Hall of fame

Sams Basket Club

52 S Face (Unknown) Yvan Leon Statistics: Mt: 242; min: 32; 11.7 Pts; Reb: 8.5; Blo: 1.3; Ast: 1.2; Rkg: 22
Bronze won in the league (International tournament) Gold won in the league (National tournament) Participant in All-Star match Gold won in the league (National tournament) Bronze won in the league (National tournament) Center of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
48 S Face (Unknown) Noah Andrieux Statistics: Mt: 300; min: 23.7; 19.7 Pts; Reb: 2.6; Blo: 0.6; Ast: 2.3; Rkg: 21
Point guard of the season Bronze won in the league (National tournament) Participant in All-Star match Participant of All-Star skills challenge Point guard of the season Silver won in the league (National tournament) Point guard of the season Participant in All-Star match Winner of All-Star skills challenge Shooting guard of the season Bronze won in the league (National tournament) Point guard of the season Point guard of the season Point guard of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
46 S Face (Unknown) Rachid Delarue Statistics: Mt: 462; min: 24.5; 13.2 Pts; Reb: 3; Blo: 0.5; Ast: 1.1; Rkg: 10
Silver won in the league (National tournament) Bronze won in the league (National tournament) Shooting guard of the day MVP of the match MVP of the day
41 S Face (Unknown) Jean-Sébastien Jamet Statistics: Mt: 288; min: 22; 8.7 Pts; Reb: 4.4; Blo: 1; Ast: 1.5; Rkg: 10
Power forward of the season Gold won in the league (National tournament) Silver won in the league (International tournament) Gold won in the league (National tournament) Gold won in the league (International tournament) Bronze won in the league (National tournament) Power forward of the day MVP of the match