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Information about this season's plans, regarding Drafts and Free throw skill removal
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
What about day 63 financials if team goes to higher/lower league before the finances update -- 79 S 42 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Theres gonna be many medium range shooters around. -- 79 S 42 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
If Player have - 20% in free throw now and +5% in mid range, so after update he will have - 15% mid range? -- 79 S 42 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
i don quite get this. isnt this makes almost everyone in the game at least a good mid range shooter. That would totally change the 3pt/2pt balance and many other things.

i understand that you dont want to wipe out FT skill without any consolation but this move changes the total value of teams even more tbh.
-- 79 S 42 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Gudrioji Lape,
Finances' operations will be calculated according to the old league - where the club played all season long.

Captain Obvious,
Yes, that is correct.

Yes, the balance will change. Though there are many players that won't have very good 2pt skill even when the two skills are summed.
As this is an important change, it was announced many seasons ago and it was reminded every season in the overview news - so that clubs could get ready in advance.
-- 79 S 42 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
>> Free throw skill’s points will be added to mid-range skill’s points >>

This can be very, very interesting because it can have a big impact on tactics.
Reducing the mid-range skill’s potential (in several cases) will only balance a little this jump.
-- 79 S 42 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Sprendimas keistas ir sakyčiau labai blogas. Tai, kad netreniruojamas konkretus įgūdis yra varikliuko arba taktikų blogo veikimo priežastis. Pašalinimas to nepakeis, tik sukurs naujas problemas ir nukels jas keliems sezonams. -- 79 S 42 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
ready-to-play players need to be more specialized, some "12" in their skills would be interesting. -- 79 S 42 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Very dissapointing how the potentials will be restributed. Why on Earth you would need a player with all accuracy skills in this game? -- 79 S 42 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Tingiu laužyti savo anglų kalbą, jei baudos buvo 10, o vidutiniai 2, tai po atnaujinimo vidutiniai bus 6? ar 2? -- 79 S 42 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
I think all details of three throw skill removal, updates, schedule are good. -- 79 S 42 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Efka, bus 10 (su trupučiu viršaus) -- 79 S 42 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
i think it's necessary to keep free throws trying to create game as much close to real. There is plenty players that can score mid range and sucks on the free throw line.It's totally different skill.And it will be complicated with the pg/sg position players. Some of them does not need good midle range only free throw and 3 ponters.I think it's a step back....but i think nobody cares what we think -- 79 S 42 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Sabas, its been anounced couple seasons ago so you cant say that nobody cares what we think. No we didnt care about news until its almost happened. -- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
The potentials are staying in accuracy because, wait for it, FT *shooting* is an accuracy skill. Why would they change jump or DIQ, etc? It is going to be how it should have been from the start. -- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Because now players will become even more crooked. For example I had a player with +80/-40/+95/+60 accuracy inners. After update he will become -5/+100/+100. It would be ok overall, but in basketpulse totally different skillset is required for each distance shot.
But the biggest issue is that I asked Darius from the start when the update was announced how the inners will be distributed. Asked about it every season. And always received the same answer that it is not deciced.
In my opinion if you implement such update, you have to be clear how it will be done implemented that players could adapt to it. Now I feel that I just wasted training points on my player.
-- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Your player will be better after this update and you will get an advantage. You will lose +80 inner on uselles skill, also you will get +5, +40 on right skills and +35 on uselles skill. I think it's fair deal. Are you complaining because this player won't become more OP? -- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Puota bado metu. Caras taip išloš ir dar virkauja viešai liaudžiai, kuri trinasi su savo varganom septinkem. -- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
He won’t because having no idea how inners will be distributed, I have already trained 3point skill. -- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
O kada planuojamas varikliuko atnaujinimas? Pilna bugu ten yra.. Laikas jau sutvarkyt viena syki. -- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
conditions are the same for everyone. We survived many changes . I remember there was even weight in players skills not only height. Then it was only athletic skills that was matter. All changes was made to the better. But i think this one is step back , how ever if it's neceseray it has to be done and we have to adapt to it. Conditions are the same for every one. And this is not the last change, maybe some dy this skill will back again, or will be addet new one's. Or some other changes. So what i'm realy want to tell: is there for sure no other posibilities, or it's just an easiest one? Maybe it's no need to rush we whait for two or three seasons,since it was anounced, so we can whait for two or three more. Because for now the game system works , best that i can remember from 6th season. But if there realy neseceary so let's do this, and hope it will be for the best -- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
It was announced in 75th season that FT skill points will be added to 2mid skill (and won't be impacted by inner potential) and FT skill will be removed at the end of 79th season. Issue that benislovas is now raising (as I understand) - lack of information provided about distribution of inner potentials. As of past weekend, it was revealed that FT inner will stay in accuracy skillset. I would believe that for some, 4 seasons of uncertainty how inners will be distributed, might have caused some issues/priorities in training.

Here is the link to the original discussion:
-- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Gal ir buvo anonsuota, tačiau diskusijų nuo to laiko nemačiau. Man ši naujiena yra žaibas iš giedro dangaus.

Mažų mažiausiai manau, kad turėtų būti nuolat pranešama apie žaidimo atnaujinimo darbų eigą. O ne prieš metus paminėti, kelios dienos iki galutinės versijos paleidimo sprogdinti bombą.
-- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Kiekvieno sezono apszvalgoje buvo... -- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Viestiek nesuprantu kodėl imamasi sudėti įgūdžius ir potencialus, o ne vesti jų vidurkį? Tai jei mano žaidėjo baudų pot -50, o iš vidutinio -20, tai kodėl jo vidutinis tampa ne -35, o -70 ? tipo lūzeriai tampa dar blogesni, o fainučiai dar stipresni? Jei įgūdis baudų 5, o vidutinių 3, tai turėsiu puikū žaidėją su 8 iš vidutinio ir baudų, nors jo netreniravau ? vietoj to kad logika sako vesti vidurki ir palikti jį ties 4 įgūdžiu... -- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Nebus 8 vidutiniai jei baudos 5, o vidutiniai 3 -- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Isivaizduok, trenkravai vidutini ir dbr pasako darom vidurki ir 12 vidutinius su 5 baudom vidurki 9 gauni. Tai kodel jis blogiau oradeda mest vidutin nei anksciU? Ir seni 3 ir 8 vidurkis tikrai ner 4 tai pas tave logikos vps nera -- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Tenka pripazint teisingai puntuks sneka -- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Basın mesajı federasyon gönüllüsü veya başkanı tarafından gizlenmiş -- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
netrinkit zinuciu bentjau ;) :D -- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Basın mesajı federasyon gönüllüsü veya başkanı tarafından gizlenmiş -- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Basın mesajı federasyon gönüllüsü veya başkanı tarafından gizlenmiş -- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Basın mesajı federasyon gönüllüsü veya başkanı tarafından gizlenmiş -- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Basın mesajı federasyon gönüllüsü veya başkanı tarafından gizlenmiş -- 79 S 43 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Spaudos konferencijos žinutė paslėpta (federacijos savanorio arba administratoriaus) -- 79 S 44 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)