Пресс конференции

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-- 101 сез. 1 д.
Trading to school players:
Low post and 3pt SG from WL1 last season:
2m and 3pt SG for Wl3-4 , 5 skills at 94% level.
low post C/PF, logical skills, last season, skills should not drop (rebounding on the edge)

Also interested in low post SF, then would could also trade this SF with 2m and 3pt skills
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Icon Обмен (Сделка)/Одолжение игроков
-- 101 сез. 1 д.
Trades, want to get stronger
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Новости игры: Season 100 review!
-- 101 сез. 1 д.
Season 100 review!
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I believe many users know the situation, but I will try to explain again.

I am really struggling with the Mach engine update in recent seasons. This is an area I cannot simply hand over to our freelance developer. It also can't be updated in a quick hour after work; even small updates require time to ensure there are no unwanted negative effects.

If I can't find a few full days to work on it during the season, unfortunately, all related updates are postponed to the next season. Finding these full, uninterrupted days is difficult since I have three small kids, another full-time job, and many smaller issues to manage on BasketPulse.

In any case, there are no secret updates here. You can always find all updates regarding the ME in our changelog: https://www.basketpulse.com/en/Pagalba-sarasas.htm#hlpanc_632c567404b00
-- 101 сез. 1 д.
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Hi, one question, are you going to fix National league incomes? In Spain is much better to stay in National League 2 that move to 1st división. Or we have more incomes in matches or prizes for the 12 teams at the end, we had matches 40-30 in the last match trying to avaoid move to 1st división, and this was happening many season ago -- 101 сез. 1 д.
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We don’t have such plans, at least for the current season. If the community believes this should be our top priority, I suggest highlighting it in the feedback we request from federations each season.

From my perspective, the entire national tournament system needs to be thoroughly reviewed. I don't think giving money to the last-place teams would solve the problem.
The prize money would still be lower than the top prizes in the lower division, and we’d continue to face the same issues. We need bigger changes to improve this area, and I don't believe now is the right time to invest our efforts here.
-- 101 сез. 1 д.
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Icon Обмен (Сделка)/Одолжение игроков
-- 101 сез. 1 д.
Mažu kas skolintis žaidėjų?
https://www.basketpulse.com/lt/Player/2554878/description SG šoklumas 11, greitis 11, tritaškiai 11, gynyba 10 labai mažas atlyginimas (kaip valytojos)
https://www.basketpulse.com/lt/Player/2587087/description SF-SG šoklumas 11, greitis 11, tritaškiai 11, gynyba 11 vidutinis atlyginimas (kaip seimo pirmininko)
https://www.basketpulse.com/lt/Player/2560227/description SF-SG šoklumas 11, greitis 11, tritaškiai 11 vidutinis atlyginimas (kaip lietuvos banko direktoriaus pavaduotojo)
https://www.basketpulse.com/lt/Player/2605013/description aukštas SF, nors originali pozicija PF šoklumas 11, greitis 11, tritaškiai 11, gynyba 10 labai mažas atlyginimas (kaip basketpulso freelance programuotojo)
https://www.basketpulse.com/lt/Player/2554768/description SF-SG šoklumas 11, greitis 11, tritaškiai 9 labai mažas atlyginimas (kaip bolt vairuotojo) TIK ŠIANDIENOS AKCIJA - galima padaryti tobulėjimo šuolį
https://www.basketpulse.com/lt/Player/2580225/description SG šoklumas 10, greitis 10, tritaškiai 9, gynyba 10 mažas atlyginimas (kaip traukinio mašinisto) TIK ŠIANDIENOS AKCIJA - galima padaryti tobulėjimo šuolį
https://www.basketpulse.com/lt/Player/2612901/description Centras atletika 10 8 10, gynyba 8, iš vidutinio 8 vidutinė alga (kaip LKL žaidėjo vidutinioko ) TIK ŠIANDIENOS AKCIJA - galima padaryti tobulėjimo šuolį
https://www.basketpulse.com/lt/Player/2577680/description SF-PF atletika 10 10 8, tritaškiai 10 apgailėtina alga (kaip norfos mėsininko) TIK ŠIANDIENOS AKCIJA - galima padaryti tobulėjimo šuolį
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Icon Обмен (Сделка)/Одолжение игроков
-- 101 сез. 1 д.
Ieškau mainu savo jaunimui. Galiu duoti du už 1.
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Icon Обмен (Сделка)/Одолжение игроков
-- 101 сез. 1 д.
Mainau zaidejus tikslas sutaupyti kuo daugiau
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Icon Отзыв о команде, которая заимствовала игрока: acmeolog dot com
-- 100 сез. 63 д.
Nezaide draugisku
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sorry to hear you didn't like that your player got lot of game time and progressed a lot...not a single time during the season you gave a request that was not fulfilled, so this is surprise you are disappointed... strange people you are. will never loan your players again. -- 100 сез. 63 д.
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draugiskas reik zaist -- 100 сез. 63 д.
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btw, this player was my team's MVP in the internatinoal league :D -- 101 сез. 1 д.
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Icon Обмен (Сделка)/Одолжение игроков
-- 101 сез. 1 д.
Everyone for trade, but especially: https://www.basketpulse.com/en/Player/2369551/description
+95% health, he will live forever. looking for something cheaper.
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Icon Обмен (Сделка)/Одолжение игроков
-- 101 сез. 1 д.
12 11 12 12 3 3 10 11 5 3 7 9 10
Tradable, looking to lower salaries. Could trade him for a cheaper PG + some school prospect.
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Icon Обмен (Сделка)/Одолжение игроков
-- 101 сез. 1 д.
Domina mainai. Neee Lithuanians !
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