

Lithuanian Basketball Federation

Main information
Federation president HeyHoudini
Date of creation 59S, 25d.
Spots in the Fair play Committee 2
Fair play committee members Mirza
Icon Teacher: andriux07
-- 101 S 9 d.
Feedback about the teacher:
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Icon Teacher: Taskent
-- 101 S 4 d.
Feedback about the teacher:
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Mokytojus kaip kojines keicia :) -- 101 S 4 d.
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Nieko nemoko tai kam laikyt? :) -- 101 S 4 d.
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Icon Teacher: Aurimas.
-- 101 S 1 d.
Feedback about the teacher:
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International Basketball University - IBU -- 101 S 2 d.
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Icon Teacher: Kestuks
-- 101 S 1 d.
Feedback about the teacher:
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Icon Teacher: superdzonis
-- 100 S 58 d.
Feedback about the teacher:
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Ko ne zalias -- 100 S 58 d.
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as jau ne mokytojas 3 menesius :D -- 100 S 58 d.
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