Club's information

Team's logo

Franchise player Javier Redin

322 RT

Age: 29 y.

Height: 222 cm.

flag Artica Slayers

Team's logo team-jerseys-front team-jerseys-back
Local name: Artica Slayers
Manager: txetx
BasketPulse logo BasketPulse Facebook logo

K. Ginaitis

Points: 12,9


J. Johnson

Rebounds: 4,4


G. Cuerva

Assists: 2,6


Activity 2025-02-08 15:38
Country flag Spain
Federation Federacion España
Short club name Artica Sla (ASLA)
Basketball school Artica Sla Basketball school
Youth team Artica Slayers Youth


Strongest in the game 49 ( place in rankings)
Strongest in nat. league 5 ( place in rankings)
Strongest in int. league 28 ( place in rankings)
RT average 329
Fan club 1587
Fan ranking 47 ( place in rankings)
Pop. rating in int. league 23 ( place in rankings)
Image 7/7
Personnel's opinion 6/7


Weekly income from sponsors 243000 Eu
Max sum for personnel's salaries 1012700 Eu
Trades restrictions' level 10 (History)
Trades done overall 54
Trades made this season 2
Overall wins/matches played 437/719 61%
Season's wins/matches played 3/12 25%
Amount of borrowed players 11
Player: Tomeu Igual (RT: 27)
-- 103 S 9 d.
Club signed contract with scout's player
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Icon Player: Min-Hung Chiang (RT: 205)
-- 103 S 8 d.
Club fired a player
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Icon Player: Vaidevutis Mačiulis (RT: 206)
-- 103 S 8 d.
Club fired a player
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Icon Trade/Lending players: Utenos gre & Artica Sla
-- 102 S 25 d.
Team made a trade offer
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Show hidden replies: 3
Trade offer accepted -- 102 S 25 d.
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This trade was reported as unfair. However, the Fair play committee decided that this trade is fair. -- 103 S 3 d.
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How the Fair Play Committee members voted:
- volunteers voted "Revert and punish": 0
- volunteers voted "Revert": 0
- volunteers voted "Fair": 7

These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:

-- 103 S 3 d.
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-- 103 S 1 d.
Coach transferred from Youth to Main team
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