Club's information

Team's logo

flag Russia Men

Team's logo team-jerseys-front team-jerseys-back
Information League: None

В. Федосеев

Matches: 81

Ranking: 12,2

Assists: 4,5

Steals: 4,0


М. Kasparov

Matches: 76

Ranking: 13,2

Points: 9,6

Blocks: 1,0


Х. Dargomyzhskiy

Matches: 60

Points: 9,1

Steals: 1,8


Information Club is not managed
Country flag Russia


Strongest in the game 43 ( place in rankings)
Strongest in the league 1 ( place in rankings)
RT average 329


Overall wins/matches played 49/81 60%
Season's wins/matches played 0 - 0
Icon Player: Mendoza Timofejev (RT: 211)
-- 90 S 15 d.
Player selected to play in National team
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o šitas nebuvo vardinis? kodėl pot vis dar 8 ir karjera vis dar tęsia? -- 90 S 41 d.
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Icon Player: Aleksey Bestuzhev (RT: 204)
-- 90 S 39 d.
Player excluded from National team
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Icon Player: Aleksey Bestuzhev (RT: 204)
-- 90 S 15 d.
Player selected to play in National team
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Icon Player: Вацлав Федосеев (RT: 264)
-- 90 S 15 d.
Player selected to play in National team
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Icon Coach: Антон Комаров (RT: 271)
-- 90 S 15 d.
Coach selected to lead the National team
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