Ranking of Men National teams

Data gathered by: pobelterdog 

National teams ranking by achievements

National teams' medals

Новости игры: Ranking of Men National teams
-- 61 сез. 4 д.
For the first time in history we have National teams' rankings! Thanks to pobelterdog
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受限市场的球员被训练成垃圾,这是恶意损害他人的财产,请GM仲裁 -- 61 сез. 48 д.
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Restricted players are trashed to trash, which is a malicious damage to others' property, please GM arbitration -- 61 сез. 48 д.
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有时国家队可能会赠送橙汁。在这种情况下,我认为限制球员市场是非常糟糕的,因为你喜欢哭很多。 -- 61 сез. 48 д.
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