League: Lietuva.7.18

Best players: 57 S 42 d.
MVP of the day:
Berg Habersack
40 Pts; Rkg: 38; min: 38; Reb: 3; Ast: 3;
top fiveTop 5 of the day:
Aurėlijus Grikštas
Long Beach; Rkg: 0; min: 14; 6 Pts
Sigis Sabaliauskas
Long Beach; Rkg: 0; min: 1; 0 Pts
Berg Habersack
BC BATONAS; Rkg: 25; min: 34; 27 Pts
Team Pl
Lietuva WILDCATS 1 - 4
Lietuva Bc Kryzius 1 - 4
Lietuva Denver Nuggets1 1 - 4
Lietuva The Queen 1 - 4
Lietuva Perlamutras1 5 - 8
Lietuva bc slunkiai 5 - 8
Lietuva Valstybės 5 - 8
Lietuva BC Deez Nuts 5 - 8
Lietuva Guns and Roses1 9 - 10
Lietuva Karaliukai 9 - 10
Lietuva Gabiuxo Stars 11 - 12
Lietuva Statau 11 - 12
No scheduled matches
Player: Ferdinandas Medikis (RT: 59)
The club has been assigned a player since there were too few players in the club
Player: Alius Janišius (RT: 57)
The club has been assigned a player since there were too few players in the club
Player: Jokūbas Želvonaitis (RT: 66)
The club has been assigned a player since there were too few players in the club
Player: Orastas Liūtukas (RT: 69)
The club has been assigned a player since there were too few players in the club
Player: Saras Bubys (RT: 44)
The club has been assigned a player since there were too few players in the club