Credits may be purchased in the game. However, game members can achieve the highest results without investing in credits.
Time friendly
Play whenever you want. There is no need to login at a specific time, thus you can play whenever you want and spend as much time as you want.
Basketball fans' community
The majority of game members are basketball lovers. Thus you can communicate and discuss news with people who share the same hobby.
Participation in development of the game
Countries have federations in the game. Participating in their activities game members can contribute to the welfare of their country's community, as well as to the development of the game.
Possibility to have a player with your name and surname
Every team has one very perspective young player that is associated with the present and the future of the team. You may give your name and surname to this young talent.
Created in the country of basketball
The game is created in Lithuania where basketball is sport No.1 It is a place with a lot of basketball lovers and experts. It is a place where important international tournaments freeze work and life starts running again only after it all ends.
"BasketPulse is well designed in terms of team management, player training, match settings and other game features. The most important thing is that the game balance and fairness are very friendly to newbies. It is the best sport web game I have ever played."
"Basketpulse is the best strategy simulation for Basket by evidence:
1) You can create your own personal team player
2) You can train every player to get improved day by day, Coaches also
3) You have 2 different championships: National & International
4) National teams compete for the best Global National Team title in 4 different age groups
5) 2 different markets: limited & unlimited (free) for the best options"
- Hire and fire your own players and coaches.
- Manage the finances for your team.
- Formulate match strategy, providing guidelines for players and coaching on a match by match basis.
- Matches are played daily against other users teams that are aiming for the same goal as you.
It is more a marathon than a sprint, as you try to build a complete team and move up the ranks, in order to compete with (and beat) the best."
Please use the same e-mail as during registration
Privacy policy
In order to provide services we need some of your personal data, for example, e-mail address, country, username, used IP addresses. Other data is not necessary but you can provide it in order to play the game more conveniently, for example, date of birth, facebook account, google account.
Your personal data will be handled in compliance with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which aims to ensure high standards of personal data security.
More detailed information about processing of personal data in the game may be found in game’s Privacy Policy.
Your consent to process personal data can be later changed or recalled in User information section (while logged into your account).
Game members must be 16 year old or older. If you are younger than 16 year old, you have to get consent from your parents or guardians.
Game's rules
Game’s users must follow the rules stated below. The main version of the rules is in English. In case of ambiguity or inaccurate translation, English rules are applied. It is only informed about update of English version if rules are changed. English version of the rules may be found HERE.
1. Rights and duties of Users
1.1. One person can register and manage only one team! It is forbidden to register a second team, a team for friend, a team for brother, etc.
1.2. Team name can not contain any insults, filthy phrases, swear-words, words that promote violence or racial discrimination. Team name can not contain advertisement without prior agreement with administration. Full team name and it's abbreviations have to be related - so that other users could easily identify the team from it's abbreviations.
1.3. During registration user must indicate his true country if it is displayed in the list of countries. If user was born in one country and now lives in the other, it is recommended to indicate native country but country of current residence is also allowed.
1.4. If few users play the game from the same computer/IP, they (all) must indicate usernames of other users playing from the same computer/IP and connection with each of other users. Information can be provided in section "User information".
1.5. It is forbidden to use any tools of hiding or changing the real IP address. The use of VPNs is prohibited. Please connect using your genuine, non-VPN internet connection. Users will be held responsible for any cheating occurring from the used IP.
1.6. It is forbidden to use any tools of blocking advertisements. If user doesn't want to see advertisements, he can purchase PREMIUM package and turn off display of advertisements.
1.7. Rules of trades must be followed when trading players.
1.8. Rules of press conferences must be followed when writing a post in press conference.
1.9. Rules of forum must be followed when writing a post in forum.
1.10. The only allowed types of help for other users are: transferring credits and consulting. All other actions and interaction between teams must obviously represent aim to get use for your own team. It is forbidden to lose matches deliberately, make ineffective trades or help another team in any other ways.
1.11. It is forbidden to write unwanted messages (over private messages, forum, press conferences, etc.) to other users. Unwanted messages usually contain advertisements. Messages that are sent after the other user states that he doesn't want to receive any more messages (of particular content or from particular user) are also considered as unwanted.
1.12. It is forbidden to use filthy phrases, swear-words, provoke or offend other users when communicating (in press conferences, private messages, etc.)
1.13. Team's logo can not contain any political or racial hints, nakedness or porno. Logo must be neutral and not offend anybody. Logo can not contain advertisement without prior agreement with administration.
1.14. In any place of the game (press conferences, forum, private messages and other) it is forbidden to discuss any matters that are against the law (country's, international and other) - propagate illegal software, drugs, etc. It is also forbidden to use insults, filthy phrases, swear-words, words that promote violence or racial discrimination, discuss politics.
1.15. User must indicate e-mail address that is actually used by him, so that under the necessity administration could contact user over e-mail. It is forbidden to use disposable, temporary or fake e-mail address. E-mails may be sent in few cases:
informing about important actions related with user's activity (for example, change of important data, reminder of password, punishment for rules' violation)
informing about important actions related with the game
informing about actions related with user's club (for example, weekly newsletter that may be unsubscribed from receiving)
1.16. User commits to ensure secrecy of his log in data and not to reveal log in data to other people. User commits to ensure that no other person will use his log in data. User is fully responsible for any actions made using his log in data (by himself or other person) and for results determined by these actions.
1.17. It is forbidden to sell or exchange your team (or any other similar actions). One team may be used by only one person!
1.18. Any kind of advertising in the game (including game's forum), without prior administration's permission, is forbidden.
1.19. It is forbidden to exploit errors of the Game in order to acquire advantage against other users that do not exploit these errors. If user notices some error or incorrect behaviour, he must inform administration using forum, "Message to administration" section or sending an e-mail to administration.
2. Premium services
2.1. Payment is considered as made when middlemen send confirmation of the received payment into the Game's system.
2.2. Money paid for the services are not returned (no money back possibility).
2.3. Administration can ex-parte change the price and the features of PREMIUM packages.
2.4. Situations when some feature (including features of PREMIUM package) doesn't work correctly or doesn't work at all may occur. If user notices incorrect behaviour, he must inform administration using forum or "Message to administration" section.
2.5. Purchase of PREMIUM package doesn't allow cheating. In case of rules' violation, user can be punished according to rule: 4.5. In case of rules' violation, money is not paid back.
2.6. Holder of PREMIUM package can not violate the Rules or abuse features of PREMIUM package (for example: spam, use inappropriate phrases or pictures in press conferences or as team’s logo). Such behaviour can lead to limitation or withdrawal of the features. The list of PREMIUM features is given in section “Credits - Premium packages”. In some cases, these lists may not include all PREMIUM features.
2.7. If the Game is closed forever, BasketPulse obligates returning money for the purchased credits that are left unused.
3. Related users (that at least sometimes play from the same computer/IP)
3.1. All users playing from the same computer/IP must indicate usernames of other users that sometimes use the same computer/IP (in User Information section). Relation with each user has to be indicated, too (for example, “roommate”, “brother”, ...)
3.2. Teams, playing from the same computer/IP, can have no relations in the Game - they can not trade players (directly or using third teams), can not borrow players from each other, can not deliberately lose and etc. If few teams are playing from the same computer/IP without Premium packages, they have to follow one of the two following strategies:
not participate in trades and loaning
only one of the related teams participate in trades and loaning
3.3. When related teams are suspected of cheating, they are closed without a thorough investigation. Such cases are investigated more detailed only when ALL teams playing from the same computer/IP somehow contribute to the development of the Game (for example: active community members, publishers of the newspaper, financial supporters of the game, etc.)
3.4. When there are few teams playing from the same computer/IP, users that do not manage their teams actively can be deleted without a prior warning. If there are few people who want to play the Game from the same computer/IP, they all have to be active and there can be no relations among their teams (rule no. 3.2.)
4. Rights and duties of Administration
4.1. As long as the Game is running, administration commits improving and maintaining the Game, keeping it as stable as possible and eliminating errors.
4.2. Administration commits not to disclose personal users’ information to third parties (except cases when law enforcement officers may require some information or when the Game or a part of it is sold/transferred to another owner).
4.3. Administration has the rights to repair, update, develop and do other necessary actions in the Game without prior caution.
4.4. Due to updates or some failures the Game can be temporarily unavailable. In case of unexpected situations some part of data may be lost. Administration commits to put all possible efforts in reducing emerged inconveniences or losses.
4.5. Administration has the rights to apply sanctions with or without prior caution for violations of the Game’s rules (General rules, Rules of trades, Rules of Forum, Rules of Press Conferences) or other inappropriate behaviour that can have negative results on the Game’s stability and/or good morality. Possible sanctions: warning, fine from club’s money, subtraction of club’s points (all or a part) in league’s standings, removal of club’s players, restricting or banning some game’s features, restriction or cancellation of PREMIUM package (or some of it’s features), banning a team or user. Applied sanctions may differ depending on the violation and the previous behaviour of the user.
4.6. In cases of cheating, administration has the rights not to reveal particular indications of cheating to the user if it could affect further quality rendering of services or development of the Game.
4.7. It is forbidden to announce or discuss the received sanctions in public (forum, press conferences and elsewhere). If user has some questions, he can reply to the message informing about the sanctions.
4.8. Administration can transfer the rights and duties related with these Rules to another owner at any time without users’ consent and without prior warning.
4.9. Administration has the rights to change the Rules of the Game ex-parte and at any time. Changes of the Rules come into effect when they are published. The user is considered to accept the new Rules if he logs into the Game after the Rules are changed. If user doesn’t accept the Rules of the Game, he loses the rights to use the Game and must close his account (section “User Information - Close account”)
5. Restriction of responsibility
5.1. User and Administration agree that Administration will do all its functions and use its rights regarding that user has given correct information. Administration is not responsible for any damage to user and/or third parties that emerged because user indicated incorrect information or didn’t update it after it has changed.
5.2. User agrees that Administration is not responsible for faults that may appear in game’s operation and for user’s or third parties’ loss or damage due to it.
5.3. User understands and agrees that the Game and/or premium services in it are given without any guarantees from Administration. We can not guarantee that the Game will operate and premium services will be provided properly, on time, qualitatively, full extent, without any faults or that it won’t have any negative outcome for user or third parties.
5.4. User takes all responsibility for compensating any kind of loss or damage that emerged for him or third parties when using the Game and/or premium services.
5.5. User understands and agrees that virtual player’s name and surname indicated during registration or later will remain in the game regardless of further user’s actions or the fact that user stops playing the Game.
Cookies are used in the game. Cookies may contain information like: username, type of browser, used language, visitor statistics, ads targeting information and other data required for running the game.
Cookies can be deleted at anytime but due to it playing the game may become less convenient. Browser settings may be changed so that cookies are forbidden. However, in this case playing the game will be unavailable because data saved in cookies is necessary for running the game.