Trade information


Start of negotiation 2018-05-13- 13:08
End of negotiation 2018-05-13- 14:04
Restrictions' level 10
Tamir Al-Mufti
Salary: 2496 Eu
Contract: 3 S Age: 22 y.
RT: 194 Height: 189 cm.
Potential: 3
Jaunutis Kunkulys
Salary: 5255 Eu
Contract: 5 S Age: 19 y.
RT: 133 Height: 195 cm.
Potential: 8
Unknown Unknown
Salary: 4003 Eu
Contract: 1 S Age: 33 y.
RT: 182 Height: 199 cm.
Potential: 4
Collin Sexton
Salary: 3627 Eu
Contract: 2 S Age: 17 y.
RT: 98 Height: 176 cm.
Potential: 10
Icon Trade/Lending players: Traktorius & Hills
-- 64 S 7 d.
I strongly encourage the whole community to evaluate this type of trades -> absolutely ridiculous.

From my standpoint, this trade should be cancelled and both teams should be punished. If that's not happening, I have just no comments about the lack of integrity...
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Zhuce užknisai jau, kaip koks aiškiaregys, nei tu žinai kokie komandų tikslai nei tų 10 potencialo žaidėjų vidinių potencialų. Svarbu lot visur. -- 64 S 8 d.
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Labai jau jis supranta ka tu sneki.. Mes lojom, dabar ju eile, tik kad be pagrindo.. -- 64 S 8 d.
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Tegul verciasi pamates savo nika. Bus tokia pat didele esme kaip jo prisiknisinejimas. -- 64 S 8 d.
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