Player's trades
This page contains information about the virtual game's character. Any coincidences with the real people (name, surname or other information) are accidental and unintended.
Date | Sender | Recipient | Out | In | |
24-11-25 00:43 | volvo | SANNOH | Zilvinas Ustukys
(29 y.; 460 RT)
Chia-Jui Miao
(32 y.; 352 RT)
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24-10-26 14:06 | volvo | MBT Cool | Hanqing Qiáo Dān
(27 y.; 341 RT)
Kai-Chieh Chuang (27 y.; 318 RT) Yung-Chang Lan (22 y.; 263 RT) |
Zilvinas Ustukys
(28 y.; 460 RT)
Alius Laisevcevas (17 y.; 101 RT) |
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