

USA basketball

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Main information
Federation president lunaro
Date of creation 59S, 9d.
Spots in the Fair play Committee 1
Fair play committee members nerdageddon
-- 100 S 3 d.
Couple questions for yall:
- Anyone have specific updates they look forward to or want to suggest?
- Any bugs you want to highlight to get fixed soon?
- Any area you want more documentation or help articles?
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Icon Teacher: Mario
-- 99 S 33 d.
Feedback about the teacher: User is no longer active in the game.
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Federation: USA basketball
-- 99 S 15 d.
Federation president's election begins
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Show hidden replies: 1
Federation: USA basketball
Suggestion was accepted -- 99 S 30 d.
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Congrats lunaro! -- 99 S 30 d.
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Thanks. Let me know if you have suggestions for anything. I think they've changed a couple things up on how they distribute funds -- 99 S 30 d.
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Federation: USA basketball
Federation volunteer: lunaro
-- 99 S 30 d.
New candidate to become volunteer. Candidate's introduction:
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Volunteer's application confirmed -- 99 S 30 d.
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Federation: USA basketball
Federation volunteer: MikeHoudini
-- 99 S 30 d.
New candidate to become volunteer. Candidate's introduction: active, want to contribute
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Volunteer's application confirmed -- 99 S 30 d.
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