Volunteer's information

Utente:   Bandiera klinx mail
Ultima attività:   2024-05-11 23:17
Type of volunteer:   Presidente della Federazione
Stato:   Resigned
Federazione:   France
Also volunteers as
Type of volunteer Stato Area
Insegnante volontario Attiva France
Moderatore delle conferenze stampa Attiva France
Presidente della Federazione Attiva France
Descrizione Data Informazioni
Credits have been transferred to user 96 Stag. 15 g. 19:44 500Crediti => Slamgot
(Récompense MVP U21 : Durant)
Credits have been transferred to user 96 Stag. 15 g. 19:43 568Crediti => SpeedyFlox
Credits have been transferred to user 96 Stag. 15 g. 19:01 2000Crediti => klinx
(Weekly reward )
Credits have been transferred to user 96 Stag. 15 g. 19:01 1000Crediti => Slamgot
(Weekly reward)
Aggiorna conferenze stampa

France 1.1 3.1 klinx -- Volontario della federazione: klinx -- 07-27

Manager runs as candidate to become federation's president Bonjour à tous,

Je me présente de nouveau à ma propre succession, dans l'espoir de poursuivre les efforts déjà réaliser, de les améliorer, et de créer de nouvelles choses.
Avec votre soutien, j'espère parvenir aux objectifs qui permettront de dynamiser la communauté, aussi bien pour les nouveaux que pour les anciens joueurs.
Je resterai une nouvelle fois à l'écoute de toutes les remarques qui me seront remontées.

-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Federazione: France -- 08-08
Federation president's term of office begins -- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
pierre270546 -- 08-22
Hello everyone
I am very close to bankruptcy, after a season where I am in the national first and in the World most certainly in the first 4.
Unfortunately the finances did not follow and also, I admit, I did not watch them enough.
My request is simple: can you take mallard and wang from me so that I can finish the season and with the winnings relaunch my team?

Thank you for your understanding.

Pierre Margerit
Gragnague all stars GAS
Manager: pierre270546
-- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)
Federazione: France -- 12-12
Federation president's term of office ended -- (Traduzione) (Traduzione EN)