Club's information

Team's logo

Franchise player Alfrēds Čigāns

207 RT

Age: 21 y.

Height: 216 cm.

flag Talsu Reinito Youth

Team's logo team-jerseys-front team-jerseys-back
Local name: Talsu Reinito Youth
Manager: kurcis

N. Virza

Points: 44,5


V. Dzelskalējs

Rebounds: 8,5


R. Smiltēns

Assists: 3,3


Activity 2024-06-14 22:39
Country flag Latvia
Federation Latvian Basketball Federation
Earlier managed club Reinito (81 - 94 S)
Main team Talsu Reinito


Strongest in the game 2020 ( place in rankings)
Strongest in tournament: Youth league 470 ( place in rankings)
Strongest in the Youth league 204 ( place in rankings)
RT average 75


Sponsor covers personnel's salaries up to 90 %
Players' salaries 11362 Eu
Amount of players' salaries covered by sponsors 9486 Eu
Overall wins/matches played 18/25 72%
Season's wins/matches played 18/25 72%
Player: Nauris Virza (RT: 188)
-- 99 S 13 d.
Player transferred to Youth team
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Icon Player: Zigmunds Elksnītis (RT: 196)
-- 99 S 2 d.
Player transferred from Youth to Main team
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Player: Guntars Elksnītis (RT: 26)
-- 99 S 2 d.
Player transferred to Youth team
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Icon Player: Gints Ansons (RT: 47)
-- 99 S 1 d.
Player transferred to Youth team
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Icon Coach: Jeroen Schuijt (RT: 136)
-- 99 S 1 d.
Coach transferred to Youth team
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)