Basın toplantıları

Important! The fight against cheating
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Gizli cevapları göster: 63
užteks šito žaidimo... -- 98 S 59 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
You will found lots of Normal player quit the game, the update actually not limit cheat at all, It is only ban Core functions to free player, What’s even more difficult to explain is: this unfair restriction that extremely affects competition has absolutely nothing to do with cheating!From now on, all competition is PAY TO WIN. As a free player, you completely lose the rental function, which greatly affects the strength of the lineup!you never Fight against cheating in fact, to fight against cheating, all your doing is squeeze blood from a stone; To make matters worse, Your all doing is atcually only leading to free player lost their Fundamental rights and fairness and reasonableness of competition between players, no any cheater be punish at all! Instead, Normal "free" player is be punished for no reason! -- 98 S 59 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
With just the rule of limiting users based on their rank to borrow players it's fine and enough to prevent the cyseric cases.
It´s impossible to NOT THINK that limiting, in the future, to Premium players is not greediness from management.

Just to a couple of season with just the first option and keep an eye wide open to check if the cheating is not extensively reduced with just that.
Just my opinion.
-- 98 S 59 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
-- 98 S 59 g.
It's gone be holiday for one week? It's still 58 day of the season...
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Icon Takas/Kiralık oyuncular
-- 98 S 57 g.
Skolinu gerą metiką į 5/6 wl skillai i p.m
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+ -- 98 S 59 g.
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Icon Takas/Kiralık oyuncular
-- 98 S 55 g.
Į 4wl pasiskolinčiau pajėgų metiką SG/SF.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Up -- 98 S 56 g.
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Up -- 98 S 57 g.
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Up -- 98 S 58 g.
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Icon Takas/Kiralık oyuncular
-- 98 S 49 g.
Trade Cave Robinson Prasciokas
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Gizli cevapları göster: 4
zolininkis makliu neiesko, nerasykit jam -- 98 S 56 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Netrukdom zoliaedzio -- 98 S 57 g.
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galiu ir paskolint kazka -- 98 S 58 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Icon Takas/Kiralık oyuncular
-- 98 S 58 g.
For next season in WL2 look for a strong SF Shooter!
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
-- 98 S 57 g.
FINAL LIGA SuperManager
Ayer concluyó la fase regular de la Liga Endesa ACB, y por ello también la #1 Liga SuperManager BasketPulse España. Quiero pedir disculpas por la falta de actualizaciones en este tipo de posts (desde el final de la primera vuelta dejé de poner nada).

Una liga en la que, quiero pensar, y viendo los puntajes finales, casi ninguno hemos llevado a nuestro mejor equipo, pero que ha quedado bastante igualada en las posiciones de prestigio. El TOP 5 está formado por:

CAMPEÓN - Loyola Doctors - House0767 - 5306,6pts
SUB-CAMPEÓN: Alfajores - javi74 (manifiéstate, que no se tu nick de BP) - 5010,8pts
TERCERO - zurda10BP - zurda10 - 4965,6pts
4º - molvi5 - ulipulido - 4850pts
5º - CAI ZARA - jooo88 - 4783pts.

La clasificación de bróker queda tal cual la de puntos con Catalònia Vikings ( usandizaga) arrebatando el 5º puesto a CAI. El campeón ha sido Loyola con 8.7M de presupuesto.
Queda a discreción del presidente de presidentes joancrumor otorgar algún incentivo al ganador.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
;)) gracias por realizar esta actividad en la comunidad -- 98 S 57 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
ya ves tú, ningún problema. -- 98 S 58 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
aun asi, se agradece mucho -- 98 S 58 g.
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-- 98 S 58 g.
It was a fantastic season....won the National championship and came second (with promotion) in the International championship. Everything wonderful
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Congratulation! -- 98 S 58 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
-- 98 S 58 g.
Deplasman takımı maçı kazandı (Lucky)
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Žaidimo nėra ką ir pasakyti.du kėliniai idealus,po pertraukos lyg pirtį būtų sėdėję,ir belaipsnio alaus pridaugine. -- 98 S 58 g.
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)
Icon Takas/Kiralık oyuncular
-- 98 S 58 g.
Looking to loan SG, PF or C for 5 WL. Also loaning all youth team players
-- (tercüme et) (tercüme et EN)