Player's trades


This page contains information about the virtual game's character. Any coincidences with the real people (name, surname or other information) are accidental and unintended.

Date Sender Recipient Out In More details
24-11-25 00:43 volvo SANNOH Zilvinas Ustukys (29 y.; 460 RT)
Chia-Jui Miao (32 y.; 352 RT)
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24-10-26 14:06 volvo MBT Cool Hanqing Qiáo Dān (27 y.; 341 RT)
Kai-Chieh Chuang (27 y.; 318 RT)
Yung-Chang Lan (22 y.; 263 RT)
Zilvinas Ustukys (28 y.; 460 RT)
Alius Laisevcevas (17 y.; 101 RT)
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