Club's information

Team's logo

Franchise player Vilintas Labinskas

304 RT

Age: 25 y.

Height: 217 cm.

flag Viesulas Rezus

Team's logo team-jerseys-front team-jerseys-back
Local name: Viesulas Rezus
Manager: Duranciokas
BasketPulse Facebook logo ETAPLIUS.LT logo

U. Ilgarankis

Points: 11,6


U. Ilgarankis

Rebounds: 5,5


Z. Mitalas

Assists: 3,2


Activity 2025-01-17 15:02
Country flag Lithuania
Federation Lithuanian Basketball Federation
Short club name Rezus (ViRe)
Earlier managed club Sostinė (70 - 71 S)
Basketball school Rezus Basketball school
Youth team Viesulas Rezus Youth


Strongest in the game 38 ( place in rankings)
Strongest in nat. league 4 ( place in rankings)
Strongest in int. league 4 ( place in rankings)
RT average 333
Fan club 1940
Fan ranking 33 ( place in rankings)
Pop. rating in int. league 3 ( place in rankings)
Image 7/7
Personnel's opinion 6/7


Weekly income from sponsors 155705 Eu
Max sum for personnel's salaries 460626 Eu
Trades restrictions' level 7 (History)
Trades done overall 81
Trades made this season 1
Overall wins/matches played 638/1111 57%
Season's wins/matches played 41/49 84%
Amount of borrowed players 13
Federation volunteer: Dartas_Veideris
-- 102 S 30 d.
Manager runs as candidate to become federation's president Sveiki keliu savo kandidatura i prezidentus laikas man buti prezidentu balsuokite uz mane tik uz mane paspauskite ta mygtuka juk nesunku
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)
Show hidden replies: 104
"Jei laimesiu rinkimus, duodu viena pazada. Sugrazinsiu Co i zaidima." - Tu laimėjai jau du kartus -- 102 S 45 d.
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)
Gal dariui pasiulyt kad mane grazintu -- 102 S 46 d.
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)
čia jau kaip naujas išrinktasis pasistengs... -- 102 S 46 d.
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)
Icon Player: Sam Anderson (RT: 358)
-- 102 S 43 d.
Player selected to play in National team
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)
Icon Player: Viktoras Jurgutis (RT: 381)
-- 102 S 42 d.
The player accepted the contract, offered by your club
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)
Icon Player: Felicijus Lopas (RT: 298)
-- 102 S 40 d.
The player accepted the contract, offered by your club
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)