Trade information


Start of negotiation 2021-09-06- 12:38
End of negotiation 2021-09-06- 15:29
Restrictions' level 7
Mu Te
Salary: 22000 Eu
Contract: 1 S Age: 28 y.
RT: 292 Height: 206 cm.
Potential: 7
La . zhāng
Salary: 10550 Eu
Contract: 4 S Age: 27 y.
RT: 254 Height: 213 cm.
Potential: 3
flag Zhàn Lie
Salary: 3458 Eu
Contract: 4 S Age: 19 y.
RT: 127 Height: 217 cm.
Potential: 7
Manuel Viveros
Salary: 916 Eu
Contract: 2 S Age: 20 y.
RT: 106 Height: 210 cm.
Potential: 6
Icon Trade/Lending players: JiangSu & nankai
-- 83 S 22 d.
Team made a trade offer
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Show hidden replies: 5
这叫有什么问题?不是很公平?脑子有问题? -- 83 S 32 d.
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This trade was reported as unfair. However, the Fair play committee decided that this trade is fair. -- 83 S 32 d.
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How the Fair Play Committee members voted:<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert and punish&quot;: 0<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert&quot;: 2<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Fair&quot;: 8<br />
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These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:<br />
1 - Overuse of disbalanced trades. Players&#39; trade somehow has to benefit both teams (financially, in respect of team composition, etc). Good but expensive player can be traded to a bit worse but cheaper player. This type of trade can not be overused.<br />
1 - Significantly unfair to other users (for example, when strong and cheap player is moved to lower division).<br />
<br />
-- 83 S 32 d.
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