Press conference

Icon Trade/Lending players: Vaiduoklia & Lūšis
-- 92 S 35 d.
Team made a trade offer
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Started to play in a new team after a trade -- 92 S 35 d.
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Started to play in a new team after a trade -- 92 S 35 d.
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Player: Jazon Mlekodaj
Started to play in a new team after a trade -- 92 S 35 d.
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Trade offer accepted -- 92 S 35 d.
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Trade has been reverted by the "Fair play" committee -- 92 S 37 d.
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The Fair play committee decided that the trade is unfair and teams are given a warning. -- 92 S 37 d.
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How the Fair Play Committee members voted:<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert and punish&quot;: 0<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert&quot;: 9<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Fair&quot;: 5<br />
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These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:<br />
9 - Suspicion that trade&rsquo;s goal is to help one of the teams<br />
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-- 92 S 37 d.
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Thanks. Best game ever :( Įdomu kuriai komandai čia labiau padėjo? Ar man kad sutaupyt (bankrotas čiapat) ar jam kad gaut jauną neblogą žaidėją? :) -- 92 S 38 d.
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mainai ok, bet pries veja nepapusi -- 92 S 38 d.
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emmmm o kas čia buvo blogai ? jei bičui reik sutaupyt. taip ta prasme už tokį galėjo gaut jo salyginai nedidelė alga ir jei niekas nieko nepasiūlo per trumpa laiką kodėl ne vienas gauna perspektyvų kitas sutaupo. kur problema -- 92 S 38 d.
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Čia kaip kokioj įstaigoj, kai reikia vienus skundus patvirtinti, kitus atmesti, kad pasiekti metinį veiklos rezultatą :) o čia svarbiau kiekybė o ne paslaugų kokybė. Šlykštu prisiminti kokius šiemet mainus praleido pro akis ir neatšaukė :( -- 92 S 38 d.
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You got notification about trade being reported, you can always write something, to show you point of view and reason behind trade. It's easiest way to do nothing and later complain about result if it's not in your favor. -- 92 S 38 d.
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:D nejuokink žmogau. Matosi vienas is tu kuris balsavo pries nes negavo jokios zinutes :D i komitetas ir turi dirbti savo darba, o ne vertinti kas geresne/itikinamesne zinute parasys taip ir bus? Vertinkit mainus, komandas, o ne kas koki atmaza sugalvos parasyt tas ir laimes mainu svarstyma. Veju vejai. Kaip ir sake pries veja nepapusi. Si kart specialiai nieko nerasiau nes maniau kad normalus mainai ir tie patys buvo atsaukti. Anksciau esu turejas panasia situacija, parasiau belekoki atmaza ir neanuliavo :D -- 92 S 38 d.
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Yes, I did me job, too bad for you I knew two players involved in this trade and their potential - one played earlier in my team and one played for two different National Teams I was head coach. It only assures me I made the right call and it was not fair deal for both sides. -- 92 S 38 d.
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