League: Lietuva.7.4

Best players: 48 S 52 d.
MVP of the day:
Marc Assem
23 Pts; Rkg: 32; min: 27; Reb: 6; Ast: 4;
top fiveTop 5 of the day:
Valentinas Kurtinys
Amber Jack; Rkg: 14; min: 23; 10 Pts
Player: Armantas Kaulėnas (RT: 61)
The club has been assigned a player since there were too few players in the club
Player: Hektoras Marcinkus (RT: 70)
The club has been assigned a player since there were too few players in the club
Player: Normantas Gvildys (RT: 46)
The club has been assigned a player since there were too few players in the club
Player: Kornelijus Gintaras (RT: 52)
The club has been assigned a player since there were too few players in the club
Player: Osvaldas Gintaras (RT: 53)
The club has been assigned a player since there were too few players in the club