Preses konference

Icon Maiņa/Aizdotie spēlētāji: HK Monarch & Maniacs
-- 90 S 25 d.
Komanda izteica maiņas darījuma piedāvājumu
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Spēlētājs: Tang Ting Nip
Uzsāka spēlēt jaunajā komandā pēc maiņas darījuma -- 90 S 25 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Uzsāka spēlēt jaunajā komandā pēc maiņas darījuma -- 90 S 25 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Maiņas darījums tika akceptēts -- 90 S 25 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Federācijas brīvprātīgais vai administrātors slēpis šo ziņu. -- 90 S 29 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Maiņas darījumu atcēla Godīgas Spēles komiteja (FPC) -- 90 S 29 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Godīgas Spēles komiteja (FPC) nolēma, ka šis darījums ir negodīgs un abas darījumā iesaistītās komandas saņēma brīdinājumus. -- 90 S 29 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
How the Fair Play Committee members voted:<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert and punish&quot;: 0<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert&quot;: 10<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Fair&quot;: 1<br />
<br />
These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:<br />
7 - Salary drop (one or more useful players are exchanged for useless player(s) with the only goal to reduce salaries)<br />
3 - Suspicion that trade&rsquo;s goal is to help one of the teams<br />
<br />
-- 90 S 29 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
As FPC members may not comment the decisions made, I would like to share the reasoning behind the decision made.

Maniacs gave away a top class 421 RT defender at discounted salary which is helpful to Monarch, and got a 315 peak RT youth in return that is unlikely to reach WL1 level. The fact that Maniacs also save 22.000 weekly salary makes this trade unfair by the FPC vote.

We would like to encourage the teams making the trades that may look suspicious to describe the reasoning of the trade when making it. By providing more information about the trade to FPC will help the committee to make a better informed decision. In addition, we are encouraging FPC to have a discussion prior making the vote so the decision made is well-discussed.
-- 90 S 31 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
Thank you for your fruitful explanation. -- 90 S 31 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
As far as I see, you are not a member of FPC. Could I ask, how did you come to this conclusion? Asked all the members about their reasoning? -- 90 S 31 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)
benislovas I participate in FPC Discord channel where we discussed the current issues arising and we are looking how to make FPC work better. We are creating a structure for decision-making, and we will share more information about that with the community. -- 90 S 31 d.
-- (Tulkot) (Tulkot EN)