Trade information


Start of negotiation 2020-10-05- 00:04
End of negotiation 2020-10-05- 21:13
Restrictions' level 7
Nino Burazin
Salary: 13688 Eu
Contract: 3 S Age: 25 y.
RT: 253 Height: 209 cm.
Potential: 5
flag Almantas Rozenbergas
Salary: 5767 Eu
Contract: 3 S Age: 21 y.
RT: 177 Height: 208 cm.
Potential: 5
Kyle Wèi
Salary: 26987 Eu
Contract: 1 S Age: 27 y.
RT: 282 Height: 212 cm.
Potential: 6
Icon Trade/Lending players: R.warriors & Viln
-- 78 S 1 d.
Team made a trade offer
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Show hidden replies: 6
Press message hidden by federation volunteer or administrator -- 78 S 1 d.
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Siulei savo klivarus kazkokius... Sorry tikrai nesutiksiu -- 78 S 1 d.
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Nu pas tave tai dievai iš 5wl į 4wl atvedė. Ohhh wait.. -- 78 S 1 d.
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