Club's information

Team's logo

Franchise player Alvydas Pečiūnas

263 RT

Age: 25 y.

Height: 205 cm.

flag Sony Youth

Team's logo team-jerseys-front team-jerseys-back
Local name: Sony Youth
Manager: Kestuks
HUPU Community logo

D. Kaczyński

Points: 19,5


D. Kaczyński

Rebounds: 5,8


G. Martini

Assists: 6,8


Activity 2024-07-26 17:39
Country flag Lithuania
Federation Lithuanian Basketball Federation
Main team Sony Ericsson


Strongest in the game 1446 ( place in rankings)
Strongest in tournament: Youth league 243 ( place in rankings)
Strongest in the Youth league 39 ( place in rankings)
RT average 152


Sponsor covers personnel's salaries up to 90 %
Players' salaries 29528 Eu
Amount of players' salaries covered by sponsors 12830 Eu
Overall wins/matches played 870/1265 69%
Season's wins/matches played 3/4 75%
Icon Player: Cheng-Kang Wan (RT: 105)
-- 100 S 4 d.
Player transferred to Youth team
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)
Icon Player: Jonathan Marchesini (RT: 150)
-- 100 S 4 d.
Player transferred to Youth team
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)
Icon Coach: Einar Kiriev (RT: 131)
-- 100 S 1 d.
Coach transferred to Youth team
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)
Icon Player: Jin-Yuan Wu (RT: 188)
-- 99 S 63 d.
Player transferred to Youth team
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)
Icon Coach: Einar Kiriev (RT: 131)
-- 99 S 63 d.
Coach changed team during limited market
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)