The new system of Matches LIVE

Today we included the new Matches LIVE system into the game. As you already know, this update was realized because users invested credits and thus helped a lot to realize this new system. 70 game’s users contributed to the inclusion of this update. Two of them invested the indicated number of credits and will be able to use particular features of Matches LIVE for free all the time.

Users that contributed most to inclusion of the new Matches LIVE system:

Meina Lakers
Kapų balsai
BC Kristiansand
BC Kauno Žalgiris
Girondins de Bordeaux BC
Black Lightning
Phobethor Kaunas

As we had informed earlier, chronologies of past matches were deleted at the time when updates were included. Therefore don’t be surprised if you can’t find chronology of a past match.

The main updates:
  • The new window of Matches LIVE. Flash technology is no loger used for it, so Matches LIVE is available from various browsers, including the ones in smart phones.
  • More information displayed during Matches LIVE: 
    • team fouls in a quarter
    • current players’ positions are indicated
  • After fouls, shot clock is set to 14 s, not 24 s
  • More detailed chronology of the match. There are more events that allow to understand what is happening in court more easily.
  • Break between 2nd and 3rd quarter will last 10 min. (it used to last 15 min.)
  • Various statistics or other information will be displayed during breaks
  • More information is given about shots:
    • Situation of shot is displayed in the brackets - it shows how near is the defender 
    • Players skills’ ratio. It is a ratio between player’s in offence skills and player’s in defence skills. It depends only on skills of these two players.
      • 0 - defender’s skills are similar to attacking player’s skills
      • <0 - defender has advantage in skills 
      • >0 - attacking player has advantage in skills
    • Shot quality ratio shows how well a shot can be made. It depends on various parameters (shot situation, tiredness, tactics, relaxation, etc.) It doesn’t depend on players’ skills.
      • >0 - shot quality is good
      • <0 - shot quality is bad
    • The result of shot depends on the both above mentioned parameters. If shot is (in)accurate due to luck, it is displayed in chronology (by miracle/unlucky).
    • If both parameters are >0, shot will be accurate (except unlucky shots)
    • If both parameters are <0, shot will be inaccurate (except lucky shots)
  • Paid features
    • Replay of match. Premium users can watch matches repeatedly.
    • Additional tab in Matches LIVE window, similar to Information page of a past match.
    • Analysing match. Particular periods of a match can be analysed, for example a bad quarter.
      The price of your team match’s analysis is 500 credits (it will be free all the time for the ones that invested the indicated sum into this update).
      The price of other teams match’s analysis is 2000 credits.
A lot of new events appeared in match chronology. Therefore some representation problems may appear. If you notice them, please inform administration in forum.

We wish everyone a lot of victories and fun watching matches!

-- 40 S 63 d.
Everyone is welcome to test the new system on 63rd day of the season. Please report about the noticed problems.
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Show hidden replies: 76
Q1 02:33 MeLaExcellent pass: M. Fungo Q1 02:29 MeLaMissed mid-range shot: M. Fungo

passing to himself?
-- 41 S 11 d.
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Chronology displays only the best passes and passes that are made on last seconds. So, some other passes could simply be not displayed -- 41 S 11 d.
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thanks for clarifying (re-clarifiying) -- 41 S 11 d.
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