Ne tako davno u velikom bankrotu, a sada povratak u WL3. Još jedan dokaz da nije sve u RT. Veliku ulogu su odigrali specijalci poput Stolića i Pavličića. U prvom delu sezone odličan posao je odradio i Bakić, sa kojim je izboren TOP16. Kada se ukazala šansa za plej of, dovedeni su Gorkić i Baštić i na mala vrata smo stigli do finala. Sada možemo da se opustimo i proslavimo :D
Here you can see the main information about the team.
Green icon next to Activity indicates that user is presently online.
If the user is active and experienced, medal indicating his rank is displayed. Row of ranks from the lowest to the highes: paper, wooden, bronze, silver, golden, platinum. Rank depends on playing time, activity and the highest achievements.
The rankingsof the team represent the place it takes among all teams of this game. At the bottom of the page you can see the titles of the team.
Latest and highest club's achievements are listed on the right. More achievements and other club related information can be found in the section of Club's History.
In the bottom, 5 latest news related with the club are displayed. PREMIUM users can also overview older news.