Hall of fame

fortitudo corticella

44 S Face (Unknown) Jaekwon Carter Statistics: Mt: 184; min: 26.4; 19.4 Pts; Reb: 1.9; Blo: 0.5; Ast: 3.7; Rkg: 19
Participant in All-Star match Point guard of the season MVP of All-Star match Point guard of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
41 S Face (Unknown) Zechariah Sackville Statistics: Mt: 252; min: 25.4; 17.9 Pts; Reb: 1.4; Blo: 0.4; Ast: 1.1; Rkg: 13
Shooting guard of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
39 S Face (Unknown) Pavlos Argitakos Statistics: Mt: 169; min: 26.9; 20.5 Pts; Reb: 3.8; Blo: 0.5; Ast: 1; Rkg: 18
Power forward of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
30 S Face (Unknown) Enrico Faggiano Statistics: Mt: 954; min: 20.7; 11.5 Pts; Reb: 1.6; Blo: 0.6; Ast: 1.5; Rkg: 10
Most prospective Shooting guard of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
29 S Face (Unknown) John Esleta Statistics: Mt: 422; min: 25.6; 15.5 Pts; Reb: 4.4; Blo: 1.3; Ast: 1; Rkg: 17
Small forward of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day