Trade information


Start of negotiation 2019-06-11- 01:15
End of negotiation 2019-06-11- 08:40
Restrictions' level 7
Faustas Abelis
Salary: 11493 Eu
Contract: 3 S Age: 23 y.
RT: 231 Height: 200 cm.
Potential: 9
Khunsoek Na Tarue
Salary: 14614 Eu
Contract: 5 S Age: 26 y.
RT: 246 Height: 208 cm.
Potential: 7
Icon Trade/Lending players: SCBasket & Slamgot's
-- 70 S 23 d.
Team made a trade offer
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Show hidden replies: 2
Trade offer accepted -- 70 S 23 d.
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Press message hidden by federation volunteer or administrator -- 70 S 24 d.
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This trade was reported as unfair. However, the Fair play committee decided that this trade is fair. -- 70 S 26 d.
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