in that day's match.


History and statistics of every player is gathered. Therefore you can track every player's statistics, which clubs he has played in before and what were his results.

Lending players

Record updated: 2024-09-26 14:04

You have a young and prospective player but can't give him much playing time in your team? You have a long contract with him but he will start being really useful for your team only after a few seasons? If this sounds familiar, you can lend your young player to the other team, where his skills will improve faster (he will get more playing time) and which will pay a part of players salary.

If the player fits lending limits (see below), the owner can lend him from player's description page. Click on Lend link and the player will be put into the list of players for borrowing (Market->Lending section). The list of teams that want to borrow the player will be displayed in player's description page. The owner will be able to choose a team (where the player will improve best, in his opinion) and lend his player to it. 

When choosing a club to lend the player to, pay attention:

  • Player improves best when he plays against strong opponents (the higher division the borrower plays in, the stronger opponents he has).
  • The coaches of the borrower team will train your player (the better training skills, the faster your player will improve).
  • Reputation of borrower team is important. When the loaned player returns, owner team can leave feedback about the borrower. You may find interesting information there.

The owner can see this information of the lent player: training settings and reports, skills, statistics.

Market->Lending section displays the lists of players available for borrowing and lent players. When a team clicks on Borrow button, the request is sent to the owner of the player. The owner can see the list of candidates and decide which club to lend a player to. The borrower is sent a message, informing whether the player was lent to him or to the other club.

Lending limits:

  • players are lent for one season;
  • player’s salary is shared in this proportions between clubs: owner pays 30% of the salary, borrower – 70%;
  • players can be lent only on the first cycle of the regular season (till 18th day of the season);
  • only young players can be lent (age <= 25);
  • club can lend max 5 players and borrow max 1 player;
  • player can be borrowed only from the club playing in the upper division of international tournament;
  • player can not be borrowed from/lent to the club, playing from the same computer/IP;
  • player’s salary can not exceed club’s weekly income from the sponsors;
  • when lending player, owner can indicate the lowest international league's division that player will be lent to. Clubs in lower divisions can not send borrowing requests.
  • franchise player, that was got after registration (possibly with your name), can not be lent;
  • players are returned to the owner in the end of the season – together with limited players’ transition. Sometimes the lent player can be returned earlier - if the club (that borrowed the player) went bankrupt or the club was eliminated (due to inactivity, punishment...)
  • the owner can recall his lent player if he gets very little playing time (if the player played less than 40 minutes in the last 4 days).
Players’ owners can write feedback about borrowing teams - if they fulfilled their promises and followed agreements. Feedback can be written in club’s borrowing history page (link in club's description page). Feedback can be written only when player is already back in the owner team. If club has negative borrowing feedbacks, it is more difficult to borrow players.

* Players with contract length of 1 season can also be lent. The owner will be able to select lent player for prolonging the contract or resign contract in limited players' market.

Requalification to coach

Record updated: 2023-11-17 12:25
When players decide to retire, they can be requalified to coaches. After requalification, a new coach appears in the game and the player is retired. The new coach is automatically analyzed and his analysis information stays for the club.

Players that can be requalified:
  • is going to retire or has retired in the past 3 seasons
  • >=28 years old
  • is in your team or is in free players' market and doesn't have offers yet
After requalification:
  • the new coach signs short contract with your team, if the requalified player was in your team
  • the new coach goes to the free market in other cases (player was in the free market or player was retired)
  • the team that found the player over scouts (or had the player as franchise) keeps a discount for the requalified coach’s salary
  • the new coach is automatically analyzed for your team (without additional fee)
  • the requalified player retires (if he wasn't retired yet)
Requalified coach:
  • has a potential similar to the creation potential of the requalified player (may be a bit lower or higher)
  • becomes Training coach, Tactical coach or Universal coach. The type of the requalified coach is displayed in the page of requalification and it depends on the skills of the requalified player. 
Requalifying a player may cost credits:
  • requalifying the current franchise player can be done for free
  • the cost of requalifying other players depends on the creation potential of the requalified player
Some advices:
  • if you plan to requalify one of your players after he retires, add him to the club's Hall of Fame. This will ensure that the player is not deleted after retirement.
  • if you want to requalify some player from the free market, consider signing contract with him first. When a player from your team is requalified, the new coach signs a short contract with your team.


Record updated: 2022-09-13 15:47

Players have 13 different skills. Usually they are in interval from 1 to 14 but actually there is no upper limit. According to these skills and player's experience, player's strength rate (RT) is calculated. According to the value of RT one can refer to which player is better. However, when purchasing a player all his skills should be considered. Some skills are more important if you are looking for a defensive player and the other if you are looking for a shooter.

Each player has different potential for each skill. Player can have bigger potential for some skills and smaller - for the others (for example, the skill of the speed may improve much faster than the skill of Passing). Value of skill's potential can range from -50% to +100%. It shows percentage by which skill improves slower or faster than it would improve depending only on other criteria (age, general player's potential, coaches, playing time...) Skills' potentials are not visible. They can be anticipated by observing training results or using scouts' analysis.

Athletic skills (shows players' physical features):

Athletic skills also depend on players' physical features (height). Even if small player and tall player have the same jumping (or speed) skill's values, small player will still have better jumping ability (or speed). On the contrary, if small player and tall player have the same toughness skill's values, the tall player will be tougher than the small player.

  • Jumping - the better the skill, the higher player can jump. This helps in both: defense and offence. Good jumping skill helps to get rebounds, defend opponent's shots, such players are more difficult to defend for the opponents (dunks, jump shots).
  • Speed - how fast the player can move in the playing-field. Speed helps in making fast breaks and quickly returning to the defense. It also helps when playing one on one against a slower opponent.
  • Toughness - describes the strength of the player. Toughness helps when there is contact with opponent: fighting for better position in the low post, setting screens, driving to the basket.

Accuracy skills:

  • Close-range shots - how good the player is at making close-range shots. It includes various movements, hook shots, etc.;
  • Mid-range shots - how good the player is at shooting free-throws and making mid-range shots. It includes moving shots, shooting after received pass, etc.;
  • Three pointers - how well the player can attack from 3-point line.

Defense skills:

  • Rebounding - describes how well the player can rebound the balls. This skill describes how well the player feels where the ball is going to fall, rather than the possibility for the player to rebound it (depends also on other skills).
  • Contesting shots - how good the player is at defending shots. It is: proper reaction to fake moves before shot, impeding shot conditions, ability to block shots, etc.
  • Defense IQ - how good the player is when defending player with the ball (before opponent decides to shoot - when dribbling, passing) and also to defend player without ball (disturbing to catch the pass, not leaving unguarded).

Offence skills:

  • Dribbling - describes how well the player can dribble the ball. The skill is especially useful for small players. It helps to avoid turnovers, beat the defender and quickly dribble down the court.
  • Passing -  describes the ability to pass the ball to the teammates. This skill helps to increase assists, as well as to avoid turnovers.
  • Offence IQ - how well player understands and reacts to various situations in offence. It describes player's knowledge how to find better position, make better pass, etc. This skill is important not only for play-makers.

Experience – plays an important role during the the last minutes of the match, when playing with strong opponents, etc. Experience helps to avoid turnovers during important moments of the match, properly defend and attack, not to panic.
Players' experience grows depending on the playing time in court and the opponents. The player has to play at least 8 minutes against the same strength opponent or 4 minutes against twice stronger opponent, so that his experience grew.

Shape - describes player's readiness to do sports at the mean time. It depends on the playing time in court during the match.


Record updated: 2015-08-27 22:32

match MVP MVP of the match

The best player from the winner team becomes the MVP of the match. MVP of the match is not necessary the one who scores most points or the one who has the biggest rating in the match. MVP of the match becomes the player that contributed most to the victory.

This includes both - defence and offence. When selecting MVP of the match, rating in the match and +/- rating are regarded. The same criteria applies to TOP5 and MVP of the day.

top5 day Top5 of the day

In every league, together with the update of standings table, TOP5 players and MVP of the day are selected.

Players from the matches where one team smashed the other team are not considered for the TOP5. Even if the player was very good in the court, he won't be selected for the TOP5 - if the team played against very weak team.

Players to the TOP5 of the day are selected only from the matches where point difference is equal or less than 30.

dayMVP MVP of the day

MVP of the day (just like TOP5) is selected together with the update of standings table. MVP of the day most often is selected from the winner team.

Important! In the leagues, where all matches ended with big point difference (between the winner and the loser), sometimes TOP5 and MVP of the day can be not selected at all.

Season MVPTitles of the season

At the end of each season, players are awarded with season titles: TOP5 and MVP of the season

In the future, there will be more diverse titles of the season:
- Best player from the "bench"
- Best defending player
- Most prospective player


Record updated: 2013-03-02 22:21
Ingame currency is used in the game - Credits Credits
Information about user's credits can be found in section Credits.
Credits can be purchased for money or free credits can be received for help improving the game. Information about payment methods can be found in section Credits - Buy credits. Information about free credits is provided in section Credits - Get free credits.
Credits’ price depends on the chosen payment method and purchased amount of credits. Payments’ middlemen apply different fees, thus depending on payment method the price of credits is different (for example, SMS payment method can increase the price few times). The bigger amount of credits is purchased at the same time, the smaller  is the price of one credit. Therefore it is recommended to plan how many credits will be needed and purchase them less often but in bigger quantities.
Credits are needed for using additional features of the game. Additional features give no advantage in matches or other essential elements of the game but the information is presented more conveniently, communication becomes easier, players may be found quicker and more interesting information becomes available (records, all former team’s players). 
Income received from paid services is used to maintain and develop the game.
Premium packages
Premium packages are of 6 types: Gold, Standard, Market’s, Personnel’s, Matches’ and Free. They differ in composition and price. Therefore, every user can choose which package is the best for him. More information about Premium packages may be found in section Credits - Premium packages.
Pay attention that few types of Premium packages contain discounts for using other paid features.
Premium packages can be purchased for 1 month or 1 week. User can choose to extend Premium package automatically when the term comes to end. If automatic extension is not selected, Premium package can be extended manually on the last day of the term.
Buying game’s money
The income from PREMIUM packages is not sufficient to maintain and develop the game. Therefore, once a season club may increase its budget by paying real money and considerably supporting the game (Credits - Buy game's money).
The price of this operation is quite big, so users use it rarely. Those who still decide to buy game’s money support the game considerably. 
Maximum sum that can be bought depends on the club’s division in international tournament. Thus buying game’s money is strictly limited and does not have big impact on the fairness of the game.
Investment in the game
Game’s users can contribute to the realization of a particular game’s feature and become virtual investors of the game. Users who invest in the game get additional fans, sponsor’s icon and other advantages related with the chosen update.
More about investment and the list of features that are currently available for investments can be found in section Credits - Investment in game

Date/Time of updates

Record updated: 2023-08-22 15:20

Playing this game, it is useful to know how often and when some events take place / are updated. Below is the schedule of updates/events. Have in mind that Time column indicates the beginning of event. Events may take some time (from few minutes to few hours) to be accomplished.


Day Time (GMT +2/GMT +3) Event
daily 00:15 Players recovered from injury get normal status
daily 00:15 Salary cap is updated
daily 02:00 Sponsors deliver new offers
daily 02:00 Matches of new round are scheduled
daily 22:30 Players' injuries are announced
daily 23:00 Training takes place
daily 24:00 End of day in free and limited players' market
Thursday 12:15 Best players' list is updated (good dunker, good defender, etc.)
Saturday 22:30 Procedures of bankruptcy take place
Sunday 09:15 Weekly financial updates (salaries are paid, sponsors give money, etc)


Day(s) of season Time (GMT +2/GMT +3) Event
1   The beginning of the season
1   Market of free players is opened
1   Trades become available
3 04:15 Old/Low-skill-players decide if they are going to retire
3, 21, 39 02:00 Users' ranks are updated
10, 40 03:45 Young players' height may increase
18   The last day when players can be lent/borrowed
35   The last day when free players' market is open
35   The last day when players can be fired
35   The last day when players can be traded
36   Players with ending contracts decides upon their future (whether they  want to stay in team, become free players or become limited players)
36   Limited players' market opens
60   National league's awards for (good) performance are paid
62 00:45 Youth league's awards for (good) performance are paid
63 00:45 International league's awards for (good) performance are paid
63   Teams are transferred to new leagues
63 09:45 Lent players come back to their own teams
63 10:15 Players purchased in limited players' market are transferred to the new teams
63 16:00 Bot teams are lowered to last divisions
63 20:00 League and special sponsors' contracts are added
63   The last day of the season



Record updated: 2021-02-05 16:26
Every season Drafts event takes place in the majority of international leagues (except the lowest divisions). In BasketPulse we have one Drafts’ round, so teams can pick one player every season.

In the first half of the season new players sign up for the upcoming Drafts event. Players usually are of three types:
  • Ready now - players with very low potential but already fully trained. Pay attention to their health - some players may have better skills but worse health.
  • Students - very young players who are willing to find a great basketball school to improve as basketball players. These players can be drafted only by the teams that have basketball schools.
  • Talents - players that can play in youth team or can be loaned. Usually they have bigger potential but are not fully trained yet.
In the last week of the season the default “wish list” is generated for each team. However, the default order might not be what each team requires. So managers can move players in the list up, down or mark as “do not sign”.

Before the end of season, when all teams have already changed their leagues, the final teams’ positions in Drafts are determined. From this point, each manager knows which pick his team will have in the upcoming Drafts event.

Team's position depends on how many Draft points the team has. Draft points are collected the entire season by using scouts. If a few teams have the same amount of Draft points, a newer created team will get a higher pick in Drafts.

Teams that ascend to the upper league sometimes have difficulties to survive at a higher level. So these teams will get additional Draft points (next to what it has already collected). The exact number is calculated based on how many points other teams have in that league. So each time it will be different.
This way the teams that ascended to higher league will get a decent Drafts pick.
Please, have in mind that teams which got special invitations do not get this bonus!

It is very important to remember: if a team changes its league (for example, gets an invitation to the upper league), it will participate in the new league’s Drafts event. For such teams a new default “wish lists” will be generated and managers will have quite little time to make the desired changes.

On the last day of the season Drafts event takes place. The exact time when each team picks it's player can be found in the Drafts - Teams page. Until this time managers can make changes in their “wish list”. 
Team automatically picks the player with the highest available number based on the team's “wish list”.
Players automatically sign 2 season contracts or they are moved to basketball school if they are less than 18 years old (even if basketball school is full).
If there is no available player based on the team’s “wish list”, all Draft points are returned to the team. This strategy can be used when a team does not find any useful player in the Drafts event and decides to fight for a better pick next season.

Managers can see the salary of players even before the Drafts event. As their salaries are smaller than similar players’ salaries in the market, drafts’ players can not be traded during their first 2 seasons contract
Drafts’ players do not have a “scouted” player’s status, so if a team wants to extend the contract before the limited players’ market - it will be counted as a regular player.
However, if Drafts’ player is transferred to the Youth team, it will get his bonus in the same way as “scouted” player

Fair play committee

Record updated: 2019-03-22 15:55
The ​Fair play committee is a group of devoted volunteers from different countries. The main goal of this group is to make this game fair for everyone.

Based on the size, federations can get spots in this group. If federation has spots, federation's president picks users who represent this community in the Fair play committee.
The number of each federation's representatives in the Fair play committee is recalculated once per season (depending on the size of federation and behaviour of its volunteers).

The system of the Fair play committee works automatically.
One of the most important areas that the committee works on, is Trades' reports. Members of the committee see reports, can discuss them and vote. Depending on the results of voting, it works automatically:
  • Trade can be marked as Fair
  • Trade can be reverted (restrictions' level is not decreased)
  • Trade can be reverted and restrictions' level is decreased for both teams
  • If the committee doesn't manage to make decision in time, the transferring players prohibition date is extended by 3 days.
Even after the term (when traded players can already be transferred) voting can take place. In this case trade is not reverted but the committee can decide to warn teams or decrease their restrictions' level.

In the end of every season all teams restrictions' levels are updated. All teams that didn't have reverted trades that season (by +1) draws near to the level determined by the Fair play committee.
​If it is necessary, administration can additionally apply bigger punishments for violating the game's rules.

Fan club

Record updated: 2018-06-13 12:29

New teams don't have fan clubs. Fans establish their clubs every week for teams that meat the requirements:

  • at least 5 victories are achieved during a week;
  • manager visited the team at least 3 days in a week.

Fan club is like adviser of team's manager. The better is the type of fan club, the more various opinions it presents. Types of fan clubs:

  • Family and friends - when fan club is newly established.
  • Small group of supporters - minimum 31 fans. Fans present their mood.
  • Average group of supporters - minimum 51 fans. Fans present expectations for the current season (depends on number of fans, club's strength and free money)
  • Big group of supporters - minimum 101 fans. Fans present evaluation of the last season.
  • Small fan club - minimum 201 fans. Fans present opinion about club's finances.
  • Average fan club - minimum 501 fans. Fans elect a president of the fan club.
  • Big fan club - minimum 1001 fans. Fans present opinion about club's composition.
  • Huge fan club - minimum 3001 fans. Fans present opinion about club's manager.
  • Elite fan club - minimum 5001 fans. Fans present opinion about the last week.

The number of fans is influenced by team's victories and losses.

Rankings are made according to the number of club's fans. Fans' ranking is displayed in club's description page (it shows which place a club takes among all users according to the number of fans). Fans' ranking is also displayed in League Rankings' page and in Fan club page of the Rankings section.

Bigger number of fans increases the atmosphere during the home matches. Thus they help to increase  the home advantage. Fans' influence on the number of spectators is relatively small.


Record updated: 2017-07-05 00:36
Federation is community that consists of one or few countries’ users.
Every country, disregarding its size, can create its own or make a request to join another federation. Countries that didn’t create their own federations and didn’t join other federations belong to global federation. Global federation works like all other federations.
It is recommended to create united federations only for countries that are somehow related (by locality, language or culture). However, the final decision is up to you.
Game members that belong to federation can make various suggestions and decisions are made by voting. Voting usually takes one week.

Every federation has its president. The member that suggests creating federation automatically becomes its first president. After federation is created other members can run as candidates to this position. New president can be elected every two seasons. 
The main task of the president is to take care of his federation, confirm or reject federation’s volunteers.
Every federation has a team of volunteers. They have some tasks related with welfare of the community. Volunteer can also be a member of another federation. 
Federation’s volunteer may belong to that federation or not. So, active game members can help supervising few different federations!
In most cases volunteers make decisions by voting - after some time the system calculates positive and negative votes given by volunteers. In some cases decision takes effect immediately.
We hope that volunteers will be tolerant, will not rush to judge other members, communicate with other volunteers and will try to make the game prettier and more fun.
Users’ moderator
We would like to have the game tidy and clean. Therefore we want that team names, logos and usernames wouldn’t be offensive and would be appropriate to represent basketball club.
These volunteers confirm information indicated by users:
  • Team name
  • Team logo
  • Username
This information is confirmed by volunteers’ voting. After some time, if more volunteers (that voted) confirmed - it is allowed. Otherwise, user is informed that he will have to change it to something more neutral.
If volunteer notices that already existing club has inappropriate information, he can also mark it as inappropriate - link can be found in club’s (that belongs to federation) description page.
Initials’ moderator
The goal is to take care of federation players’ and coaches’ names and surnames. These volunteers confirm names and surnames given to players.
If they are often used by people in the country, they can be easily included into the lists of country’s names and surnames (that are used for newly created players and coaches).
When reviewing names and surnames chosen by users, we recommend not to make hasty conclusions. Do not forget that in every country there are people of different ancestry.
Also, initials’ moderators can delete or add names (surnames) to country’s database. It can be done in country’s page - link “Edit list of names and surnames
Press conferences’ moderator
These volunteers take care that press conferences would be clean and tidy. Inappropriate press conference records can be hidden or their authors can be recommended to be punished for administration.
We would like that press conferences’ moderators would not only take care of order in press conferences but also give suggestions to administration how press conferences could be organized better.


Record updated: 2018-05-08 18:44

One of the most important parts of the game is finances. Just like in real life, the strength of the club and the number of matches won depend on the budget. The greater the budget is, the better players you can keep, the more time you can spend improving the image of your club, and the more money sponsors will want to offer your club. So, the budget depends on how popular the club is, the league it is playing in, and the win/loss ratio.

In the beginning, your budget will not be very impressive, and the size of it will change little by little when ascending through the leagues. It is very important to distribute the expenses so, that you would have optimal team.

Financial operations

The main financial operations in this game take place once a week (players and coaches get salary, all the sectors are financed, club receives money from sponsors).

There can also be unexpected expenses or income: money from match tickets (it is not known how many people will come to see the match), compensations for fired players (coaches), expenses of scouts, fee for changing team name, etc.

One week a club may have more expenses than income, but only if it is certain that it will get more income than expenses next week. There are various restrictions that offer some help when planning club's finances, however the system can not ensure that the club will not go bankrupt. The manager of the club must calculate club's income and expenses by himself!  If a club is in debt, the process of bankruptcy will start - sectors (image, popularity, personnel) will not be financed. If it is not enough, the most expensive player leaves the club, later - next most expensive player and so on.

Main financial information

In order to foresee and plan your club's finances, it is very important to understand all the numbers that are given in finance's page:

  • Current amount of money - the amount of currently spare money (if this number is negative, a bankruptcy process is started)
    Having some savings is important for every club. It allows to mitigate consequences of possible unexpected cases.
    On the other hand, sponsors give money and expect that it will help the club to reach as good results as possible. Some clubs tend to save huge amounts of money and do not spend them for purchasing better players.
    Clubs that have saved huge amount of money have to pay rich clubs' taxes. Each international tournament's division has savings' limit that is allowed for cubs to have. The exact number can be found in international league's information page. If a club has more money than this limit, once in a season the tax will be paid: 20% of total club's savings but not more than the amount of money that is over the limit.


  • Balance of the remaining part of the season
    Here you can find the list of all foreseen income and expenses. This prediction is not accurate because there may be unforeseen income/expenses.

    When predicting income from the matches, the income from the match in the schedule is calculated, plus the income that the club would get if it was in the middle of final standings in the leagues. However, income from the match, as well as arenas' rent fees, depend on decisions made by the manager, so this prediction is approximate and calculated for average achievements in the league.
    The predicted sum for rent of arenas is calculated according to the club's rented arenas and predicted interest in matches. Even if club hasn't rented any arenas, the predicted sum is calculated according to interest in matches. If a club decides not to rent arena, it will not have to pay the  rent fee but the income from matches will also be smaller that the predicted. So, the difference between income from matches and rent for arenas still remains an approximate prediction for benefit received from matches.

    Predicted balance at the end of the season is approximate and can change during the season.


  • Financial operations
    Financial operations' table gives information about the operations that were made during the selected week: season day, short description and the sum spent/received.
    In the bottom of the table, there is a balance of the week - what sum was acquired (if it is positive) or what sum was consumed (if negative).


  • Salaries of personnel
    While calculating what salary you can offer to a player (coach), you should first look at your weekly income.  Personnel's salary shouldn't exceed weekly income. Only when a club has enough savings (current amount of money), it can allow itself to have negative weekly balance (but money have to be sufficient at least till the end of the season). In the beginning it is very important not to let your weekly balance be negative. Only later, when there is enough savings, money can be spent according to different strategies (of course, having in mind that club may go bankrupt).
  • Weekly salaries' table shouldn't be used for planning expenses. Limits that are not allowed to be exceeded are given in the table. However, these restrictions do not guarantee that your club will not go bankrupt!
    • Maximum sum for personnel's salaries - the maximum sum that is allowed to spend for personnel's salaries. If a club is in lower than the 1st international tournament's division, it is calculated according to weekly sum given by sponsors and club's savings (current amount of money). Clubs that managed to reach the 1st division of the international tournament are considered as experienced and capable of planning club's finances, so that it doesn't go bankrupt. Therefore the limit is more loose and does not restrict finances so much. As well, max allowed sum is a bit increased when user gets a higher rank. If any club is near to bankruptcy, max sum for personnel's salaries is equal to the sum given by sponsors.
    • Personnel's salaries now - sum that is paid for personnel's salaries each week.
    • Sum of offered salaries - total sum of salaries offered in the market. It includes all club's offers in the market that are still being considered.
    • Maximum sum allowed to spend - the sum that is allowed to spend for personnel's salaries. However, the manager himself has to follow club's financial situation and decide what additional sum can be spent for personnel's salaries.
    • The sum of players' salaries is also restricted by international league:
      • Minimum sum of players' salaries - minimum sum that a club must spend on players' salaries. This restriction doesn't allow clubs to be inactive and encourages to reach for some results in their leagues. Even if players salaries' sum is lower than the restriction, club still has to pay minimum allowed sum every week. So, clubs that decided to save money still have to find the best available players for minimum salaries' sum.
      • Maximum sum of players' salaries - maximum sum that is recommended to spend for players' salaries. If club exceeds this restriction, his opponents have no chances to compete. Therefore, clubs that have big savings are encouraged not to spend all savings at once  but to regard the level of other league's clubs. If players salaries' sum exceeds this restriction, every week club has to pay a fine, which is equal to the difference between salaries' sum and maximum allowed sum.

Procedure of bankruptcy

Record updated: 2020-09-26 15:11

Sometimes managers fail to calculate and plan their financial strategy. When all savings are exhausted, a process of bankruptcy is started.
When procedure of bankruptcy is started, club can not raise the sum of players' salaries - make offers in the market or raise salaries by trading players.

Procedure of bankruptcy is executed on Saturday nights.

1st stage: club's current amount of money is < 0 Eu.

  • Sectors' financing (popularity, image, personnel) are set to 0.
  • Club's popularity, image, personnel's opinion and number of fans decreases.

2nd stage: club's debt (in current amount of money) is bigger than the sum received from international league's sponsor (minimum 20 000 Eu). 

  • The most expensive player leaves the club. Weekly salary is paid.
  • All coaches, except the cheapest (lowest salary) one, leave the club. Their weekly salaries are paid.
  • Club's image, popularity and personnel's opinion go to the lowest limit.
  • Big amount of fans leave the club.

Sectors' financing

Record updated: 2018-06-07 19:26

Every club has to take care of its popularity, image and personnel - some money has to be invested in these sectors. When planning finances, manager has to determine the sum that the club wants to invest in each sector:

Image sector - Image experts try to emphasize all the good aspects of your team. They can help you create an image of a solid team, which helps when signing and prolonging contracts with players (coaches). As well, good image helps attracting more 'common' spectators to team's matches.
Investment in this sector helps increasing team's image. The bigger investment - the faster image will improve.

Popularity sector - popular teams attract more people who want to visit their matches. As well they are more interesting to sponsors. According to club's popularity sponsors decide how big benefit they will get from cooperation with your club and give corresponding offers. The bigger popularity club has in international league, the bigger offers are given by the sponsors.
Team's popularity depends a lot on team's performance. Investment in this sector can help increasing team's popularity faster or compensating poor performance. 

When determining investment in this sector, it is important to consider the fact that popularity has to be gained in each international league separately. A club that ascends from lower division at first has small popularity (a club that descends from upper division has quite big popularity). If club stays in its league only one season, better popularity will attract more visitors to its matches but it won't help to get better sponsors' offers in a new league next season.
In the beginning of each season popularity points are recalculated in each league. Popularity points are allocated so that the distance between adjacent positions in popularity ranking would be equal. It is important not how many popularity points a club has but which place it takes in popularity ranking.

Personnel sector - salary is not all that club's personnel need. They also require care from managers of the club. Money assigned to the personnel can be used very differently: taking care of their social requests, entertainment, etc. When player feels well in the club, his opinion about the club gets better and he is more willing to prolong the contract. Even other players (in the market) tend to choose club where current players' opinion is better. If few clubs offered similar salaries, player will choose the one with the best atmosphere (current players' opinion).
Investments in this sector help improving opinion of team's players that have the worst opinion about your club. The bigger sum is invested, the more (or the faster) players' opinions can be improved.

Friendly matches

Record updated: 2021-02-17 17:18

Friendly matches are of a few types: usual friendly matches and additional friendly matches.

Usual friendly matches

These friendly matches are played on free days from leagues’ matches. Teams have to agree upon playing these friendly matches at least one day in advance. When the teams agree to play a friendly match, the system automatically selects time for it and puts it into the schedule.

Opponent can be found in a few ways:
- Offer friendly match to a particular club (in club's description page or friendly matches page)
- Offer match to any club in the game - the system will find another club (that also wants to play friendly matches) to play with
- Offer match to a club of similar strength - the system will try to find another club that is of similar strength to your team and also wants to play with a club of similar strength. The match will be arranged and put into schedule.

Friendly matches are displayed in club's schedule. Offers received are displayed in friendly matches page (Matches - Friendly matches). Club is also informed about received friendly match offer over club's news.

During these friendly matches players improve and get tired similarly to not very important official match.

Friendly matches take place in arena selected by Home team. The profit (match income - arena rent) from friendly match is divided by both teams.

Additional friendly matches

These matches may be played even if there is another match  (league's or friendly) scheduled on the same day. It is like “theoretic match” for practicing.

Additional matches can be of two types:
- Played with testing match engine (newly created). These matches are meant for testing new engine and getting acquainted with it. After each match engine's update these matches are available for all users on the determined day(s). Users that are actively testing the new match engine and reporting the noticed problems may get longer period for playing additional testing matches.
  If users notice some mismatch while watching these testing matches, they should inform administration about it. This way before starting to use the new engine in official matches, it will be improved and problems will be solved.
- Played with the main match engine (that is used in leagues' matches). These matches are meant for experimenting with team's players and tactics.

In Matches->Additional matches page opponents for additional matches can be found, as well as offers of additional friendly matches can be accepted, rejected or canceled.

After each update in testing engine:
   - A separate topic will be created in the forum - about the changes made in this version of testing engine.
   - Information about updates of the testing engine will be given ONLY in the appointed topic in forum (when working on the testing engine, it will be updated often)
   - After each update in testing match engine users will be given a day or few to play additional testing matches.

The beginning of additional matches:
  * Additional matches are put into schedule 1 hour later than the agreement to play additional match is done.
  * Additional matches (even if they are already put into schedule) can start only when both teams have set individual tactics for this match. If at least one of the teams doesn't have individual tactics set, the beginning of the match is postponed for 1 hour. If individual tactics is not set, the beginning of the match can be postponed few times. If one or both teams do not set individual tactics for a few days, the match is played using standard tactics.

In the end of the season all information about played additional matches is deleted for ever.

Tickets to additional matches are free. Additional matches don't have any influence on players' injuries, tiredness, training or experience.

It is possible to play additional match with teams made from the same club's players. For example, Main team can play additional friendly match against Youth team - in this case manager can divide all club's players (from Youth and Main teams) into two teams. 
If both teams can select the same player (Main team playing against Youth or National team against the team of its players), he will be able to play only in one of them! Therefore in such cases tactics should be indicated so that the player is selected only by one team. Otherwise one of teams may lack players and new bad RT players will be assigned to a team (to reach the required minimum 7 players).

Languages in the game

Record updated: 2016-01-07 19:57
The game is available in a few languages and the number of them is constantly growing.

The system of translation allows users to help translating the game and improve current languages or include new ones. Translating the game is pretty simple and anyone who knows the language can contribute to inclusion/improvement of it.

Users can help improving currently available languages by informing about mistakes in translation. In the bottom of each page, there is a link to inform administration about translation mistakes noticed in it.

The first step of becoming translator is clicking on Translation meniu item. Choose your language and get started. Translators are given short phrases that are not translated yet; and they have to suggest most suitable translation.
If language is not in the list yet, user can suggest including a new language that he will be able to help translating.

If short phrases don't frighten, later the user can become the moderator of the language. Moderators have to keep order in texts, constantly translate and update longer texts.

Users who contribute most to the translation of the game are awarded with credits.

Everyone is welcome to join the team of translators and include/improve languages!

Leagues - International

Record updated: 2016-04-10 15:17

Almost all clubs participate in the international tournament. They are distributed into international leagues. It may be so, that newly registered user will not participate in any international tournament for the first season. At the end of season team will be assigned to some international league.

Leagues are arranged in a "triangle" principle; where every league has two minor leagues. For example, 1.1 league has minor leagues 2.1 and 2.2 and each of them has their minor leagues (2.1 has 3.1 and 3.2; 2.2 has 3.3 and 3.4)

The higher league a club is in, the more money it gets from sponsors, and the bigger income it gets from matches.

There are 32 teams in each league.

Teams in Standings table are sorted by wins/losses and +/- rate of head-to-head matches (in case of same number of victories). Remember that technical loss is worse than a common loss (2 points for victory, 1 for loss, 0 for technical loss). Therefore a team that has a technical loss in the standings can be beneath the teams with bigger number of victories.

How is the rate of head-to-head matches calculated? Example, when three teams have the same number of victories:

Team1 - Team2 : 72-70
Team1 - Team3 : 60-70
Team2 - Team3 : 0-0 (haven't played yet)

In this case the results are: Team1 = 2-10 = -8; Team2 = -2 + 0 = -2; Team3 = 10 + 0 = 10

Therefore, Team3 will get the highest place, Team2 will go afterwards and Team1 will be the last.


After the finals clubs get prizes for the place taken in the league. The higher place is taken, the bigger prize is given. Not all league's teams get prizes.The first club in the league gets sum that is similar to the weekly sum of money got from the league sponsor.

Limit of foreign players

There is no limit of foreigners in international leagues' matches. Even all players registered for international leagues' matches may be foreigners.


Regular season

Teams are distributed into 4 groups with 8 teams in each.

Every team plays two matches with every other group's team. Clubs are ordered by points got for match results. Win is equal to 2 points, loss - 1 point, technical loss - 0 points.


TOP 16

Four best teams from each regular season's group go to TOP 16. 2 new groups are formed with 8 teams in each.

After the regular season, 16 best teams go into 8 hats for the draw (according to the number of wins and points difference). Then the teams are randomly selected for the 2 groups - each group has one team from each hat. Every team plays 2 matches with every other group's team.

Last 4 teams from each regular season's group are also divided into 2 groups for LAST 16. The structure is the same as in TOP 16, only that teams are fighting for 17-32 places. 


Four best teams from each of TOP 16 groups go to play-offs and play series till 2 victories. 1st team in group is coupled with 4th team from another group; 2nd team - with 3rd team from another group.

Analogically teams that took 5-8 places in 2nd round's groups are coupled and play series till 2 victories.

Teams that are fighting for 17-32 places are also coupled in the same way and play until specific place is known. All series are played till 2 victories.


The winners of play-offs go to semifinals and play series till 3 victories. The winners go to the final and fight for the title of the champion. Teams play until 3 victories in the final.

Bronze medal series is also played until 3 victories.

Three best teams ascend to the superior league.

Six last teams in the league (27-32) descend to the minor league.


Special invitation to the league

Sometimes clubs are closed and at the end of the season their places are taken by lower division's active clubs that didn't manage to ascend to upper division.

On 50th day of the season, the queue of teams for these vacant places is made. At first all active clubs from lower division are included into the queue. However team can leave the queue if it doesn't want to participate in this contest. Criteria that are used to form the queue (according to priority):

  • Place taken in the league (the best clubs are in the top)
  • User is not violating game's rules
  • Free money owned by the club (so that club could adapt easier in higher league)
  • Gold Premium Package
Users can also invest some amount of credits to improve their place in the queue. In this case if user doesn't get special invitation, credits are returned.

In the beginning the queue is only for orientation because place taken in the league is not known yet. It gets more accurate when the end of the season is approaching.

The queue is updated once a day.

Leagues - National

Record updated: 2023-02-24 16:49

Every team participates in the tournament of its country. All teams are distributed into leagues.

The leagues are arranged in a "triangle" principle where every league has two minor leagues. For example, 1.1 league has minor leagues 2.1 and 2.2 and each of them has their minor leagues (2.1 has 3.1 and 3.2; 2.2 has 3.3 and 3.4)

The higher league a club is in, the more money the club gets from sponsors, and the bigger prizes for achievements in the end of season.

There are 12 teams in each league.

Teams in Standings table are sorted by wins/losses and +/- rate of inter-matches (in case of same number of wins). Remember that technical loss is worse than a common loss (2 points for win, 1 for loss, 0 for technical loss). Therefore a team that has a technical loss in the standings can be beneath the teams with bigger number of wins.

How is the rate of inter-matches calculated? Example, when three teams have same number of wins:

Team1 - Team2 : 72-70
Team1 - Team3 : 60-70
Team2 - Team3 : 0-0 (haven't played yet)

In this case the results are: Team1 = 2-10 = -8; Team2 = -2 + 0 = -2; Team3 = 10 + 0 = 10

Therefore, Team3 will get the highest place, Team2 will go afterwards and Team1 will be the last.


After the finals clubs get prizes for the place taken in the league. Prizes are given for clubs that took 1-8 places. The higher place is taken, the bigger prize is given.

Limit of foreigners

Maximum 6 foreigners can be registered for the match of the national league. If you set more foreigners in tactics, only the allowed number will be registered for the match. Be careful because 7 players is the minimum that can be registered for the match (if some of the foreigners are automatically rejected due to the limit, the number of registered players may be too little!) If there aren't 7 players available to play, the team will get a technical loss.


The winner turns out after the regular season and play-offs.

Regular season

Teams are divided into 2 groups with 6 teams in each. Every team plays two matches with every other group's team. Clubs are ordered by points got for match results. Win is equal to 2 points, loss - 1 point, technical loss - 0 points.

After the regular season is over, 4 best teams from each group go to play-offs.


Teams for play-offs are coupled this way: 1st team plays with 4th team from another group, 2nd with 3rd (from another group). The winner of each couple is the one that gets 2 victories.

Semifinal and Final series also take place till 2 victories.

Teams that took the last 2 places in groups play 2 series for 9th-12th places (till 2 victories). 5th team plays with 6th team from another group. Winners play series for 9th place, losers - for 11th place.

Teams that got into the final of the league have a chance to ascend to the upper league.

Transitional match

1st team in the league ascends to upper league automatically (if the league has its upper league).

11th and 12th teams descend to one of the minor leagues automatically (if the league has its minor league).

After the finals, 2nd team in the league plays one transitional match with 9th or 10th team in the upper league (one of these teams is selected randomly). The match takes place in neutral arena and the winner will play in upper league next season. The loser will descend/stay in the minor league.

Special invitation to the league

Sometimes clubs are closed and at the end of the season their places are taken by lower division's active clubs that didn't manage to ascend to upper division.

On 50th day of the season, the queue of teams for these vacant places is made. At first all active clubs from lower division are included into the queue. However team can leave the queue if it doesn't want to participate in this contest. Criteria that are used to form the queue (according to priority):

  • Place taken in the league (the best clubs are in the top)
  • User is not violating game's rules
  • Free money owned by the club (so that club could adapt easier in higher league)
  • Gold Premium Package
Users can also invest some amount of credits to improve their place in the queue. In this case if user doesn't get special invitation, credits are returned.

In the beginning the queue is only for orientation because place taken in the league is not known yet. It gets more accurate when the end of the season is approaching.

The queue is updated once a day.


Record updated: 2024-10-17 15:45

Free players/coaches market

In the market you can purchase club‘s personnel. Players and coaches are not things or items (like in other games), therefore you cannot buy/sell them. You can only hire them, i.e. the player/coach signs  the contract with the club which offers the best conditions. Maximum term of the contract is 5 seasons.

Personnel (players, coaches) delivers term, during which he will accept an offer (t.= 1 day). When this term finishes, personnel will sign the contract with the club that proposed the best offer. Player’s decision time doesn't change until he gets first offer or he might disappear from the market for a while. If there is a mark [mt] is in Term column, you can hire this player/coach right away, for minimum salary.


Limited players'/coaches' market

Limited players/coaches are the ones, whose contracts will terminate at the end of this season.

In the second half of a season free players'/coaches' markets are closed and limited players'/coaches' markets are opened. Limited market is a great opportunity to get ready for the next season. These players/coaches want to get better offers for the next season. Players/coaches, purchased here, will come to your team after the current season, so do not expect to have them in your team immediately. Current club (of a player/coach) can see the salary desired by the player (determined according to offers received from other clubs). On the last day, when other clubs can not make offers, the current owner can sign contract for the player's desired salary.

No. of offers indicates the number of offers the player/coach has.
Day - the day till which you can make an offer. You have to make your offer BEFORE the indicated day begins, because on that day only the OWNER of the team, to which the player now belongs, will be able to make an offer. He will be able to sign a contract on conditions desired by the player/coach (outweigh other offers). On the indicated day the player/coach will not be shown in the marketplace (will be shown only for the owner). You will be able to find out if the player/coach chose your club, on the next day after the one, indicated in Day column.

Choose Show those who have made up their mind (in the top of limited players' market page) to see which players/coaches chose your offer, which club each player/coach chose and what salary he will get next season.

Players/coaches purchased here will show up in your team's roster after the end of limited market (63rd day of the season).


Player's decision

You have to remember that sometimes a player can choose an offer with lower salary. A player makes his decision according to a few factors:

  • offered salary (influences most),
  • the image of the club,
  • personnel's sector,
  • the country of the club (player prefers the clubs from his native country),
  • players from scouts give advantage to their first clubs,
  • limited players prefer their current clubs a bit more than others (only in limited players' market).
Each player/coach has his minimum required salary (displayed in player's/coach's description page). If no club offers equal or bigger salary, player/coach ends his career (old stars will rather end career than play for minor salary; young players also have minimum limit that can keep them playing basketball).


Record updated: 2009-11-14 02:31

The matches are played between two teams and their players. Matches are available to watch live (during the match press on current result). After the match ends you can see its statistics. Also you can get additional information, for example: how many spectators watched the game in the arena, how many dunks were made and etc.

The result of the match is determined by many factors, but the most important are these: players and tactic chosen for the game. Also important: coaches, a little bit of luck, psychology of your players and many more.

Match results are shown after they end. The beginning of the match is shown in the schedule and the match lasts for 1-2 hours.

At least 7 players must be registered for the match; otherwise your team will get a technical loss.

Tactics' management

Record updated: 2012-07-20 14:31

At first, every user has one set of tactics that is saved under the name First. It is usually not perfect, therefore every manager should analyze his players and choose which players should be in the starting lineup and which in reserve, who will play more offensively and who - more defensively. Also manager has to indicate one or more positions that each team's player should play in. In the team tactics' section, manager has to indicate how team's players should play as a team.

The tactics of a match are divided into three groups: Players' setup, players' positions and team's tactics. Do not forget to always press Approve button before moving on to other section.


First of all you need to decide which players you will send to the playing-field (you need at least 7, but maximum 12 players).

You can also indicate how they should play. You can decide how often they should throw two pointers or three pointers, as well as if they should play defensive or offensive.


In the position setup you can assign each player three positions that he can play in. According to these assigned positions the player substitutions take place during the match. However you have to remember that all the players cannot play in all the positions.

Team tactics

In the team tactics you have to indicate which offensive or defensive tactics to use, pace of the match and other team's settings.

Tactics management:

Premium users can have more than one set of tactics in the game.  Sometimes it is handy to have few sets of tactics: for example, separate tactics could let team's youngest players play more time, meanwhile some of the main players could rest a bit. This set of tactics could be used playing against weak opponents or in friendly matches.

In order to create a new set of tactics, press Create new button. Write a name for the tactics in the pop up window, and press Save. You have now made a new set of tactics, that at the moment is identical to your First. Therefore you need to edit list of players and the way they are going to play. Do not forget to save the changes, by pressing the button Approve.

That is it - you now have a couple of tactics that are ready for use. Default tactics is used in matches that don't have individually selected tactics in the Schedule. In order to set tactics for particular match, go to Schedule and click on the Tactics' column.


Record updated: 2020-10-17 00:44

Every club can use services of scouts (menu section Scouts). Scouts can be sent to look for new talents for your team. Settings when sending scouts for search:

  • what you are looking for: a coach or a player.
  • financing of talent's search. Financing of 0 Eu can be selected but the bigger financing, the bigger chances to find a good talent. A good talent may be found with low financing, too, but chances are much lower.
  • desired age and position of the player. The younger talent you are looking for, the less accurate you can predict his final position. The expected positions:
    • Center - C or PF
    • Forward - SF
    • Guard - PG or SG
  • type of skills' potentials - desired type of player. According to the selected type, scouts will find a player (coach) with corresponding skills.

Higher type of basketball school a little increases chances to find a better player. Looking for talents without any filtering criteria also a bit increases chances to find a better player.

Scouts can be sent for search once a day. When scouts present the report, manager has to make decision if he wants to hire the talent until the end of the day. Afterwards the system will automatically delete the report and a new search for talents may be ordered.

If a player found by scouts is young enough (<= 18 y.), he can be invited to basketball school (no salary) or to the main team. If the player is younger than 16 y., he can be invited only to basketball school.

All coaches and players, found by the scouts, will always want to prolong a contract with your team. Talents found by the scouts will be easier to keep in the team than the ones purchased in the market.

Draft points

Using scouts brings Draft points for the club. If scouts found a player (coach) that is not good enough (and he wasn't hired), the club receives Draft points. The bigger sum was invested for the talent's search, the more Draft points will be received.


Record updated: 2014-07-20 01:41

The main income for the club comes from sponsors.

Every team has 5 sponsors - two big-share (takes 55% of all club advertisement space and 25%), two small-share (each takes 10%) and an international league's sponsor. The bigger share of the club advertisement a sponsor takes, the more important he is because he gives more money. League's sponsor does not take any share of the club's advertisement - it is a donation for its clubs.

Sponsors give offers according to club's popularity in international league. The higher popularity of the club is, the bigger value each advertisement percent has.

If a club has free space for advertisements, offers from sponsors are displayed in Sponsors - Offers page. Every night offers are renewed. So, it has to be decided whether to accept an offer or not within a day. At the time of renewal not accepted offers are deleted and new offers are given.

Considerable income for the clubs comes from the leagues. Leagues' sponsors assign a certain amount of money for each club that is participating in it. The higher division the league is in, the more money it gives to its teams. All clubs that are in the same tournament and same division get the same sum of money from the league.


Term of the contracts

Term of leagues' sponsors is 1 season. In the end of the season leagues' sponsors sign new contracts with its clubs.

When signing contracts with common sponsors (big-share and small-share), the term is determined. Term means that the sponsor will support the club for the determined number of seasons if the club doesn't change its international league. On the last night of the season contracts are reviewed and cancelled:

  • contracts with the clubs that changed international leagues;
  • terminated contracts.

When the contracts are cancelled, sponsors start giving new offers. So, if the club doesn't want to loose the first payment, it should sign the contract on the 1st week of the new season, before financial operations take place.

Note. When the team ascends to upper division, common sponsors (big-share and small-share) do not give much better offers - they are usually similar or lower. Newly ascended team at first is not popular in this league therefore sponsors do not offer much. If club's popularity in the lower division was one of the best, its sponsors may have given better offers.

When ascending to upper division, total income will be bigger due to league's sponsor and income from the matches.

Tactics for Matches

Record updated: 2010-08-19 09:45

It is impossible to describe precisely the way that engine acts. Here, just like in reality, every action in the court depends on lots of factors and a little fortune. Therefore precise results are impossible to tell.

Tactics' influence on the course of the match is described in sub items of this section. Match engine is continually updated, therefore sometimes this description might be not absolutely fresh. We will try to update this section as often as possible.


Updated on: 2010-08-19

Players' positions

Record updated: 2024-10-03 14:17

In players positions' page players that should play are selected and recommendations for their playing time are given. The list of all team's players is displayed in tactics' page.
The first 5 players are the Starting players - each position must have one player next to it (1st - starting PG, 2nd - starting SG, 3rd - starting SF, 4th - starting PF, 5th - starting C). The first positions of Starting players are preset and can't be changed (so, you need to move (exchange) the desired Starting PG player into the 1st position in list - PG's position). Second and third positions can be selected additionally (advanced settings).
6-th - 12th players are the bench players. They can be listed in any order and 1st (additionally 2nd and 3rd) positions have to be selected for each player.
Maximum 12 players can be registered for the match. Minimum 7 players must be registered for the match, though it is recommended to register more players.
Usually, it is enough to register 10 players for the match, though in some cases it would be useful to have 12:

  • when players make fouls quickly;
  • when a few overtimes take place.

If a team has more foreign players than the foreign players' limit, not all of them can play in national league’s matches. If you want to ensure that the desired foreign players would play in the match (and foreign players’ limit will not be exceeded):
1. Move the excess foreign players to the end of list in Tactics page. When players that will play in match are selected, the first foreign players will be registered (foreign players in starting five, then if there still is space 6th player, 7th player...)
2. Next to unnecessary foreign players (in the end of list) select “DNP” as Recommended time. In this case message informing that foreign players’ limit was exceeded will not be sent.

Position 1 - the main player’s position, in which player should play the majority of his time. When substituting a player, at first player with the required first position is searched for.

Position 2 - additional position that player can play almost same well as in the main position. When substituting a player and no player with the required first position is available, player with the required second position is searched for.

Position 3 - position where player can play under the necessity. When substitution is not obligatory, player with the required 3rd position is not searched for. If substitution is obligatory (due to recommended playing time or situation in court) and no players with the required 1st or 2nd position are available, player with the required 3rd position is searched for. If such player is not available either, player that can play in adjacent position is searched for (following the same priorities).

Every player has his own primary position where the player himself likes to play. Primary position is determined according to player's height and skills. This position may change if player's height grows or some skills improve.
This primary position is displayed in player‘s page, trades’ page and elsewhere. But this does not mean that he can not play in other positions. Players can play same well in their primary positions and in adjacent positions. For example, SG position player can play same well in PG or SF positions.
Club's manager can choose which position player should play in his team. However, be careful when assigning players to other positions - consider player’s height and skills.

Three positions may be assigned to every player. These settings determine in which positions and how much time player will play. According to these settings substitutions are made during matches.

These abbreviations are used to describe players' positions:
   PG – point guard
   SG – shooting guard
   SF – small forward
   PF – power forward
   C – center

How substitutions are made

Let’s say, that there is a need to substitute PF that is on court.

  1. Coach is searching for substitution by players' number in tactic. He starts from the top and goes down. First he is looking for a player whose first assigned position is PF, and who is not on court at the moment.
  2. If there is no such player with PF assigned in the first position, he is trying to look for a player who has a second position assigned as PF (from top to the bottom as in previous variant).
  3. If substitution is obligatory and there are no available players with 1st and 2nd positions, he searches for the player with third position assigned as PF (from top to the bottom as in previous variants).
  4. If the substitution is not necessary, then the player that was intended to be changed stays on court. If the substitution is necessary (i.e. player has 5 personal fouls) the coach looks at the roster again and picks the first available player with adjacent position.

IMPORTANT! Be aware and have a few players that could fill in the possible free positions on court during the game. If the necessary player is not found, then another position's player will be let in to court.

The following situation might happen:

  • C on court can play as PF, too
  • PF on court committed 5th foul and is forced to leave the court
  • There are no PF position players on the bench
  • Available adjacent position's player is sent to play as PF. If there is none, any player is sent to court but the C on court won't be moved to play as PF.

So it is very important to assign more than one position. Some of users are afraid to do so, as they think that their bench players will get too much time on court. In this case only 1st and 3rd positions may be indicated - players will substitute to his 3rd position only if it is obligatory substitution.

When looking for substitution, player may not be let to court if player's role is "important" and he has already collected a lot of fouls (according to the time passed).

Player’s role - describes player’s importance in team (whether he is wanted to play in the end of matches or only to pursue his individual tasks).

Important - this setting should be set for 5 players with different 1st positions that should play in the end of matches.
+ Player is put into court in the end of matches
+ If player collects fouls quickly, he is substituted out in order to save him for the end of match
- Due to saving for the end of match player can play much less time than was expected
- When player is late in defence, he intentionally fouls only if it is his first foul. Thus sometimes opponent can find it easier to score.
- If player already has 4 fouls, he defends worse (trying to avoid fouling out)

+ Player is not substituted out due to the number of collected fouls
- If player already has 4 fouls, he defends worse (trying to avoid fouling out)

Not important
+ Player is not substituted out due to the number of collected fouls
+ Player keeps defending same intensively even when he already has 4 fouls
- If player collects fouls quickly, his playing time can be very short
Recommended time - how many minutes each player should spend in court during match. The whole match time has to be allocated for players - how many minutes you want each player to play (sum of all players' minutes has to be: 40min * 5 players = 200 min).
Option “DNP” (Do Not Play) has to be selected if you want that player wouldn’t be substituted to court in any case

It is impossible to allocate time exactly as set and players won't spend exactly the recommended time in court. However, the coach will try to respect the recommendations and follow the indicated plan.

Players' tactics

Record updated: 2016-01-07 20:52
In players' tactics page manager can indicate each player's playing style in offence and in defence, also how often player should shoot from each distance.

Offence - the style of offence that player should prefer (however, he will also use other offensive elements)

Passive - player doesn’t take initiative in offence. 
+ Usually makes only safe passes, which helps to avoid turnovers
+ Gets less tired
- Gets less involved in offence - gets less passes, takes less shots. Therefore  it is easier for opponents to defend.

Normal - usual style of offence when no particular style is preferred.
+ Uses various elements of offence
- Using various elements player may not get the most from his advantages

Play making - player tries to make good situations for teammates' attacks rather than attacking himself. Especially important skills are passing and offence IQ, also experience.
+ Makes sharp passes more often, thus can create good situations for teammates to attack
+ When making drives to the basket, player passes the ball more often than shoots himself
- Sometimes sharp passes can result in turnovers (especially when player doesn’t have proper skills)

Aggressive - player pays most attention to driving to the basket. In order to be good at it, player especially needs good dribbling and speed skills.
+ Often makes drives to the basket (it can be followed by lay-up or pass to free teammate)
+ Bigger chances to draw opponent’s foul in defence (if player has proper skills)
- Gets tired a bit quicker
- During a drive to the basket there are bigger chances to make turnovers or get foul in offence

Shooter - player keeps further from the basket. Especially important skills are accuracy from mid-range and from 3 point line but other skills are also important so that player could get into proper situation for shooting.
+ Player attempts to get into proper situations for shooting from mid-range or 3 point line as often as possible.
+ Player quicker decides to make shot when being in proper situation
- Rarely makes passes that can help teammates to get into good situation

Leader - when attack is coming to an end other players try to find leader and pass the ball to him (however, leader may be guarded well and the ball may not reach him). All the rest time player uses various elements in offence.
+ Makes crucial shots
- If opponents are guarding well, attack may not be finished successfully

In the low post - usually keeps near to the basket. Especially important skills are jump, toughness and accuracy from close-range, also height.
+ Often makes proper situations for shooting from close-range
+ A bit better chances to fight for rebounds
- Avoids driving to the basket or shooting from long-distance

Defence - the style of defence that player should use.

Loose - player doesn’t pay much attention to defense. 
+ Much smaller chances to make foul in defence
+ Player gets less tired
- It is easier for opponent to make drives to the basket and get into good situation for shot
- Defence against shots is much weaker

Normal - it is the usual type of defence. Player won't overdo in defense but it also won’t be loose.

Tight - aggressive form of defense. 
+ More difficult for opponent to find a good chance to shoot
+ Defence against shots is better
+ More chances to draw opponent’s offensive foul
+ More chances to steal the ball. 
- Player gets tired quicker.
- Bigger chances to make fouls in defence

Double - the nearest teammate will come to help the defending player. 
+ Even more difficult for opponent to attack than against tight defence
+ More chances to steal the ball
- Player gets a bit more tired than when using Normal defence
- If player in offence manages to pass the ball, his teammates may be left free and attack from good situation.

Close range 2PT shots - in what situations player should shoot from close-range.
Mid range 2PT shots - in what situations player should shoot from mid-range.
3PT shots - in what situations player should shoot from 3 point line.
Automatic - player will decide how often he can shoot from this distance according to his skills
Necessary only - player will shoot only if shot clock is running out
In good situations - player will only shoot if situation is very good
In average situations - player will shoot if situation is average or better
Whenever possible -  player will shoot whenever he has a chance to do it - even if the situation is quite complicated (but not impossible!)

Factors that determine whether the player will shoot or continue the attack:
  • time left till the end of the period/attack;
  • situation that player is in;
  • player's settings in tactics (how often he should shoot);
  • other minor details.
Sometimes player with setting "Only necessary shots" can still take quite a few shots - when there is no other choice (shot clock is running out). And sometimes player with setting “Whenever possible” can take very few shots - if he is defended very intensely and has no chances to shoot (players can shoot from very bad situations only in the end of attack).
The other important factor for shots’ frequency is team’s tactics. If team’s offence is set “On big men”, they will have the ball much more often than guards, thus they will probably also take more shots.

Team's tactics

Record updated: 2022-08-27 23:26

Tactics for the particular match should be chosen considering opponent’s playing style. You can try to find out your opponent’s playing style by watching his matches live or following matches’ chronology. One can also find a lot of information in the page of Teams’ statistics, where shots' stats is provided. Therefore you can see if your opponent more likes to play in the low post or attack from 3 points' line.

It is recommended to choose tactics of team’s offence and defence for every match. Team tactics may have considerable impact on match’s result.
Team tactics of the opponent may be guessed by analyzing his match chronology and statistics.

Defense focus
Indicates which players to pressure more in defense. It will be more difficult to create good shooting situations for these players. But at the same time other players will have more space, so they will have more chances to have better situations.
  • Leader by skills
Team increases its defense on the two best players in court - by skills that are used when driving and shooting skills from all positions (2C, 2M and 3).
  • Leader by points
Increases defense on the two best players in court by scored points.
  • Shooters
Increases defense on shooters. The effect is mostly visible in three-point range, especially for the best two shooters on court (by skills required for shooting). However, shooters have more chances to penetrate towards the basket. 
  • Playmakers
Increases pressure on the opponent’s PG or other players that have the “playmaker” role.
  • Low post
Increases defense against shooting from the low post area.

Offence focus
Indicates which players get the ball most frequently. However, this setting doesn't guarantee big number of shots! How frequent player will make shots depends on: player's tactics settings, opponents tactics' settings and skills of players (how often player will get into good enough situation to shoot).
  • Normal
No position is given priority. Other tactical settings determine how the team plays.
  • Guards
Players often try to pass the ball to guards (PG, SG positions' players).
  • Shooters
Players often try to pass the ball to players that can shoot 3-pointers.
  • Low-post
Players often try to pass the ball to players that can play in the low post.


Fast - players get tired quickly. It also makes opponents a bit more tired, too. The chance to make mistakes also increases with fast pace. However, it allows players to reach the other side of the court more quickly and start the attack more quickly. With fast pace, passes are made quicker, so there are more chances to create a good situation for shooting.

Slow - players get tired much slower. However, attacks take a lot of time and often a good chance for shooting may not appear. In this case, there are less risky or hurried passes, therefore the number of mistakes is also smaller.

Normal pace is the middle between fast and slow.


Full court press

How often a team will try using full court press. Using it:
  • increases tiredness
  • increases chances of opponent's turnover
  • increases chances to make a fast break


Fast breaks

Determine how often your team should run fast breaks, trying to score easy points.

This setting influences tiredness of all players - in defence and in offence:

  • Normally - both teams get tired a bit faster
  • Often - both teams get tired much faster

Tiredness depends not on the number of fast breaks made but on the setting that was followed.

The number of fast breaks depends not only on this setting:

  • The biggest chances to make fast breaks are after stolen ball
  • Sometimes they may take place after rebound in defence (especially if opponent players are fighting for rebounds with settings "Hard" or "Maximum")

Usually fast breaks are made by guards. So, smaller and faster players have more chances to create good situations for fast breaks by outrunning opponents.


How often the team should use Isolation.

  • All players back away and leave the best player to play 1 on 1.
  • When playing 1 on 1 player may shoot 3-pointer or make a drive.

Early offence
How often the team should use Early offence.

  • Team fastly moves from defense to offense
  • Opportunities to shoot from good or average situations appear in the first half of attack
  • Considerably increases players’ tiredness (especially players' in offense)
  • If shot is not made in the first half of attack, later players use regular offense (regarding other tactical settings)
  • Chances to attack successfully are a bit smaller in second half of attack


Fighting for offensive rebounds

Manager can determine how hard players should fight for rebounds in offence.

Characteristics of harder/lighter fighting:

  • increases/decreases chances to get a rebound in offence
  • decreases/increases chances to defend from fast breaks
  • increases/decreases chances to make foul when struggling for rebound
  • increases/decreases players’ tiredness

Additional settings for the end of match

Make fouls when leading by: +1

Whether to make tactical foul in the end of match if your team is leading by 1 point.

Make fouls when leading by: +2

Whether to make tactical foul in the end of match if your team is leading by 2 points.

Make fouls when leading by: +3

Whether to make tactical foul in the end of match if your team is leading by 3 points.

Make fouls when losing by minimum points difference

Whether to make tactical foul in the end of match if your team is loosing by few points (one foul is enough to eliminate points difference).

Make fouls when losing by small points difference

Whether to make tactical foul in the end of match if your team is loosing by points difference that could be eliminated by few tactical fouls.

Use pressing before making tactical fouls

Before making fouls, team will try to use pressing and steal the ball.
In this case chances to steal the ball appear. However, if attempts to steal the ball fail, team looses few more important seconds.

On last attack when it is 0-3 points difference

Indicates what team should do in the last attack when it is loosing by 0-3 points difference.
"Make shot in the last seconds" - consume time and make a shot in the last seconds.
"Make shot as soon as possible" - smaller chances to lose the ball. In case of inaccurate shot the team can still fight for rebound.

Minimum required points difference

Usually teams fight for victory and make various tactical decisions in order to achieve it. Sometimes team needs not just victory but some particular points difference.
According to this tactical setting in the end of the match team will make such tactical decisions that would allow to achieve the indicated points difference.

Note: This setting can be indicated only in tactics of individual match.

Fast breaks

Determine how often your team should run fast breaks, trying to score easy points.

This setting influences tiredness of all players - in defence and in offence:

  • Normally - both teams get tired a bit faster
  • Often - both teams get tired much faster

Tiredness depends not on the number of fast breaks made but on the setting that was followed.

The number of fast breaks depends not only on this setting:

  • The biggest chances to make fast breaks are after stolen ball
  • Sometimes they may take place after rebound in defence (especially if opponent players are fighting for rebounds with settings "Hard" or "Maximum")

Usually fast breaks are made by guards. So, smaller and faster players have more chances to create good situations for fast breaks by outrunning opponents.

Tournaments - National teams

Record updated: 2020-06-17 16:53
Twice in a season different age groups' tournaments take place. Every second season it is either U16 and U21, or U18 and Men's tournaments.
National teams' tournaments are based on additional matches. They may take place on the same time as a match in official league (national or international). Playing in National team doesn't affect player's training or injuries.

Manager of the team

On the first week of the season users can suggest themselves as candidates. Running as candidate is also available later (till the beginning of the tournament) but it costs more credits. Whether candidate becomes manager of National team or not, credits paid for becoming a candidate are not returned.
The same user can be a candidate to few National teams but will be able to manage only one National team in each age category. If candidate is voted to manage few teams, he will manage the one that is higher in strength ranking.

On the second week all country's users, that have paper rank or higher, can vote for the chosen candidate to manage the National team. Vote can be given for only one candidate in each category (vote may be changed during the voting week).

Criteria for selecting the manager of national team are:
  1. Number of votes
  2. Sum invested in implementation of game's features (Credits - Investment in game)
  3. Higher user's rank
  4. Earlier date of registration in the game.

*** Warning: Candidates can not spam country's users promoting to vote for them. All arguments and discussions are welcome in candidate's speech and press conferences below it.

Manager can:
  • choose assistant - another user that can also fully participate in management of the National team
  • select 20 players that will participate in preparation phase (skills of the selected players are displayed)
  • later select only 12 players (from the previously selected 20) that will play for the National team
  • select 3 coaches that will lead the National team
  • if there is need, National team can play preseason matches based on additional friendly matches
  • set team’s tactics
National team's coaches
One coach can train only one national team in a season. So, managers of country’s national teams should communicate and agree which coach should work with the younger team and which with the older team.
Foreign coaches for training national teams may be selected using credits 5 days after national teams’ managers are elected (starting on 19th day of season). So, if country's managers confirm rosters of the national teams early, they can avoid country’s coaches going to train other countries’ national teams.
Foreign coach can be hired after team's roster is already selected.  It can be done using a link in coach's description page (if coach does not train any national team yet). The price of hiring foreign coach depends on his tactical skills - the better coach, the bigger price.

System of the tournament

All age groups' tournaments may consist of few divisions (the number of them depends on activness of countries' users and strength of countries' players). 
Every division's tournament takes place in some particular country. This country’s team has a better atmosphere. Hosting countries are selected according to country users’ activeness, growth, support and contribution to game’s development.

Each division has one league with 24 teams.

1st round. Teams play in 4 groups of 6 teams in each. 1 match is played with each group's team (5 matches). Teams in Standings table are sorted by wins/losses and +/- rate of head-to-head matches (in case of same number of victories). 3 best teams go to the next round.

2nd round. After the 1st round, 12 best teams go into 6 hats for the draw (according to the number of wins and points difference). Then the teams are randomly selected for the 2 groups - each group has one team from each hat. Teams play in 2 groups of 6 teams in each. 1 match is played with each group's team (5 matches). Teams in Standings table are sorted by wins/losses and +/- rate of head-to-head matches (in case of same number of victories). 4 best teams go to the next round.

Quarter finals. Teams are paired this way: 1st (in one group) - 4th (in another group), 2nd (in one group) - 3rd (in another group). Teams that win 1 match go to the next round.
Semi finals. Teams are paired so that 1st place winners can meet each other only in the Final. Teams that win 1 match go to the next round.
Final. The winner of the Final is the winner of the tournament.

  • In each tournament 4 teams are awarded: gold, silver, bronze winners and the biggest surprize (according to the strength ranking and the final position)
  • Popularity of the best tournament’s players increases. Also, popularity increases for players that played in the winner teams.
  • Managers that lead national teams to win prizes in the highest divisions of U21 and Men tournaments are awarded with some amount of credits.
  • 4 best teams in 2nd and lower divisions ascend to the upper division.


Record updated: 2024-07-11 14:33

Players and coaches can be trained to increase their skills and experience. Training takes place and reports are presented every day.

Training reports present the current values of skills and changes in skills of that day. Improvement points show how much skill increased or decreased.
In order to reach different skill's value, different number of improvement points is required. The bigger skill's value is reached for, the more improvement points are required. For example, it requires considerably less improvement points to improve skill from "3" to "4" than to improve skill from "4" to "5", etc.
The required number of improvement points to reach some particular skill's value may be identified by observing training results.
Training report for PREMIUM users additionally informs when skills, experience or RT changes to higher (or lower) value. Also it is possible to review training report of some past day of the season.

Players' training

Players' skills and experience is changing with age. Young players' skills increase, old players' (>= 30 years) skills decrease. You can indicate which skills you want to improve for each player (coach). At the same time one player (coach) can improve one particular skill (for example, speed), group of similar skills (for example, accuracy) or make regular training, where one randomly selected skill is improved day after day. When using regular training, it is a bit more effective to compare with training the same skill selected manually.

Player's improvement depends on many criteria:

  • age - the younger the player is, the faster he improves. 14-19 year-old players improve at the highest speed (same improvement speed of all). 20-29 year-old players improve slower with each further year. Players of 30 years-old and over do not improve - their skills start decreasing (the older, the faster)
  • general player's potential - the bigger potential, the faster player improves.
  • potential of particular skill - the bigger potential of that skill is, the faster this skill improves (to compare with other skills of that player). Player can have bigger potential for some skills and smaller - for the others (for example, the skill of Speed may improve much faster than the skill of Passing). 
    Value of skill's potential can be from -50% to +100%. It shows percentage by which skill improves slower or faster than it would improve depending only on the other criteria (age, coaches, playing time...)
    Skills' potentials are not visible. They can be anticipated by observing training results or using scouts' analysis.
  • coaches - their training skills are important during the exercises: athletic skills, offence, defense, accuracy. All coaches take part in training players and they supplement each other. Each skill is exercised by the coach that has the best training skill of that skills' group.
    If team doesn't have coaches, it also has bad influence on players' training speed.
  • playing time and opponent - the more time the player spends in court, the more experience he gains and the faster his skills improve. When the player plays against stronger opponent, he improves faster;
  • bad player's shape decreases training effectiveness. Training bring the best result when player is in Excellent shape. Shape can be adjusted by changing playing time in court.
  • perfect player's health a little increases training effectiveness.

Players that don't have club or belong to a bot club do not improve.

Player's shape works like a long-term tiredness and depends on player's tiredness in that day's match. During training player's shape moves a bit towards "Excellent shape".
For example, if player was a bit tired in a match, his shape may fully recover in that day's training. If player was very tired in a match, it may require a few days to recover. If player is very tired one match after another, it takes even more days to recover.
In the beginning of every season players come back after some holiday and their shape is usually "Almost prepared" (unless they were "Not prepared" even in the end of the season)
Possible values of shape and recommendations:

  •  Not prepared - increase playing time;
  •  Almost prepared - increase playing time;
  •  Excellent preparation;
  •  Tired - decrease playing time;
  •  Very tired - decrease playing time.

Every player has a separate Health skill and its potential (indicates how good player is at maintaining good health). Player's health gets worse due to bigger age and injuries. When health skill is lower than 80%, chances to get injured emerge. The worse player's health is (smaller percentage), the bigger chances are to get injured. During training, instead of improving some skill, player's health can be improved - by participating in rehabilitation programs and fortifying health.
Also bad health can encourage players to end their career.

Skills for players' of 30 years and over start decreasing. Skills degradation speed depends on player's health, type of skill, potential of skill, current value of skill, player's age and player's shape. The older and worse health the player is, the faster his skills decrease.
These older players can also be trained by setting training type. The trained skill decreases slower or in rare cases may even improve.

Skills can decrease up to these limits:

  • speed, jumping - minimum 5 (if skill's potential is average)
  • health - 5%
  • offence IQ, defense IQ - skills do not decrease
  • other skills - minimum 7
The above mentioned limits are minimum if player's potential for that skill is average. If skill's potential is bigger - minimum limit is also bigger, if skill's potential is smaller - minimum limit is also smaller.

In the end of every season health skill of all 29 year-old and over players decreases by approximately 10%.

Basketball school's talents are trained the same way as all other club's players. Talents' experience grows a little every day.


Coaches' training

Club's coaches can also be trained. Manager can choose which skill should be improved.

Coaches' improvement speed depends on:

  • coach age - the younger the coach is, the faster he improves
    • <50 y. - main improvement of coaches
    • 50-59 y. - improve a little or stop improving
    • >=60 y. - don’t improve anymore.
  • coach potential - the bigger potential, the faster coach improves.
  • skill's potential - the bigger potential of the skill is, the faster this skill improves (compared with other skills of that coach).
  • coach position and other coaches
    • head coach - tactical skills of the opponent coach (in today’s match)
    • assistant and player development coach - head coach's RT and head coach's skill (that is being trained)

Improvement jumps

Record updated: 2024-09-05 10:05
In the end of every season players may get improvement jumps (explosive improvement). In this case player’s potential decreases and skills increase. Players’ skills increase on the same extent as training effectiveness decreases due to smaller potential.
Whether player had improvement jumps or not, he will have similar RT when he is 30 year-old. However, due to improvement jumps he may reach high RT much earlier.

Jumps occur depending on player’s performance in international or youth league. Player can get improvement jump only on these conditions: 
1. player’s potential is >=5 and age <=27 years
2. in a season played at least 25 matches in his present (if league changed this season) international league (or 55 matches in youth league)
3. averagely played at least 15 minutes
4. player’s RT is smaller or equal to league players’ RT average
5. average player’s ranking in matches is 0 or bigger
6. average player’s +/- rating is -5 or bigger

Extent of the jump depends on the difference between his RT and league’s RT average. It determines how much potential will decrease and how many training points will be received.

Coaches can get improvement jump as well. It can occur only to head coaches that manage to win matches and that have lower tactical skills than league's average. The other criteria are not disclosed.

When improvement jump occurs, club’s manager has 2 days (63rd and 1st day of seasons) to select which player’s skills should increase. If manager doesn’t do it during the determined period, improvement jump doesn’t occur. Training points can be allocated only by the owner of the club which had contract with player that season and only if player stays in the same club for the next season
Training points for players that received improvement jumps can be allocated following the link sent in the private message informing about the jump or the link in player’s description page.

When assigning training points to the desired skills it should be noted that skills’ potentials also have influence on extent of the increase.
For example, if 100 training points are assigned to improve “Jumping” (with skill’s potential +10%), it will increase by 110 points. If 100 training points are assigned to improve skill with its potential -10%, it will increase by 90 points.

Users' ranks

Record updated: 2013-08-13 00:41
Rank shows experience and achievements of  a user. Thus visitor of club’s description page can know how experienced the club’s manager is.

As user’s rank is getting higher, some new features may become available, some limitations may become looser.
The higher user’s rank is, the looser is limitation of maximum sum allowed for salaries. More experienced users manage to plan their team’s finances better, therefore they are given a bit more freedom in disposing club’s money.

Paper rank

Minimum criteria:
User is in the game for more than 1 season.
User is active and comes to visit his team quite often.

User with paper rank can establish basketball school.

Wooden rank

Minimum criteria:
User is in the game for more than 3 seasons.
Team has played at least one full season in 6th division of International tournament
User is active and comes to visit his team quite often.

Bronze rank

Minimum criteria:
User is in the game for more than 8 seasons.
Team has played at least one full season in 5th division of International tournament
User is active and comes to visit his team quite often.

Silver rank

Minimum criteria:
User is in the game for more than 15 seasons.
Team has played at least one full season in 3rd division of International tournament
User is active and comes to visit his team quite often.

Golden rank

Minimum criteria:
User is in the game for more than 22 seasons.
Team has played at least one full season in 2nd division of International tournament
User is active and comes to visit his team quite often.

Platinum rank

Minimum criteria:
User is in the game for more than 30 season.
Team has played at least one full season in 1st division of International tournament
User is active and comes to visit his team quite often.

When rank changes, depending on the acquired rank, user is given certain amount of credits.

Youth teams

Record updated: 2024-03-15 12:47
Youth teams can help a club to raise players for the Main team. It is a place where young and potential players can get enough playing time and fastly improve.
Players of 16-29 year-old can play in Youth team.

Establishment of Youth team

A club can establish Youth team when it satisfies these criteria:
  • plays in 1-4 division of International tournament
  • has at least 14 players of >=16 year-old (including basketball school)
  • has at least 2 coaches
  • has at least 150 000 Eu of free money (establishing fee is 100 000 Eu)
If a club fulfills 3 last criteria but plays in lower than 4th division of International tournament, it can establish Youth team using credits.
When a club fulfills the required criteria, a link to establish Youth team appears in club's description page. Minimum 7 players and 1 coach has to be transferred to Youth team at the moment of establishment. Transferring players and coaches during establishment is free of charge (later it may require a fee).


Finances of Youth team are strongly related with the Main team. A part of Youth team's salaries is covered by sponsors but the difference has to be refunded by the Main team.

Youth team's sponsor can cover up to 90% of player's/coach's salary. The limits concerning sponsorship:
  • Sponsor covers maximum percent of salaries only for players of 16-18 years old.
  • Sponsor covers smaller percent of older players' salaries. The older the players, the smaller percent is covered. For example, 28 year old player's salary may be covered by ~70%
  • Sponsor doesn't cover salaries for players that are good enough to play in the Main team. Full salary will be paid if player's RT is bigger than: Main team's average players' RT - 5%.
    Average players' RT is used the same that is displayed in club's description page (RT average in Rankings box). If players' salaries change but strength rankings are not yet updated, the average displayed in club's description page (strength rankings) is used - also not updated yet.
  • Sponsor doesn't cover salaries of players that have played less than 60 matches in Youth team (it doesn't apply to franchise player and players from scouts)
  • If a player has played 60-120 matches in Youth team, sponsor covers his salary according to formula: salary coverage percentage according to age - 20%  (it doesn't apply to franchise player and players from scouts)
  • If a player has played 120-180 matches in Youth team, sponsor covers his salary according to formula: salary coverage percentage according to age - 10%  (it doesn't apply to franchise player and players from scouts)
  • If a player has played more than 180 matches in Youth team, sponsor fully covers his salary according to his age (players from the market and trades).
  • Sponsor covers salaries of franchise player and players from scouts with maximum coverage percentage all the time (from the 1st match).
  • Sponsor can cover maximum 20 000 Eu of player's salary.
  • Sponsor can cover maximum 12 players' salaries. If there are more players in Youth team, salaries of randomly selected players are covered.
  • Sponsor doesn't cover salaries of coaches that are in Youth team for the 1st season (it doesn't apply to coaches from scouts)
  • If a coach has been 1 full season in Youth team (calculating from the 1st day of the season), sponsor covers his salary according to formula: maximum salary coverage percentage - 20%  (it doesn't apply coaches from scouts)
  • If a coach has been 2 full seasons in Youth team (calculating from the 1st day of the season), sponsor covers his salary according to formula: maximum salary coverage percentage - 10%  (it doesn't apply to coaches from scouts)
  • If a coach has been more than 3 full seasons in Youth team (calculating from the 1st day of the season), sponsor covers his salary with maximum percentage (coaches from the market).
  • Sponsor covers salaries of coaches from scouts all the time (from the 1st season).
  • Sponsor can cover maximum 5 000 Eu of coach's salary.
  • Sponsor can cover maximum 8 coaches' salaries. If there are more coaches in Youth team, salaries of randomly selected coaches are covered.
Transferring a coach/player between Youth and Main teams may require a fee:
  • Transferring fee is displayed in a page of transferring player (coach). Always pay attention to it - the displayed fee will be paid. If you don't understand why a fee is applied, you can consult with federation's teachers.
  • On the first day of the season, on the last day of the season (from the middle of the day) , also during establishment of a Youth team - transferring fee is not applied.
  • Once a season each player can be transferred to/from Youth team for free. Exceptions:
    • Transferring a player from Youth team to Main team requires a fee on the 1st week of the season
    • Transferring a player from Main team to Youth team requires a fee on the 5-9 weeks of the season (from the last week before limited market)
  • Transferring fee is equal to player's salary of 1 week (for players being transferred not the 1st time or during weeks mentioned above in exceptions)

Youth league

There are 8 divisions in Youth tournament.
  • On the 2nd day of the season teams are distributed into groups according to RT of their players. The strongest teams play in the 1st division.
  • If new Youth team is created in the middle of the season, it is put into the weakest league.
  • The number of teams in Youth leagues may vary.
  • The schedule is known for 2 upcoming days.
  • If opponent is found, new Youth team plays a match next day after establishment.
  • Youth teams play with other teams from their group all the season. In the end of the season champion becomes the team that has the biggest number of wins.
  • Matches take place on 2-62 days of the season.
  • Youth teams play matches in club's owned arena and average tickets. They can't be changed.
  • Maximum allowed sum of players' salaries in Youth league is 100 000 Eu. All the conditions and measures regarding this limit are the same as maximum allowed sum in International tournament.
  • The best teams in each Youth league win money prize in the end of the season. 1st division's teams are fighting for the biggest prize. Prizes in lower divisions are respectively smaller.

Advertisements in the game

Record updated: 2016-05-04 13:38
Advertisements displayed in the game are necessary to maintain the existence of the game, so that the game could keep bringing the joy to you.
If you do not want to see advertisements in the game, you can order Premium package.
The use of ad-blocking tools is forbidden.

If ad-blocking tool is installed in your browser, please configure it so that it wouldn’t block advertisements in the game’s pages.
If you are using AdBlock tool (one of the most popular), you can change configuration by clicking on AdBlock icon (in the browser) and choosing: “Don’t run on this page”. Depending on the used tool and its version, instructions how to turn off advertisements’ blocking may be a little different.

Users that are using ad-blocking tools forfeit the right to get surprise of the day. In the future more sanctions against ad-blocking in the game may be included.

We also want to remind that any kind of advertising in the game (that is not approved by the administration) is forbidden.

FAQ: general

Record updated: 2024-06-10 14:42

I bought a player from limited players' market but he doesn't appear in my team, why?
Player will only come to your team at the end of the season - on 63rd day. Teams get ready for the next season by signing contracts with players in limited players' market.

Why free players' market and trades are not available?
Free players' and coaches' market is opened on the 1st day of the season and is closed in the middle of the season (36th day of season). Then limited market is opened and is available till the end of the season.
Trading and releasing players is available only when free players' market is open.
More information about game's events may be found in help section: Date/Time of updates

In the market I offered too big salary. Can I cancel my offer?
It is possible to cancel offer given in the market UNTIL the day of decision (paid feature). It can be done in section: Marketplace - My offers.
Offers can't be cancelled on the last day before decision.

What does "Term" column in the market mean?
Player will choose the best offer (and sign contract) after the number of days indicated in "Term" column. If "Term" is [1], it means that player will choose the best offer at the end of the current day.

Why player decided to end his career unexpectedly?
Sometimes (rarely) players have to end their careers even if they are not old yet. If it happens during limited players' market, player informs the club he had chosen to play in - that he won't be able to join the team next season. After that season this player will disappear from players' lists (or may stay in some team's hall of fame as a player that ended career).
Players have to end careers unexpectedly in order to control the number of good (ex-denominative) players in the game. If a new team is created and closed quite quickly, its denominative player is removed from the game.
Also very low RT and potential players may understand that playing basketball is not for them and decide to end their careers unexpectedly (before they get old).

In advance contracts can be extended with maximum 3 players (coaches) per season. I still haven't extended 3 contracts this season. Why can't I extend any more contracts?
Contracts can be extended in advance with: franchise player, players (coaches) from scouts and one selected player (coach) that came from market (trades) (available once in 2 seasons).
1. Is the contract of your franchise player ending this season? If yes, this could be 1 of your 3 available extensions. If not - you still have 3 extensions available.
2. Have you extended contract with player (coach) that came from market or trades? This option is available once in two seasons. So, this season you may extend contract with 1 such player or with none such players (if you have already used this option last season). If you can use this option this season, you will have left 1 or 2 available extensions depending whether you extended contract with franchise player this season or not. If you can't use this option this season, you will have left 2 or 3 available extensions for the last option.
3. After using the above mentioned two options, all the left available extensions can be used for extending contracts with players (coaches) that have been found by scouts for your club. There will be at least 1 extension left for players (coaches) from scouts.
If you still have one or few available extensions but there are no players listed as available for extension - probably you have already used the first two options (or they are not available this season: franchise player and player (coach) from market (trades)) and there are no more players found by scouts with ending contracts.


Why player doesn't appear in training?
When player changes team (market, trades, lending), he appears in training report 1 day later.

Why player is not in Excellent shape?
Shape is like a long-term tiredness. Everyday it moves towards Excellent shape. However, if player got very tired in today's match, it may take a few days to recover. Also, he may have not recovered from earlier matches. A player may be Not prepared, if he doesn't get enough playing time.
If player is Tired, you need to give him less playing time or you may need to give him a free day in order to get some more rest.
If player is Not prepared, you need to give him more playing time.


What does maximum sum available for personnel's salaries mean?
It shows the maximum amount that club can spend for salaries (players' and coaches'). It helps clubs to evaluate their financial situation but doesn't ensure that club won't go bankrupt. It is not recommended to spend this whole sum for salaries. Club's manager should observe that expenses do not exceed income.

Why is sum for renting arena displayed in 'predicted balance' section if I do not rent any arena?
Predicted balance displays club's anticipated income and expenses in the remaining part of the season. This prediction is not accurate because there may be unforeseen income/expenses.
When predicting income from matches, it is calculated approximately - how much club would get playing with average price tickets and in arena of appropriate size according to interested spectators. It means that this amount of income will be received if the predicted sum is spent on rent of arenas. If club decides not to rent arena, it will not pay money on renting arenas but will receive smaller income from matches (because some interested visitors won't get tickets in small home arena).

Why Youth team player's salary is not covered by sponsors?
There are various conditions that have to be fulfilled in order to get salary covered. All these conditions are listed in help: https://www.basketpulse.com/en/Pagalba-sarasas.htm#hlpanc_5068ae33ecb86
The list is quite big and managers often forget to check all items. Most often managers do not pay attention to these points:
  • "Sponsor doesn't cover salaries for players that are good enough to play in the Main team. Full salary will be paid if player's RT is bigger than: Main team's average players' RT - 5%." Team's RT average is displayed in club's description page
  • If there were some changes in the Main team's roster, its RT average may have changed. Or oppositely, the rankings haven't been updated at the time of paying players' salaries.
    "Average players' RT is used the same that is displayed in club's description page (RT average (with mouse over) in strength rankings, not team's strength). If players' salaries change but strength rankings are not yet updated, the average displayed in club's description page (strength rankings) is used - also not updated yet."
  • Salaries' coverage in Youth team may have not been recalculated yet. So, you have to wait until it is done and check afterwards. Time of this event (and also other's) may be found here: https://www.basketpulse.com/en/Pagrindinis-diena.htm


Why scouts often find very bad players?
There are not so many true talents that they could be found everyday for every club. Increasing scouts' financing increases chances to find a better talent but doesn't guarantee it (having spent certain amount on unsuccessful scouts' searches, guaranteed player will be found. More information about it may be found in help). True talents can also be found with 0 Eu financing but chances are smaller.

Why scouts find 14-15 year old player when I'm looking for older player?
If scouts are sent to find 16-17 year old player, they look for a player of this age. If scouts find a decent player (5 potential or higher), they present the found player for the team.
If the player is of very low potential and club has basketball school, scouts don't display report about the found 16-17 year old player and make additional search for player of 14-15 year old. Whatever scouts find during the second search, the result is displayed. In this case, scouts give second chance and make 2 searches.
If club doesn't have basketball school, scouts always show the result of the first search - if it is perspective or low potential (2-4) player.


Can I change my player's position?
Yes, first and alternative positions can be indicated in Tactics-Positions section.

How can I register players for the match?
It can be done In Tactics-Tactics section. Manager can select which players should start the match and which should substitute them later.

How can I make my player a captain?
It can be done in player's description page. It is a paid feature. 

What does the red color in players skills' page mean?
Players marked in red can't be registered for the match on that day. They might be injured or they may have come to the team recently. The reason is written in player's description page.


What are the criteria of defining standings in groups?
1) Number of victories
2) Number of victories in head-to-head matches
3) +/- points difference ratio in head-to-head matches (among the teams in tiebreaker)
4) Points scored in head-to-head matches
5) +/- points difference ratio in all group's matches
6) Team that was created earlier

What are the criteria of determining home advantage in play-offs and finals (National and International leagues)?
Home advantage is determined according to results of previous round:
1) Place taken in group
2) Number of victories
3) +/- points difference ratio in group's matches
4) Team that was created earlier


Why I can't expand my arena?
Arenas can't be rebuild. Currently clubs can not own bigger arenas.
Clubs can rent as many arenas of desired size as they need.

Can I cancel contract with sponsor?
No, it is not possible. Contract with sponsor expires after its term ends or when club changes international league.

How long is the season? When does it start?
Season is 63 days long and it begins on the 1st day (comes after 63rd day of the previous season)

How can I ascend to higher division?
International tournament: https://www.basketpulse.com/en/Pagalba-sarasas.htm#hlpanc_2077
National tournament: https://www.basketpulse.com/en/Pagalba-sarasas.htm#hlpanc_2059

Why do I see this message in Trades (Lending) page: “Both teams are using the same computer/IP. “
The system automatically identifies teams that at least sometimes use the same IP address. 
It may be that users used the same public network - for example, in library, at school or at university.
Also sometimes mobile network providers give the same IP addresses to different users. 
This is an automatic system and sometimes the two users may not be related. Though the system doesn’t work perfectly, it considerably reduces the number of unfair trades. Therefore it is necessary and must be followed.

Today's 'MVP and TOP 5 players' are not selected in league's page. Outdated information in 'MVP and TOP 5 of the day' section.
Players from matches where one team smashed the other team are not considered for MVP or TOP 5 of the day. Even if the player was very good in court, he won't be selected for the TOP 5 (the team played against very weak team). Players to MVP and TOP 5 of the day are selected only from matches where point difference is equal or less than 30.
In leagues where all matches ended with big point difference (between the winner and the loser), TOP 5 and MVP of the day may be not selected at all and it may last for quite a long time. Usually such situation may occur in leagues with few active teams.

I try to change team's jerseys but the changes are not saved. What should I do?
Sometimes some users do not manage to save the new jerseys. In this case there are two ways:
1. Try changing and saving jerseys in other browsers.
2. Frequently save changes: change few elements (for example, colours) and save the jerseys. Click on Change jerseys (in Club's description page), make a few more changes and save again. Continue this procedure until jerseys are finished.
If you didn't manage to change jerseys in one day, write a letter to administration and we will be able to give you one more day for making the changes.

How is the RT average calculated in Team description page?
RT average is calculated from the 9 best team's players. If team has less than 9 players, the missing players are calculated as 0 RT.

FAQ: match engine

Record updated: 2021-02-17 15:34
Why THIS happened in my match?
Very often we receive questions and complaints about match engine or tactics. In order to answer these questions specifically, we need to analyze match in details and consume a lot of time. Unfortunately, we can not devote all our time and answer all these questions. Therefore we won't answer to such questions.
Questions that are unclear to a lot of users are answered in help section or this FAQ section. Please read them first of all.
If you want to understand better how match engine works, it is recommended to read topics in forum about match engine’s testing. There we try to answer questions that arise for testers.

Why shot quality is sometimes bad even in excellent situation?
Shot quality depends on various factors (shot situation, tiredness, tactics, etc.) Most frequent reasons:
  • Tiredness
  • Tactics - maybe the opponent is using tight or double defence. Team defence also has influence on shot quality.
  • Various relaxation factors. For example, when team is winning by big points difference or if player missed a lot of shots he is naturally gets less attention.
  • Number of fouls. For example, player with 4 fouls tries to play safely.
Why players spend different time on court than indicated in tactics?
The difference is very small (few minutes) when tactics are set logically and players don’t collect fouls too fast. If difference is bigger, pay attention to:
  • are the 1st positions for starting five players set correctly (1 player for each position)
  • do every position’s players get 40 minutes playing time in total
  • are your players changed the way you want. If player plays in few positions, there is no way to set how many minutes he has to play in which position. Therefore sometimes player may play in one of positions longer and in other position shorter than you expected. Thus in the end some players do not get enough playing time. If team has 10 players, changes can be adjusted as wanted. However, if team has only 8 players, some problems changing players may arise.
  • starting five players go to court in the beginning of each quarter and stay there for some time. Therefore, if starting players are indicated little playing time, they may play more minutes.
How substituting player is selected? How 1st, 2nd, 3rd positions indicated in tactics work?
When looking for substitution, primarily players’ first positions are considered. If player with the required first position has already played too long, a player with the required second position may be chosen. If team has enough players, in order to make players play the recommended time in his best position, manager may choose not to indicate second positions for players. In this case player’s main position could be indicated as first and player’s reserved position - as third.
If substitution is not obligatory, substituting player is searched with corresponding 1st or 2nd position (in priority order).
If substitution is made to follow the recommended playing time (partially obligatory), substituting player is searched with corresponding 1st, 2nd or 3rd position (in priority order).
If substitution is obligatory, substituting player is searched with corresponding 1st, 2nd or 3rd position (in priority order). If available player is not found, respectively player of adjacent position is searched.

Why player makes few shots even with shooting setting: “Whenever possible”?
The main reasons could be:
  • player rarely gets the ball. For example, if team’s offence is “On guards”, big player gets the ball much rarer than guards. Therefore he has less chances to shoot.
  • other players manage to find opportunity to shoot earlier. In this case, other players could be indicated less frequent shooting settings in tactics.
  • even when shooting setting is “Whenever possible”, player won’t shoot if he is fully defended. He still needs situation sufficient to make a shot.
If team’s offence is set “On big men” (or on other link), why they still make only few shots?
The main reasons could be:
  • Shooting frequency settings are too low. Even if player gets a lot of passes, he won’t shoot until he is in good enough situation.
  • Other players manage to find opportunity to shoot earlier. In this case, other players could be indicated less frequent shooting settings in tactics.
  • Player won’t shoot if he is fully defended. He still needs situation sufficient to make a shot.
Why the indicated method of team’s defence doesn’t work?
Correctly chosen tactics of team’s defence helps players to stay near their opponents. However, even with correctly chosen tactics it may be impossible to defend successfully if players’ skills are low.
It is recommended to pay attention to “Players skills’ ratio” displayed in match chronology, next to shots. If this ratio is in favor of opponent in offence, it is probably worth to think about improving defensive skills.

Why player with shot frequency set to “Necessary only” still makes some shots?
In this case you should pay attention to shot clock when the shot was made. Usually, such players have to shoot at the end of attack time disregarding their shot frequency settings. If such situations are quite often, you should try to ensure that other players shoot earlier during attack (increase shot frequency settings, increase pace, improve offensive skills).
Also, the number of such situations could be decreased if there is a player with role "Leader" in court.

Why my team, even being better, gets less rebounds?
In this case you should pay attention to: 
  • rebounding skills of small players. In order to be good in rebounding it is not enough to have only big players with good rebounding skills.
  • tactics selected for the match. Some of the tactics help getting more rebounds.
  • rebounds in offence (not total number) is important when analyzing rebounding. Sometimes one of teams simply miss more shots, thus there are more opportunities to get defensive rebound. Sometimes users complain about lost fight in rebounds but actually it appears to be equal or even won (according to rebounds in offence).
What is the influence of player’s height?
  • It is easier for tall players to fight for rebounds and play close to the basket.
  • Tall players have smaller chances to be blocked.
  • Smaller player can start moving and change moving direction quicker. It may be difficult for tall player to defend smaller and quicker player.
  • The smaller player, the easier it is for him to dribble. Tall guards may often score more points but also make more turnovers.
  • Smaller and quicker players can start a fast break quicker. So, if team has tall guards, their speed should be bigger.
  • Taller players are able to fight better for position near the basket. Smaller player needs bigger toughness skill to fight with tall player.
  • The bigger difference is between players’ height, the bigger difference is between their speed and toughness.
  • A Small player can jump higher than a tall player. A tall player needs a better jumping skill in order to jump AS WELL AS a smaller player.
How to find out the reasons of loss?
In order to find out the reasons you will have to analyze your match in details. Sometimes the problems may be found quickly but sometimes it may require much more time. Pay attention to:
  • Tiredness - maybe one team is more tired than the other. Especially pay attention to players with tiredness 80-100%
  • Teams’ strength - maybe opponent is simply stronger? Strength rating may sometimes mislead, especially if team is playing with small number of players.
  • Head coaches - maybe opponent’s coach is much better in tactics (or you even don’t have a head coach)
  • Try to identify opponent’s tactics
  • Try to analyze players’ statistics - maybe one of the players played very bad. Pay attention to: +/- ratio, ranking, turnovers.
  • Try to analyze bad ranges during the match - maybe weak or tired players played at that time.
  • Try to analyze shooting situations - maybe the ball doesn’t move well and players have to shoot from bad positions.
Why players didn’t make tactical foul in the end of match, though it was indicated so in tactics?
It takes some time (1-5 s) until players manage to “catch” an opponent and make a foul.
Same period of time is additionally needed if tactics indicate to “use pressing before making fouls”.
Another possible cause - team’s players may have collected a lot of fouls and only 5 players can play in court (others have already fouled out).

Does “Contesting shots” skill influence only the amount of blocks? What is the influence of "Defence IQ"?
“Contesting shots” skill shows how good a player is at disturbing opponent to shoot. Even if shot couldn’t be blocked, player with good "Contesting shots" skill still aggravate chances to attack successfully. Influence may be seen in players skills’ ratio displayed next to each shot in match chronology.
Similar situation is with "Defence IQ" skill, which may help to steal the ball. However, even if player didn’t steal the ball, he may have disturbed making a fine pass or intervened dribbling (including during drives to the basket).
Also it should be noted that there is always more than one skill important. Each action during match is determined regarding few related skills.

Why opponents shoot 3-pointers well even against man-to-man defence?
When using man-to-man defence players are rarely left free near 3-point line. However, man-to-man defence itself does not guarantee that opponents won’t be able to shoot 3-pointers successfully. Defensive players’ skills also have big influence. Quite often teams choose not to invest in purchasing players that will be good at defence. Poor players’ defesive skills may let opponents to shoot with good accuracy percentage even against man-to-man defence.
Sometimes managers pay attention only to percentage of accurate shots and ignore the number of total shots. The effect of man-to-man defence may be not only worse accuracy but also smaller number of 3-point shots (depending on tactics of team in offence).

Why match was played not according to my set tactics? Why starting players were different?
This may happen due to three reasons:
1) Quite often users make changes not in that tactics which is used during the match. Often users forget that they have set individual tactics for the match - not the standard tactics was used. Sometimes users inadvertently set individual tactics for the match (instead of using standard). Also sometimes users think that they made changes in standard tactics though they actually did it in individual match’s tactics.
2) Sometimes users save changes in tactics too late. If matches scheduled on that time have already been started to simulate, changes in tactics are not available (even if that match hasn’t started yet)
3) Sometimes managers set positions for starting players incorrectly. Also sometimes users do not notice that there are injured players or that foreign players’ limit is exceeded.
Before the beginning of every match the used tactics is saved, thus Premium users can always check what tactics was used in the match.

Changelog of Match engine

Record updated: 2024-05-20 09:48
All changes of the Match engine are logged below. Starting version: 1.1.1
The version of the match engine can be found in Match statistics page, in the box of the main information about the match.

The testing Match engine is used in National leagues' matches (versions marked with '-b'). 
All other matches are played using the main Match engine. 

- In low atmosphere matches, there's a slight decrease in home court-related events, while there's a slight increase in the event count for high atmosphere matches.
- Reduced invisible coaches influence towards players actions

- Attempt to fix the bug where sometimes a pass to leader didn't work

- New version released. All testing Match engine updates included (1.7-b.1)

- Cleaning the floor event should occur only in the first half of the attack
- Coach Psychology Events occur Only with Negative Shooting Quality or Skill Ratio
- Pick&roll balancing, a bit more often ballhandler will pass the ball to the screener.
- Pass that leads to a shooting foul and afterwards scoring from the free throws line will be counted as an assist (according to FIBA rules)
- Amount of passes to SF players reduced a bit
- Maximum number of lucky rebounds has been reduced
- To help managers understand the situation better, we have restored the event: "Offensive rebound because the player wasn't boxed out." This will be displayed when an offensive rebound occurred because the defending team failed to box out opponents.

- Bug fix: Resolved an issue where the team advanced to the frontcourt without spending any time at all. These situations occurred after the event "fast break was halted due to tiredness".

- Fixed a bug where, after an offensive rebound during a fast break, the ball went to the other side of the court.

- Increased SF players’ involvement in the offense. We noticed that SF players had been scoring less points than players of all other positions, therefore we have increased the amount of passes received by SF players.
- Players with bad dribbling often made turnovers in the fast breaks, even in perfect situations. Now, if that happens, they won't rush into fast breaks for the rest of the match.
- Added fast break turnovers to the failed fast break statistics on the after-match information page.
- Fixed the 8-second violation bug, which incorrectly displayed the wrong team name in the event text.
- Reduced the number of events: "due to good preparation of defending team's coaches attack wasn't finished with shot"
- Resolved the bug where a fast break in the last attack resulted in a shot from the other side of the court, even with ample time remaining.
- Adjusted home court events, distributing them more evenly throughout the entire match instead of being concentrated in the first half.
- Shortened the duration of early attacks, and positional attacks will now start a bit sooner.

- New version released. All testing Match engine updates included (1.5-b.1)

- Home court advantage increased.
- Several new events related to home court advantage have been added, thus reducing the home court's impact on free throw percentage.
- Reduced the "relaxation due to big points difference factor"
- Consuming time at the end of matches will now be 1-2 seconds shorter, thus giving more time for leaders to make passes and shots.
- Fixed a bug that some events in the end of match were missing in play-by-play. For example, a player let the ball go out of bounds, which occurred in the last seconds of the game when a shot was blocked, resulting in an attack clock violation.
- Maximum number of 8-second violations reduced by more than half.
- Fixed a few other small bugs.

- Bug fix: at the end of the quarter (1-3) when defending team is using full court press, sometimes team in offence used to shoot from another side of the court (even when they had enough time to organize an attack)

- New version released. All testing Match engine updates included (1.4-b.1 - 1.4-b.4)

Bug fix: Fixed wrong homecourt influence in national tournaments' matches

-A bit decreased chances to get a foul when using loose defense
-A bit decreased chance to get a foul in the low post when using low post focus defense
-Bug fix: offensive rebound after a blocked shot should not reset the shot clock 
-Bug fix: multiple events occurring in the same second after an inbound pass
-Bug fix: wrong “close-range shots” statistics in the match summary page
-A bit increased defense focus effect on avoiding creation of good shooting situations
-Reduced the amount of fouls, created due to home arena
-Give negative bonus when C is playing as PG (and vice-versa)
-Increased negative effect when player is playing in unfamiliar position (for example, PG is playing in SF/PF or C) 
-Lucky shots will be counted only when the shot has a negative skill ratio and negative shooting quality (vice versa with unlucky shots). 
-Increased effectiveness of full court press
-No lucky/unlucky shots in the final attack
-Fix a bug where a player does not shoot after a pick and roll even when the tactics allow it
-Free throws accuracy was a bit increased

-Improved last quarter attack scenarios

Bug fix: Fixed missing back court inbounding scenarios in the 4th quarter and overtimes.

Bug fix: Fixed missing back court inbounding scenarios in the 4th quarter and overtimes.

-Bug fix: wrong player with the ball after event “gained a loose ball”
-Rebound calibration:
--More chances to get defensive rebound despite criteria
--A bit increased chances for rebound, when Defence Focus or Offence Focus is low post.
--A bit decreased committed fouls influence when fighting for defensive rebounds.
--In close range usually bigger players are fighting for rebound. However we reduced this effect for “distant rebound”

- In the last attack the ball goes to the point guard - in order to have better chances to avoid losing it in case of pressure.

- New version released. All testing Match engine updates included (1.3-b.1 - 1.3-b.5)

- Bug fix: after a free throw, rebound usually goes to C or PF, with little chances to grab the ball for SF.
- Rebounds calibration - more often C/PF position players will fight for rebounds.
- Set plays will be done by a bigger range of players.
- After an offensive rebound, shot clock should be reset to 14s, even when there were more than 14s remaining.
- In the last attack sometimes teams started an early attack, therefore the defined tactics did not work.
- Reduced amount of turnovers significantly reduced the influence of dribbling skill. In order to compensate for that, we increased the influence of dribbling skill towards creating a better shooting situation.
- Increased possibility to repeat a shot straight after an offensive rebound.
- More often a fight for rebounds will take place in a close range. 
- Decreased shooting effectiveness from the three point range. Consequently, increased shooting effectiveness from the close range.

Pick&Roll updates:
- More information added to events
- Additional balancing. Pick&Roll is more effective when the ball handler and screen player can shoot from multiple positions.

Bug fix: two passes to the same person in a row (without any other event) when advancing to frontcourt

- New event: “Player is trying to inbound the ball”
- At the end of the quarter the ball was passed to PG or SG. Sometimes that led to situations when the final attack was organized by SG who is not great in dribbling or shooting. Now the player will be selected more carefully regarding skills and tactical settings. 
- Reduced amount of turnovers when passing

- Home team will have some home court advantage even with 0% atmosphere.
- Deflections and steals adjustments:
— one event instead of two displayed in Play-by-play when deflection was done by kicking the ball. 
— reduced the number of deflections.  
— steal after deflection should be granted to the player who deflected the ball (not to the player who caught the ball)
— new event: The team wants to avoid deflections and will try to be more careful this period 
— new event: The team wants to avoid steals from opponents and will try to be more careful this period
– New limit included - how many more points one team can get from lucky shots (accurate/missed) compared to the opponent team.

- New version released. All testing Match engine updates included (1.2.0-b.1 - 1.2.0-b.11)
- Bug fix: attack time violation repeats second time;
- Bug fix: full court press influence towards player's tiredness will depend also on playing time. It used to be the same for all players despite how much minutes they played;
- Increased home court influence;
- Included a safeguard for a player so that he cannot miss more than 30% of his shots due to being unlucky. The limit is applied for each shooting position (close/mid-range/three).


- Bug fix: shot attempted after buzzer event cannot be before the buzzer

- Bug fix: shot clock should be reset to 14s when the ball hits the rim after a missed shot.

- Bug fix: rebound should take at least one second. 

- Significantly increased the amount of deflections
- More deflections are expected when the team tries to pass the ball to the post (when the team uses 'low post' defense focus). Similarly, the effect increased for these types of defense focus: playmakers, leader by skills and leader by points.
- Bug fix: IQ influence in set plays have been reduced. It used to be a lot higher than intended. That way other criteria (such as defensive tactics) were smaller than intended. 
As set plays occur almost every attack, this update significantly changes situations after set plays and the overall outcome. We expect that more balancing will be needed in this area. 

- Significantly decreased the 'random' factor in events of offensive fouls while driving
- Until now when player was 'making a drive' only his main defender used to get fouls. From now, other players will also be involved in defensive actions. Thus, others will also be able to get fouls or defend against a drive. 
- Decreased chances of getting a foul during a steal attempt. 

1.1.3 Bug fix: second chance points were not calculated and did not appeared in the after match information page
1.2.0-b.5 Bug fix: second chance points were not calculated and did not appeared in the after match information page

- A bit increased the amount of blocks
- Slightly reduced close-range shooting accuracy (especially, in good and average situations);
- Slightly reduced mid-range shooting accuracy in good situations.

1.1.2 Bug fix: player with 5 fouls continued playing in court (foul received in the end of 4th quarter) 
1.2.0-b.2 Bug fix: player with 5 fouls continued playing in court (foul received in the end of 4th quarter) 
1.2.0-b.3 Considerably increased the influence of shot situation when shooting 3-pointers

1.2.0-b.1 Free throws accuracy was a bit increased (especially for players with bad skills). However, with that we needed to remove experience influence on free throw shooting.

1.1.1 New version of the Main engine

Rules - General

Record updated: 2024-05-20 15:38

Game’s users must follow the rules stated below. The main version of the rules is in English. In case of ambiguity or inaccurate translation, English rules are applied. It is only informed about update of English version if rules are changed. English version of the rules may be found HERE.

1. Rights and duties of Users
1.1. One person can register and manage only one team! It is forbidden to register a second team, a team for friend, a team for brother, etc.
1.2. Team name can not contain any insults, filthy phrases, swear-words, words that promote violence or racial discrimination. Team name can not contain advertisement without prior agreement with administration. Full team name and it's abbreviations have to be related - so that other users could easily identify the team from it's abbreviations.
1.3. During registration user must indicate his true country if it is displayed in the list of countries. If user was born in one country and now lives in the other, it is recommended to indicate native country but country of current residence is also allowed.
1.4. If few users play the game from the same computer/IP, they (all) must indicate usernames of other users playing from the same computer/IP and connection with each of other users. Information can be provided in section "User information".
1.5. It is forbidden to use any tools of hiding or changing the real IP address. The use of VPNs is prohibited. Please connect using your genuine, non-VPN internet connection. Users will be held responsible for any cheating occurring from the used IP.
1.6. It is forbidden to use any tools of blocking advertisements. If user doesn't want to see advertisements, he can purchase PREMIUM package and turn off display of advertisements.
1.7. Rules of trades must be followed when trading players.
1.8. Rules of press conferences must be followed when writing a post in press conference.
1.9. Rules of forum must be followed when writing a post in forum.
1.10. The only allowed types of help for other users are: transferring credits and consulting. All other actions and interaction between teams must obviously represent aim to get use for your own team. It is forbidden to lose matches deliberately, make ineffective trades or help another team in any other ways.
1.11. It is forbidden to write unwanted messages (over private messages, forum, press conferences, etc.) to other users. Unwanted messages usually contain advertisements. Messages that are sent after the other user states that he doesn't want to receive any more messages (of particular content or from particular user) are also considered as unwanted.
1.12. It is forbidden to use filthy phrases, swear-words, provoke or offend other users when communicating (in press conferences, private messages, etc.)
1.13. Team's logo can not contain any political or racial hints, nakedness or porno. Logo must be neutral and not offend anybody. Logo can not contain advertisement without prior agreement with administration.
1.14. In any place of the game (press conferences, forum, private messages and other) it is forbidden to discuss any matters that are against the law (country's, international and other) - propagate illegal software, drugs, etc. It is also forbidden to use insults, filthy phrases, swear-words, words that promote violence or racial discrimination, discuss politics.
1.15. User must indicate e-mail address that is actually used by him, so that under the necessity administration could contact user over e-mail. It is forbidden to use disposable, temporary or fake e-mail address. E-mails may be sent in few cases:

  • informing about important actions related with user's activity (for example, change of important data, reminder of password, punishment for rules' violation)
  • informing about important actions related with the game
  • informing about actions related with user's club (for example, weekly newsletter that may be unsubscribed from receiving)

1.16. User commits to ensure secrecy of his log in data and not to reveal log in data to other people. User commits to ensure that no other person will use his log in data. User is fully responsible for any actions made using his log in data (by himself or other person) and for results determined by these actions.
1.17. It is forbidden to sell or exchange your team (or any other similar actions). One team may be used by only one person!
1.18. Any kind of advertising in the game (including game's forum), without prior administration's permission, is forbidden.
1.19. It is forbidden to exploit errors of the Game in order to acquire advantage against other users that do not exploit these errors. If user notices some error or incorrect behaviour, he must inform administration using forum, "Message to administration" section or sending an e-mail to administration.

2. Premium services
2.1. Payment is considered as made when middlemen send confirmation of the received payment into the Game's system.
2.2. Money paid for the services are not returned (no money back possibility).
2.3. Administration can ex-parte change the price and the features of PREMIUM packages.
2.4. Situations when some feature (including features of PREMIUM package) doesn't work correctly or doesn't work at all may occur. If user notices incorrect behaviour, he must inform administration using forum or "Message to administration" section.
2.5. Purchase of PREMIUM package doesn't allow cheating. In case of rules' violation, user can be punished according to rule: 4.5. In case of rules' violation, money is not paid back.
2.6. Holder of PREMIUM package can not violate the Rules or abuse features of PREMIUM package (for example: spam, use inappropriate phrases or pictures in press conferences or as team’s logo). Such behaviour can lead to limitation or withdrawal of the features. The list of PREMIUM features is given in section “Credits - Premium packages”. In some cases, these lists may not include all PREMIUM features.
2.7. If the Game is closed forever, BasketPulse obligates returning money for the purchased credits that are left unused.

3. Related users (that at least sometimes play from the same computer/IP)
3.1. All users playing from the same computer/IP must indicate usernames of other users that sometimes use the same computer/IP (in User Information section). Relation with each user has to be indicated, too (for example, “roommate”, “brother”, ...)
3.2. Teams, playing from the same computer/IP, can have no relations in the Game - they can not trade players (directly or using third teams), can not borrow players from each other, can not deliberately lose and etc. If few teams are playing from the same computer/IP without Premium packages, they have to follow one of the two following strategies:

  • not participate in trades and loaning
  • only one of the related teams participate in trades and loaning

3.3. When related teams are suspected of cheating, they are closed without a thorough investigation. Such cases are investigated more detailed only when ALL teams playing from the same computer/IP somehow contribute to the development of the Game (for example: active community members, publishers of the newspaper, financial supporters of the game, etc.)
3.4. When there are few teams playing from the same computer/IP, users that do not manage their teams actively can be deleted without a prior warning. If there are few people who want to play the Game from the same computer/IP, they all have to be active and there can be no relations among their teams (rule no. 3.2.)

4. Rights and duties of Administration
4.1. As long as the Game is running, administration commits improving and maintaining the Game, keeping it as stable as possible and eliminating errors.
4.2. Administration commits not to disclose personal users’ information to third parties (except cases when law enforcement officers may require some information or when the Game or a part of it is sold/transferred to another owner).
4.3. Administration has the rights to repair, update, develop and do other necessary actions in the Game without prior caution.
4.4. Due to updates or some failures the Game can be temporarily unavailable. In case of unexpected situations some part of data may be lost. Administration commits to put all possible efforts in reducing emerged inconveniences or losses.
4.5. Administration has the rights to apply sanctions with or without prior caution for violations of the Game’s rules (General rules, Rules of trades, Rules of Forum, Rules of Press Conferences) or other inappropriate behaviour that can have negative results on the Game’s stability and/or good morality. Possible sanctions: warning, fine from club’s money, subtraction of club’s points (all or a part) in league’s standings, removal of club’s players, restricting or banning some game’s features, restriction or cancellation of PREMIUM package (or some of it’s features), banning a team or user. Applied sanctions may differ depending on the violation and the previous behaviour of the user.
4.6. In cases of cheating, administration has the rights not to reveal particular indications of cheating to the user if it could affect further quality rendering of services or development of the Game.
4.7. It is forbidden to announce or discuss the received sanctions in public (forum, press conferences and elsewhere). If user has some questions, he can reply to the message informing about the sanctions.
4.8. Administration can transfer the rights and duties related with these Rules to another owner at any time without users’ consent and without prior warning.
4.9.  Administration has the rights to change the Rules of the Game ex-parte and at any time. Changes of the Rules come into effect when they are published. The user is considered to accept the new Rules if he logs into the Game after the Rules are changed. If user doesn’t accept the Rules of the Game, he loses the rights to use the Game and must close his account (section “User Information - Close account”)

5. Restriction of responsibility
5.1. User and Administration agree that Administration will do all its functions and use its rights regarding that user has given correct information. Administration is not responsible for any damage to user and/or third parties that emerged because user indicated incorrect information or didn’t update it after it has changed. 
5.2. User agrees that Administration is not responsible for faults that may appear in game’s operation and for user’s or third parties’ loss or damage due to it.
5.3. User understands and agrees that the Game and/or premium services in it are given without any guarantees from Administration. We can not guarantee that the Game will operate and premium services will be provided properly, on time, qualitatively, full extent, without any faults or that it won’t have any negative outcome for user or third parties.
5.4. User takes all responsibility for compensating any kind of loss or damage that emerged for him or third parties when using the Game and/or premium services.
5.5. User understands and agrees that virtual player’s name and surname indicated during registration or later will remain in the game regardless of further user’s actions or the fact that user stops playing the Game.


Privacy policy. Cookies

Cookies are used in the game. Cookies may contain information like: username, type of browser, used language, visitor statistics, ads targeting information and other data required for running the game.
Cookies can be deleted at anytime but due to it playing the game may become less convenient. Browser settings may be changed so that cookies are forbidden. However, in this case playing the game will be unavailable because data saved in cookies is necessary for running the game.

Rules - Press conferences

Record updated: 2019-05-15 16:33

In press conferences managers can express their opinions on various aspects related with club’s management. Therefore, press conferences’ messages have to be tidy and informative.

1. It is forbidden to use swear-words, insults and other harsh expressions.
2. It is forbidden to put links to other websites or otherwise advertise something.
3. All messages have to be somehow useful and interesting to other users.
4. Support or approval has to be expressed using corresponding button that is next to each message. It is forbidden to post short and not informative messages.
5. It is forbidden to make notes that are interesting only to yourself in press conferences.
6. It is forbidden to post press conferences in the name of another user if writing press conferences is blocked for him.
7. Messages about trades and lending players can be posted only under type "Trades". It is forbidden to make trade/lending offers in particular player's or any other type’s press conferences.
8. It is forbidden to artificially bring press conferences to top on the same day. Next day, if the post is still relevant, it can be brought to top by commenting it.
9. It is forbidden to repeat the same information in press conferences on the same day.
10. All other game’s rules are also applied in press conferences.
11. If writing press conferences is blocked due to violations of rules, it can be unblocked only on these conditions:
 - At least 1 full season has passed since it was blocked;
 - Administration has reasons to think that user will not violate the rules in the future;
 - User is somehow useful to the game. For example: important member of community, supports development of the game, contributes to popularizing the game, etc.

Rules - Trades

Record updated: 2019-07-17 22:24

Trades is an important feature of the game. Club is strengthened by players from scouts, players purchased in the market and also by trading with other clubs. To make sure that all users have equal opportunities, trades have to be controlled.

Every team has its trades restrictions' level. The higher level, the less restrictions are applied for team's trades. Restrictions for a trade are determined regarding both teams.

Players received over trades can not change team for 1 week (or more if FPC needs more time to analyze the trade).

Trades' rules that must be followed and respected by all users:

1) The main rule is that each user may only have one team – you are not allowed to have more.

2) Players' trade somehow has to benefit both teams (financially, in respect of team composition, etc).
You can trade a good but expensive player to a bit worse but cheaper player. You should not overuse this type of trade.

3) Players can be traded only to other players. Credits or other matters can not be included in a trade. For example, it is forbidden to trade a player to another player plus credits.

4) You are not allowed to just give away the “unnecessary” players to other clubs (you are not allowed to make any gifts, etc.). If you want to get rid of a player, you have to fire him.

5) All trades with a club that is bogus (a club that is about to be closed, a club that is made for “trash” storage, a club which trades are illogical, etc.) is considered to be cheating.

6) The punishments cannot be changed and will not be discussed. The club that is punished cannot say that the punishment is too harsh or unnecessary, they cannot try and prove their innocence in press conferences, etc.
Suggestions, what should be considered as OK and what should be considered as wrong, are very welcome in discussions with FPC in the second half of the season (after trades are closed). 

7) If some trade is clearly unfair, the administration keeps the right to punish the club, even though it obeys the rest of the above rules.

8) Providing false information about the player (for example: skills, experience, training information) in order to make a trade is regarded as cheating. The user that misleads is violating the rules and will be punished. However, the user that believes the false information can not expect compensation or recall of trade. When making trades users have to appeal to the information that is available in the game (approximate skills, statistics, etc.)

Do not forget a very obvious rule that applies throughout all the game:
Using defects, bugs or other mistakes in the game for your own advantage is also considered to be cheating. After noticing it, you should tell the administration about the bug, so they could fix it.

All information about players' trades is registered and archived. So if there is no single unfair trade, information can still be revised in the archives if team seems to be cheating. The club will then be harshly punished.

Privacy Policy

Record updated: 2021-02-17 15:42
General information

„basketpulse.com“ game (further in text – we, our, etc.) strives to protect personal data and clients’ privacy. Personal data is handled in compliance with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

This Privacy Policy describes how “basketpulse.com” collects and handles personal data - what information we collect, how we collect information, retention period, whom we share information with, what rights data subjects have, how to contact us regarding any personal data related questions.

Your use of this website signifies that you agree with all terms of this Privacy Policy. Please do not use this website if you disagree with any part of this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy may be modified in the future. If we make material changes to it, we will inform so that you could review the changes. If you object to any changes, you may close your account and stop using the game.

Children who are under 16 can not provide their personal data in our website. If you are younger than 16 year old, you have to get consent from your parents or guardians before providing your personal data.

How we collect your data?

Your personal data (any information that could identify you) is collected:
  • when you fill out a form yourself (for example, during registration or other forms)
  • automatically when using the website. For example, IP address is detected automatically, also browser information and data that is saved in cookies (more information about Cookies may be found below).

Data we collect and lawful bases

We collect minimum required amount of data:
  • Information about you - e-mail address, username, country, date of birth, facebook id, google e-mail address.
  • Technical data - IP addresses, browser information.
Part of this data is essential (e-mail address, username, country, IP addresses, browser information). Other data is optional but it may help you to use the game more conveniently (date of birth, facebook account, google account).

Lawful bases include your consent and “legitimate interests”.

Who we share data with?

We may share your personal data with:
  • Banks/companies that help operating payments;
  • Other responsibly selected business partners. For example, MailerLite and others. These partners can not use your data in any other ways than those described in the contract with us.
  • Law enforcement agencies;
  • Other parties when required by law or when necessary to protect our lawful interests.

How we protect your data?

There are reasonable and adequate physical, organizational and technical measures that help protecting your personal data. However, we cannot warrant total security - no website, no internet operation, no computer system or wireless connection is totally secure.

Data retention

When account in the game is fully closed, your personal data will be deleted over the upcoming 30 days.

Your rights

Depending on the situation data subject (whose personal data is handled by data controller) has these rights:
  • Right to be informed - about management of his personal data.
  • Right of access - know what personal data is held about him and how it is processed.
  • Right of rectification - in case of inaccurate or incomplete data possibility to have personal data rectified/edited.
  • Right to erasure (the right to be forgotten) - to have personal data permanently deleted upon request.
  • Right to restrict processing - block processing of personal data in case of legal reasons.
  • Right to data portability - where reasonably possible, measures to retain and reuse personal data for his own purpose.
  • Right to object - in certain circumstances, data subjects are entitled to object to their personal data being further used. 
In specific cases of legal reasons, investigations, prevention of violations or protection of rights the above mentioned data subject’s rights may not be realized. 

In order to use your rights, you can use links in the game or e-mails. You can also contact us by this e-mail: [email protected] 


In order to provide you with a better experience in the game, we use cookies.
Cookies are small data files transferred onto computers or devices by websites for record-keeping purposes and to enhance functionality. Information stored in cookies helps to ensure that you could use the main functions of the game or allows to browse the game more conveniently.
Cookies are stored on your individual device and you have full control over their use. You may deactivate or restrict the transmission of cookies by changing the settings of your web browser. Cookies that are already stored may be deleted at any time. However, if you choose to deactivate cookies, You may not be able to use the game or the system may operate worse because part of information stored in cookies is essential for game’s operation.
More information about cookies may be found here: AllAboutCookies.org 

Cookies that are used in the game:
  • Functional - necessary for providing the services. For example, user’s login information, user’s selected language, etc.
  • Statistical - helps to analyze and improve the system. For example, how long users stay in the game, how many users visit the website, which website’s pages are the most popular, etc.
  • Advertising - helps to select relevant advertisements, collects statistics about performance of advertisements, etc.

Contact information

In case of questions regarding this policy, you can contact us by e-mail: [email protected]