
公平競賽委員會 (FPC) 的決定引起社群不滿的情況並不少見。本週我們與FPC成員討論了如何提高決策品質,我想在此分享結果。



BasketPulse deflections簡化決策

FPC將專注在防止作弊行為,而不是制裁 "不完美" 的交易。因此: 

FPC只有在100%確定該筆交易為作弊才會投票 處罰
FPC只有在有成員認為該筆交易為作弊才會投票 退回 (例如:不平衡交易被成員認定玩家有關聯或互相幫忙)。
FPC對所有其他案件均會投票 公平 (只要玩家互不關聯則允許進行不平衡交易)。


Basketpulse steals


1. 交易必須在某方面對雙方均有利 (財政、陣容等)。
2. 不可利用交易來幫助其他玩家,每個俱樂部都必須為其球隊尋求最大利益
3. 任何與 非正常運作俱樂部 進行的交易 (包括即將棄坑的球隊、專收垃圾球員的球隊、大量進行不合邏輯交易的球隊等)。
4. 為了達成交易而提供虛假球員資訊 (例如:技能、經驗、訓練資訊),視為作弊行為。
5. 利用 遊戲漏洞 獲得好處也視為 作弊行為


Basketpulse steals






Basketpulse steals







遊戲新聞: FPC如何運作?
-- 90 賽季 33 天
How does FPC work?
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)
顯示隱藏回應: 19
Leave john1 alone! -- 90 賽季 34 天
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)
You clearly write here rules but do the oposite!

What is considered cheating states:
1) i need to know otherparty, make deal outside the needs of game.or inactive club.
I did not know the ither party. There is 0 reaso s for helping-we are nit even fro ine coutry! I received trade. It seema other party got short contracts and less spendig or whatever other side thinks. I was trying to find players for building future (just atarted).
As i see - other party is still active.
So there are 0 rules broken but still for some reason trade is canceled. Follow your rules!

2) dont try to justify yiur decision by fact that you encourage discussion.
3) in real world i coukd go for trial and even accuse you for calling be cheater which i find highly offensive. Here you have all the power so use it as grown ups or yiu ruin the game.

I dont know how else I can say that this is wring. I did not cone to thia game for these emotions. Try to admit mistake- i gavetoo big effort to be punished for nothing! For me the game has ended otherwise
-- 93 賽季 34 天
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)
Trading Company, is that You? - is the legend back? -- 93 賽季 34 天
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)