My favourite BasketPulse memory!

Hi everyone,

let's get nostalgic this week and share our best memories about BasketPulse!

 darys WL 3.4 - 2.000 credits

The best memories should be associated with the best team achievements. And those achievements were quite a lot - 1.1 WL final (it's a pity that I didn't manage to win), bronze won, many different national league medals or friendly tournaments. One of the most memorable is probably the BBT tournament. But digging into my memory, I discovered another incident that really shocked me at the time. I don't remember exactly when it happened, maybe 80 or 85 seasons ago, the game administration inducted me into the Hall of Fame. At that time I was a teenager and such an event seemed something incredible. In my youth, I was very active, I organized all kinds of totalizators, I wrote articles on the then-existing forum, I actively participated and helped in the activities organized by other Basketpulse users in the game, and I did not expect anything in return. Because I just loved it. And suddenly, one day I wake up and see that I am mentioned in the season news as the most active user of Basketpulse. I also received a bonus for the team's finances. Wow, that was a lot of joy back then. This event fueled my enthusiasm and motivation to keep going for a few more years. Although it's been a long time, but that entry in the Hall of Fame makes me proud of myself, and of course, I should thank the administrators of the game (Darius and Ramunė) who honored me in such a way. Thank you.
 ak904 WL 2.2 - 2.000 credits

My journey with BasketPulse is more than just a gaming experience; it's a story of building and energizing a community, along with promoting the game's love in Taiwan. As the Traditional Chinese translator for BasketPulse, I took it a step further by establishing the BasketPulse Taiwan Discord community.
Being the founder in Taiwan, I've had the privilege of witnessing the community's growth over the past three years. It's not merely a gaming platform; it's a place where friendships are built, strategies are shared, and each season is celebrated. To enhance the community experience, I invited Yaho25 to join us as a dedicated reporter. Every season, he crafts in-depth articles, capturing the essence of the Taiwan national team in BasketPulse. Unfortunately, Yaho25 is about to fade out of our family.
I've also been dedicated to expanding the game's popularity in Taiwan, utilizing various channels within my capabilities to continuously promote it. The goal is to attract more players to BasketPulse, making the game more diverse and enjoyable.
Season after season, we've organized a variety of events to maintain the community's vibrancy and cohesion. These activities have become traditions, adding excitement and friendly competition to the community, bringing new and fun memories each season.
Now, the BasketPulse Taiwan community has become one of the largest in the game, a testimony to our shared passion for BasketPulse. In our community, we don't just discuss the game; we share information on various topics such as other games, anime, or interesting aspects of life.
BasketPulse has provided more than just a gaming experience; it has become a platform for personal and community achievements. The memories created, friendships established, and the growth of the community are witnesses to the incredible journey we've shared.

 Gulon WL 4.2 - 1.000 credits

Despite not much seniority in the game, I am submitting my story. I started my adventure in BP by translating the game from scratch into Polish, and it is these memories that I want to share. After I got the right to moderate the language, I set myself the ambitious goal of completing the translation within one season and so, at the end of season 90, Polish was implemented in the game. This goal was achieved, but I had to pay for it with long hours of work, mostly at night. The good thing about this work was that I got to know the game better than regular users. I translated almost 5000 phrases and longer texts. All this work has also connected me more to the game and the maintenance of the language also makes me feel a small part of improving it. When logging in and exploring different areas of the game, I have the personal satisfaction that what is displayed on my PC or smartphone screen exists thanks to my work. All the time I also very much hope that the translation allows Polish managers to enjoy the game more. Here is my little story which I hope has left a big mark on the game

 Waldemar235 WL 4.4 - 500 credits

The best memory in the game is the day of registration for this best ball strategy game simulator!

Of course, the end of season 95 is the most emotional moment, because my team, not being the favourite, was able to win its first national champion title!!! Which exceeded all my expectations, I was thinking of getting into the top three.

Getting to know cool people from other leagues and continuing to chat with them is also a wonderful aspect of this game!!!

This season I became the head of the Federation, which is also a huge emotional moment for me, as we strive to bring the game in our countries to a new high level!

And of course, the victory of our adult national team in the 96th season in a stubborn battle became the cherry on the cake for our community!!!

I hope that this season will also be significant!
 孤舟 WL3.3 - 500 credits

One particularly memorable moment was during a championship game where both teams were vying for victory in the third match to secure the title. The game was intensely contested, and as the clock ticked down, it remained undecided. Surprisingly, it went into overtime, and in the crucial final moments, the opposing team's defensive star fouled out, giving me the advantage. With only 3 seconds left, I sank a game-winning 3-pointer, sealing the victory in a thrilling fashion.
In the end, Basketpulse not only provided entertainment but also served as a platform for personal growth and skill development. The memories of building a championship-winning team, making strategic decisions, and experiencing the highs and lows of competition will forever be etched in my heart as a testament to the joy and satisfaction gained from managing a basketball team in the digital realm.

 dwyane3 WL 2.2

I had been blogging about my team in the in-game-forum that darys mentioned previously, I even had a show called BOOM. I remember reviewing my team's performance in-depth and sharing hundreds of words length posts about why the team played in a certain way followed by an interview with a player or a coach. It was somewhat of a childhood/teenage years way to spend time playing basketball game and making it more fun for myself and everybody else playing the game as well.

I remember that I was stuck in NL 5.6. The WLs did not even exist at that point in time. It seemed that I had a strong team and in the debut season I was very close - I got bronze. However, I had no luck in the further season, and then next season I seemed to have lost a weaker opponent in the playoffs yet again. It was very frustrating but I kept going to reach my goal. I even called the league KSV league (short for "kur stebuklai vyksta" - "where amazing happens). It took me 9 seasons to break the curse and get promoted just to get relegated back again and then I quit the game because I felt that if I can't be at the top - there is no point in playing. I kept logging in once in a while just to keep the account for the memory's sake. 

And then I got to the office life where I would have nothing to do in the afternoon. I logged in and I saw over one million euros in my team's account. The money must have accumulated over the years when the team was not active, but I still got the sponsorship money. I have splashed the money on old players and that helped me to get promoted. I have also spent the rest of the money on scouting to make sure I have enough youth coming in to change the old players that became worthless very quick. I have rebuild the team from scratch to where I am right now. Lesson for the future - if I ever want to quit again - leave the account alive and avoid the financial struggles of the bottom leagues. :)

I hope you enjoyed this edition of BasketPulse News. Do you want to earn some credits as well? Interview another community member, send the post to @dwyane3 and the best interview writers will receive a reward of up to 2.000 credits!

Have a good read!

Новости игры: My favourite BasketPulse memory!
-- 97 сез. 23 д.
My favourite BasketPulse memory!
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Thanks for sharing, I didn't notice it in the press conference. Next time DM me, please. The reward has been transferred. -- 97 сез. 23 д.
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Basketpulse TODO listas -- 97 сез. 23 д.
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Best memory whn I was in 10th or 11th grade. I would log on using and create new teams often mid season. Then just sign random 200+ RT players for minimum salary which was 100 euros. Making me the best team in 7th division -- 97 сез. 24 д.
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