
  • 自建将不会去其他球队:
    • 自建将不能交易
    • 自建将不会像现在这样进入自由市场。自建整个赛季都可以延长合同(包括受限市场的时期,注:看上去不会进入受限市场,更像是整个赛季都可以提前续约)
    • 如果自建的合同没有续约(或被解雇),他将结束职业生涯或成为自由球员(这种情况潜力会大降,以避免市场好球员泛滥)
  • 新的训练系统(更准确的训练报告,球员新技能)
  • 球员技能降低的新系统
  • 球员分析报告的更新(球探里面的球员分析)
  • 球员的潜力将不会重新计算
  • 新的“健康”技能(在47赛季不会影响伤病)
  • 新的“中投”技能,将由球员的所有技能的均值确定(所有技能值的准确值再取平均,而不是显示的整数值)

我们希望在47赛季末完成所有更新。这样在47赛季末会有第一批球员的“飞升”(improvement jumps)



-- 46 季 21 天
Important information about progress in the new training and potentials' system!
-- (翻译) (翻译 EN)
显示隐藏的回复: 21
TheWizardKs: It was not an "opinion" it was a fact. Scouting use the same algorithm for players and coaches.

P.S. Actually you can`t get anything from that statistics:
1) it is TOP20 list. So we have TOP20 players and ALL coaches (because not many peaple look for coaches)
2) People use different scouts' financing. It has considerable influence on chances to find good talent and statistics of found talents.
-- 46 季 60 天
-- (翻译) (翻译 EN)
Right, percentages there won't matter and not something you would use to drive home a point. All I does is say players invest more in players than coaches therefore you will find more players with higher potentials exactly what a-Darius said. Think of it on a smaller scale and it makes sense. I don't know what the ratio is of choosing a player vs a coach, but I imagine it is very high. (Higher than. 10-1). For an example lets just use 10-1. If 20 coaches are chosen that would mean you would have 200 players, for every good coach you would have 10 good players. The ratio of top player/coaches then would obviously have more good players than coaches not because of the system, but because of the practices of the managers. It all makes sense, teams usually have 1-3 managers and 9-12 players (more or less). To be honest, when you look at laches on the market , it has been easier for me to sign a good one there than it is to sign a good player.. -- 46 季 60 天
-- (翻译) (翻译 EN)
I see your point, just makes it obvious the whole scout thing needs some help, which I know I read that will soon happen. I've seen no mention of coaches so I hope they will continue to change with player changes. Coaches have gone up salary wise just as much as players. Thanks for the answers. -- 46 季 60 天
-- (翻译) (翻译 EN)