


Main information
Federation president WelkinLiu
Date of creation 64S, 28d.
Spots in the Fair play Committee 1
Fair play committee members TRX001
Icon Teacher: cyseric-bot
-- 100 S 53 d.
Feedback about the teacher:
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)
Federation volunteer: WelkinLiu
-- 98 S 15 d.
Manager runs as candidate to become federation's president 为中华之崛起而读书
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Federation: 秩序联盟
Federation president's term of office begins -- 98 S 30 d.
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Federation: 秩序联盟
Federation president's term of office ended -- 100 S 30 d.
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Federation: 秩序联盟
-- 100 S 15 d.
Federation president's election begins
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Federation: 秩序联盟
Voting for the new federation's president begins! -- 100 S 22 d.
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Federation: 秩序联盟
Suggestion was accepted -- 100 S 30 d.
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Federation volunteer: WelkinLiu
-- 100 S 15 d.
Manager runs as candidate to become federation's president 谁说黄种人不能进8强,我们是奥运会冠军。去他们的紫薯人哮喘多动症!
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)
Federation: 秩序联盟
Federation president's term of office begins -- 100 S 30 d.
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Icon Teacher: WelkinLiu
-- 99 S 1 d.
Feedback about the teacher:
-- (Translate) (Translate EN)