Press conferences

Icon Trade/Lending players: LZS OSOLIN & Cosa Otro
-- 102 S 13 d.
Team made a trade offer
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Skills? -- 102 S 14 d.
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Icon Trade/Lending players
-- 102 S 14 d.
Lending very cheap 219cm center to 4-5 wl:
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-- 102 S 13 d.
Open for trades. I need a classic big man in C position
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Icon Trade/Lending players
-- 102 S 13 d.
Kuo daugiau sutaupyt, mano 2 maži i viena dideli
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Icon Trade/Lending players
-- 102 S 13 d.
Domina mainai
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Icon Trade/Lending players
-- 102 S 6 d.
trade this for good school talent or sg/sf young player
P. Reinard 11 31 213 PF 315 3 100 % 12 8 12 12 3 3 10 10 9 4 8 10 11
health inner +81% save more than 1300
K. Bak 25 213 C 280 8 100 % 12 6 12 12 3 3 10 10 4 3 7 10 8
+39% +5% +5% +36% +69% - 37% - 40% - 7% - 8% - 38% - 35% +8% +3%
Z. Lee 215 C 260 8 100 % 12 8 12 12 2 3 6 10 4 3 3 10 9
-20% +5% +5% +20% +5% -40% -26% -10% -10% -28% +10% +12% +77%
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1 -- 102 S 9 d.
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2 -- 102 S 13 d.
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Icon Trade/Lending players: ValenciaBC & Linksmai
-- 102 S 13 d.
Team made a trade offer
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Show hidden replies: 2
Player: Ryszard Kiepski
Started to play in a new team after a trade -- 102 S 13 d.
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Trade offer accepted -- 102 S 13 d.
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OFFICIAL TEAM NOTE | Season 102 Trade | Valencia Basket CdE

VBC CdE has agreed to trade his player Y.Hu to team in exchange of two players: R.Kiepski and A.Kadagys.

This two players make the perfect fit in my team as "role players" for my second unit (as I complete a 10 man roster) while the player I let go has a weird distribution of skills that makes him perform irregularly in WL3 but can be a beast in a lower category.
Also, my scoring sources were covered both inside (Novosel/Santodomingo, even Lo) and outside (Ávila/Carrasco) so bringing two players with solid defense, specially the center, will consolidate my team as one of the best defenses in the league, with 10.9 avg CS skill and 8.7 avg DIQ as I always tend to do in last couple seasons.
On the other hand I think (and it seems he agrees) Linksmai didn't need an 11 man roster in WL4 and this "star" signing can bring him the extra points he needs to keep him in the top standings of his league and maybe achieve the promotion.
-- 102 S 13 d.
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Icon Trade/Lending players
-- 102 S 9 d.
Domina maksimaliai sutaupyt ir atjaunet, noriu gauti talentu, galiu atiduot lyderius. Leidziu maksimaliai sustipreti.
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++ -- 102 S 10 d.
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+ -- 102 S 11 d.
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+ -- 102 S 13 d.
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