Trade information


Start of negotiation 2024-05-22- 16:58
End of negotiation 2024-05-22- 18:09
Restrictions' level 7
flag Alfonsino Marcantoni
Salary: 9840 Eu
Contract: 5 S Age: 24 y.
RT: 219 Height: 196 cm.
Potential: 8
flag Antonis Siontis
Salary: 8650 Eu
Contract: 1 S Age: 25 y.
RT: 267 Height: 200 cm.
Potential: 3
Icon Trade/Lending players: ECO-1 & Dredai
-- 99 S 3 d.
Team made a trade offer
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A. Marcantoni 7 24 196 SG 219 8 100 % 8 12 9 10 10 2 4 3 3 7 7 7 8 -- 99 S 3 d.
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