
-- 78 季 13 天
News: Information about the new Scouts update
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嗨起来 -- 78 季 14 天
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非常支持这一次的修改 -- 78 季 14 天
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Great job guys! -- 78 季 14 天
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Be patyčių. Kas paaiškins. Kažkokį lavoną išskautinau spaudžiu atmesti neprisideda jokie taškai

Jeigu nuspręsite nesamdyti šio talento, jūsų klubas gaus Draft'ų taškų.
Draft'ų taškų kiekis, jei pasiūlymas bus atmestas: "Draft" taškai 1
Atmesti pasiūlymą dabar
"Draft" taškai
"Draft" taškai: "Draft" taškai 126
-- 78 季 14 天
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Kiek supratau, pasiūlymą atmesti dabar – tai duoda galimybę atmesti iškart jeigu nori vėl traukti iš naujo tą pačią dieną už 500 kreditų arba jeigu turi dienos staigmeną už dyką. O jeigu visgi to lavono nenori samdyti, ateis 00:00 ir gausi draft taškų, ir galėsi traukti naują žaidėją. -- 78 季 14 天
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Jo dabar peržiūrėjau vėl taip pat galvoju. Taškas prisidės po vidurnakčio. Kiek palyginimui pats turi taškų? Aš 126 -- 78 季 14 天
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00:15 Atlikta cron_grantdraftpoints

tik primenu kad sitas net tokiu elementariu dalyku nesigaudantis biciukas treniruos u18
-- 78 季 14 天
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Medaliai garantuoti -- 78 季 14 天
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zinutes formatas nebetinka po atnaujinimo, firefox narsykle:
Your club is in bankruptcy.<br /> You <strong>can not invest money </strong>to look for new talents. You can only look for <strong>talents to your basketball school</strong>.
-- 78 季 14 天
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hm cia gerai rodo o scautu puslapy ne :) -- 78 季 14 天
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Aš turiu 487.
-- 78 季 14 天
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Gal dėl to kad smingi žemyn kas sezona -- 78 季 14 天
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bananajohn, ačiū už pastabą! Pataisyta -- 78 季 14 天
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Ramune, ar su žaidėjų tipų vertimu čia kažkas nelabai gerai, ar keitėsi įgūdžių paskirstymas nuo to excel failo, kuriuo buvo pasidalinta? Nes ieškau lietuvių kalba "Athletic freak", bet nieko nerandu panašaus. O "Nenuspėjami įgūdžiai" labiau skamba kaip ruletė kazino, nei kaip atletiško žaidėjo. Tai kaip yra iš tikrųjų?

Kitas klausimas - jeigu skautinu "atletiškas ir agresyvus", tai galimas 1/3 random variantas su 2c arba 2mid arba 3pt? Ar čia kažkas keitėsi į vieną tipą?
-- 78 季 14 天
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This seems like a good update. What about costs for salaries, will they be calculated the same way each year? Teams already at their 'limit' may not be able to afford to sign any players, especially if the terribly wrong system of paying many weeks of salary to fire a player is maintained. Why do we have to pay extra beyond 1 year if this was put in to prevent sniping? And even on our own scout players! -- 78 季 14 天
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TheWizardKs all i know is that it will expensive to keep drafted players (in means of extending contract) and Darius mentioned something about bad health too, so we have to expand our rotation. But how bad it will be, i think no one knows. -- 78 季 14 天
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Stormtrooper, "Athletic freak" hasn't been included in the current version. After a few weeks we can review the current types and include some new types if necessary.
In case there is a, b, c next to some type, you can get 1 of the 3 variants (by random)
-- 78 季 14 天
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Tai gal reikėtų supažindinti bendruomenę su pokyčiais, nemanot? Nes davėt "špargalkę" kuria vadovautis ir dabar sakot kad keitėt sistemą, tai gal dar 10 pozicijų pakeistų..? Iš kur mums dabar žinoti kiek tiesos yra tame faile? Rezultate čia lygiai taip pat kaip mistiškai pasididina jaunimo komandos žaidėjo kompensacija po 60 rungtynių vietoje 50 ir t.t. Jeigu taip ir toliau eisim, tai kas rytą atsikėlus reikės pasitikrinti komandų sudėtis, žaidėjų įgūdžius, jų algas ar niekas nepasikeitė kol miegojom... :) -- 78 季 15 天
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Tai, 60 varžybų nebe 50? -- 78 季 15 天
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Sako, kad 60 jau, tik informacijoje dar neatnaujino. -- 78 季 15 天
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Opa cia kaip perkunas is giedro dangaus... nu jofana negi sunku taip parasyt naujienoj kokioj ar informacijoj?? -- 78 季 15 天
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kosmosas ir dar sako treerio iseina atsisakyt nors man ne velnio neiseina. o su 60 varzybu cia geras zapadlo ant algu. gg -- 78 季 15 天
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In the global press (the same with global channels in Discord) please use English, when possible.

The list of players’ types will not be supported in the future. The reason is very simple - everything takes time and that is the resource we do not have.

About matches count required to get a salary discount in youth teams.
Long story short: It was a bug from the old times. It was fixed a few seasons ago, but probably only now reached the game’s server. With many updates this somehow slipped through in season news.

I understand that the community is not happy about the information we provide. But I don't see how this can change. Communication takes time, and almost every day there is some important issue to fix (for example, today - youth teams’ creation bug).

Drafts update is also a bit behind the schedule and we are doing our best - to make Drafts features available as soon as possible.

Thank you for understanding!
-- 78 季 15 天
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P.s. game manual regarding youth team finances updated:
-- 78 季 15 天
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if you dont have time, find someone who has, its not a medieval time, a lot of free lacers around -- 78 季 15 天
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"The list of players’ types will not be supported in the future. The reason is very simple - everything takes time and that is the resource we do not have."

Does that mean you are doing game updates for yourself instead of community? Than it makes sense not to introduce them.

Also according this change 50 to 60 youth games... It would be a nice joke if any team would went to bancrupt because of unknown update during the season run... :) Hope noone had that luck.
-- 78 季 15 天
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Darius: this missunderstanding will cost my youth team and why i should pay for that? -- 78 季 15 天
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yesterday,my draft point total was 2.

I invested 5000 in scout, for a pot5 prospect which I didn't sign.
I was promised 50 draft points... which I didn't get.
After 24h, I still have 2 draft points.

What did I do wrong?
-- 78 季 16 天
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Frankebasta, draft points for not signed talents are given at 00:15. Probably, you checked earlier.
You can find draft points' news here: Scouts - Draft points' news (on top right)
-- 78 季 16 天
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Ramunės, dariai need help. Need to relase One of my lithuanian u 18 team coaches. How can i do that. I am so scared because of benislovas. He is angry on me. I don't want to get enemy from One of The best caras... :(( -- 78 季 16 天
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Dis is imposible. -- 78 季 16 天
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So next time pan Murza need to shut up his mouth. Because he said it is possible -- 78 季 16 天
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Bus galima, bet nuo kiek vėliau, kai bus galima paimti užsienio trenerį man rodos, aš praėjusį sezoną paleidau vieną japonų trenerį, kai paėmiau geresnį lt trenerį japonų rinktinėje -- 78 季 16 天
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Kai paleidinėsi, tai tarkis su benislovu, kad niekas kitas nespėtų iš po nosies nusamdyt. -- 78 季 16 天
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Tai čia kelinta diena ir valanda šitas dalykas vyksta -- 78 季 16 天
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