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Noticias del juego: Overview of 71st season
-- 71 S 63 Dia
Overview of the 71st season is already in news!
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
沙发 -- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
The scouting system has been weakened too much.Sad!! -- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
丑神这赛季要冠了 -- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
As someone who started playing back in 2010 or something like that, I see a lot of growth over these past couple of years. I wasn't active member all the time, but seeing where the community is now, its good to see. I will let more real-time experienced players speak about what is good/bad :) I feel like BasketPulse is going in a good direction, but needs more insight from players. -- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
I agree with Molly that changes are going in the right direction.
More than anything else, I think it is beneficial to all that Game engine is stable.
No changes in quite a while.
That's good.
-- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Tai jei jau tikrai bus galima skolintis tik vieną žaidėją, gal panaikinsite tą kvailą IP filtravimą? Nes dabar gavosi, kad susitariau dėl 3 žaidėjų skolinimo, bet 2 negaliu, nes tas pats IP. Man tai kas, jaunimkėje palaikysiu, o ką tam žmogui daryti kur DB reikia? Įdomumo dėlei, pažiūrėjau, ir su CO tą patį IP turiu, nors Radviliškyje nebuvęs gal 10 metų, su benislovu tas pats IP, nors net nežinau iš kur jis. Kokie planai ta tema? -- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Pas mane su CO irgi tas pats. Radvilišky gyvenime nebuvęs -- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Arba būtų galima ir savo lygai skolinti žaidėjus. Tarkim geras žaidėjas, bet vietos komandoje nėra,tačiau yra tos lygos lygio ir praverstų tos lygos kitai komandai. Ji jau bus galima tik 1 skolinti, tai tegul, kaip sakoma, praplečia akiratį. -- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Tai CO gal buvęs tavo mieste ir pnvz, bet pvz aš dirbu mokykloje kompiuteristu, pas mus yra 755 mokiniai, tai jau logiška, kad kažkas gali žaisti iš mokyklos ir sutapti IP. Kitas dalykas, aš naudojuosi ir bitės, ežio, litneto, cgates, Teo internetais, tai vėl didėja tikimybė gauti tokį pat IP. Juk į kiekvieną butą neduoda atskiro IP, net namui neduoda atskiro IP cgates, o apjungia keletą daugiabučių ant 1 IP. -- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Nepykčiau ir savai skolinti, bet tada gal kokį apribojimą dėl šuolio dėti, kad negautų. Ar dar kažką. -- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Changes are going indeed in the right direction. Good job! But I wanted to point out (once again) the paying achievements that this online game allows. After finding out how many euros are paid during the last 4 seasons from some greek teams, in order to buy GAME’S MONEY and PROMOTIONS to WL, made me think if I can at least try to change this 100% UNFAIR situation with a few suggestions.

Why do I point out this issue (again) now? There is one strong user in Greek League who is recently forced to make trades and play with a 6 player roster, in order to fix his financial status and avoid bankruptcy. On the other hand there are teams which already paid or will pay (more than once!!) crazy amounts of real money in order to buy game’s money and avoid the above financial consequences! So both sides have made the SAME financial mistakes in the past, but one side is struggling using game methods such as trading/releasing players, and the other side is just using its credit card.

I understand that the game needs money to survive. I understand that everyone can do whatever he wants with his real money. But I can’t accept that a game where IF YOU PAY, you get victories, better players, higher wages, promotions and safety nets from bankruptcy, is considered to be a FAIR online game.
Enough with my complaints. SUGGESTIONS:
1)You can only buy game money (in order to avoid a bankruptcy) ONCE. You choose when. But you can only do it ONCE. Not every season..
2)You can only buy a promotion to the upper WL, ONLY IF your team finished in the first 6 positions of your current WL (that means 4th-5th-6th position).
3)Try to make the premium packages more attractive. That’s the acceptable way for every online game to earn money. The only acceptable way.
-- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
I didn't talked too much about game money buying system, but I must agree that buying game money to avoid bancruptcy is not a fair point.

On the other hand I could give my opinion about premium account pack:
When I started playing this game I remember there was 1 or 3 month of some kind of free premium period. But when you play game in WL8-WL6, or maybe even WL5-WL4, this premium account doesn't give you too much, as you do not feel a real need of it. But trying premium pack after long period of time, playing in WL3 I found it as really usefull tool. So maybe it would be possible to adapt premium benefits to lower WL(s) clubs too.
-- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
well i think that using credits for game money once a year is not unfair, we dont use game money only to avoid bunkrupcy,but to invest in scouting and to support our academys. I agree with Kavala fc to some limitation about promotion with credits, from me doesn't work, if you don't have the roster to promote yourself,that i think is bad move and waist of money and also unfair to those that get promotions the right way -- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Thank you for your opinions.

You mentioned few quite complex topics, and I can`t give high quality answers to all of them.

For small games like us it is not possible to survive based on premium packages only. That might be enough for server but not for creating new design, new features or bug fixing.
So if we follow kavalafc suggestion that would mean the end of this game.
The real situation is quite opposite - we need to find a way to increase the finances of this game.
With our current finances it is very difficult to give users better support and better quality.

Also I don`t think that the situation is so bad. Some of our strongest teams newer bought money. Some of them never bought anything.
Yes, credits help teams to get to upper leagues faster, but they do not guarantee the best achievements.

As about the match engine, that is also a difficult topic. There are some bad things in the current match engine that have to be fixed. But the community does not like changes, and after each match engine update there are a lot of angry users in the game.
So I don`t want just to update the match engine without adding any "value" to the game.
One of the things that I have been doing recently is investigating possibility to change tactics online. This feature would be used only in some matches (for example, in national teams tournaments). Also it would be great for testing tactics. But so far is is only an idea.
-- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
užknisa 1 dienos draugiškos, jei prasideda 21:45 tu niekaip nespėsi sureguliuoti krūvių, kadangi statistikos langas nesugeneruojamas iki 23h, ko pasekoje žaidėjų forma tampa bloga, nes nesureguliavai krūvių jų nepamatydamas. taisykit šitą dalyką, jau antrą sykį nusimuša forma per tai. -- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Toks patyręs manageris, buvęs solidus prezidentas didžiausios bendruomenes federacijos, o nemoka krūvių pasiskaičiuoti...
briedis tu tikiuosi moki?
-- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Aj dar pamiršau, kad pasižymėjęs kreditų pasisavintojas! -- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
mirza - informacija dėl gauto krūvio ir treniruočių intensyvumo atnaujinau praeita savaite basketpulse discord'o Lietuvos kategorijoje, kanale #sveikata-ir-nuovargis, nes pastebėjau senoji truputį pasenusi :) -- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Idea of changing tactics online is great but don't see how it could be useful for both sides during game. Instead i would say make possibility to make tactic for each quarter, like "if team loses x point change tactic to option b" or something like that... -- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
nebenusišnekėk, kaip pasiskaičiuosi krūvius vykstant varžyboms ? gal dar kokią nesąmonę šauk. gal kažką pamiršai pridėt ? -- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Jei nemoki, tai nemoki. Negi tokį "gudrų" vagiuką mokinsiu db. -- 72 S 1 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
change tactics online??This is a casual game. The game players come from all over the country. Some country have competition time in the early morning. It is impossible to watch the game day and night.
-- 72 S 2 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)
Kada Jus sutvarkysit varikliuke, kad likus 8 sec atakos laikui zaidejes nebemestu metimo is kitos aiksteles puses?? Kiek galima palikt sita logikos klaida... -- 72 S 23 Dia
-- (Traducir) (Traducir EN)