Press conferences

12 12 4 3 5 14 4 10 8 8 10 10 10
can play until 31 before skills drop

Looking for SG/SF talents

Show hidden replies: 5

How the Fair Play Committee members voted:
- volunteers voted "Revert and punish": 0
- volunteers voted "Revert": 8
- volunteers voted "Fair": 1
These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:
8 - Salary drop (one or more useful players are exchanged for useless player(s) with the only goal to reduce salaries)
-- 103 S 23 d.
- volunteers voted "Revert and punish": 0
- volunteers voted "Revert": 8
- volunteers voted "Fair": 1
These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:
8 - Salary drop (one or more useful players are exchanged for useless player(s) with the only goal to reduce salaries)
-- 103 S 23 d.
(Translate EN)

Well, for one side that’s salary drop but for the other side it’s strengthening of the team. Win - win trade, but still reverted.
Players „pricelist” should be done. So anyone can know what can be offered. -- 103 S 23 d.
Players „pricelist” should be done. So anyone can know what can be offered. -- 103 S 23 d.
(Translate EN)

Jei vk ne didesnis nei pagrindinės komandos vidurkio (tavo atveju šį sezoną 266) - 5, dengs, jei žaidėjui ne daugiau nei 18 metų dengs, platesnę info gali paskaityti čia
Tikrai siūlau paskaityti, nes turi niuansų šita situacija -- 103 S 23 d.

Tikrai siūlau paskaityti, nes turi niuansų šita situacija -- 103 S 23 d.
(Translate EN)

Trading for school, youth

12,12,12/12,3,3/4,10,4/11,11,11 exp 10
Looking for a younger player
Trade for school or young
