Club's information

Team's logo

flag LT Vegas

Team's logo team-jerseys-front team-jerseys-back
Local name: LT Vegas
BasketPulse logo

D. Karkauskas

Matches: 265

Ranking: 20,3

Points: 15,5

Rebounds: 8,1

Steals: 1,2

Three pointers: 46%


A. Latėnas

Matches: 91

Ranking: 9,4

Points: 12,3

Steals: 1,3

Three pointers: 41%


P. Vaarakallio

Matches: 43

Ranking: 15,6

Points: 12,5

Blocks: 1,0


Club is not managed
Period of activity 2015-12-07 - 2017-09-25
Country flag Lithuania


Overall wins/matches played 0 - 0
-- 61 S 6 d.
The club was closed
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Icon Unknown player
-- 61 S 2 d.
Player was given a new nickname
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-- 60 S 63 d.
Club got a special invitation to the league
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Icon Unknown coach
-- 60 S 63 d.
Coach changed team during limited market
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Icon Player: Pacho Rosa (RT: 180)
-- 57 S 15 d.
Player selected to play in National team
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The rebuilding begins for the post-Englisch - Kemp era. Not the greatest but he is a player that can fill a spot with Ncube and Kemp two-three seasons from now. -- 60 S 40 d.
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