Club's information

Team's logo

flag Dovydas Giedraitis

Team's logo team-jerseys-front team-jerseys-back
Local name: Dovydas Giedraitis
Manager: Jedee

D. Laruelle

Matches: 96

Ranking: 14,0

Points: 15,6

Blocks: 1,2

Three pointers: 53%


C. Hurstel

Matches: 94

Ranking: 18,5

Points: 24,9

Blocks: 1,3

Three pointers: 50%


Club is not managed
Period of activity 2022-01-19 - 2022-04-25
Country flag Cote d`Ivoire


Overall wins/matches played 116/225 52%
-- 89 S 49 d.
The club was closed
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Icon Player: David-Alexandre Laruelle (RT: 199)
-- 87 S 63 d.
Player changed team during limited market
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Icon Player: Clément Hurstel (RT: 239)
-- 87 S 63 d.
Player's contract ended
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Icon Player: Clément Hurstel (RT: 239)
-- 87 S 18 d.
Player excluded from National team
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Icon Player: Clément Hurstel (RT: 239)
-- 87 S 15 d.
Player selected to play in National team
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