

核心球員 Babis Kalen

216 RT

年齡: 22 歲

身高: 205 公分

flag Kamaroto Roosters

隊徽 team-jerseys-front team-jerseys-back
國內名稱: Kamaroto Roosters
經理: Coach_Ken_Carter
SUMMMER logo BasketPulse logo

M. Jakubas

得分: 18,5


B. Kalen

籃板: 6,6


B. Nembhard

助攻: 6,2


最近上線 2024-05-09 02:08
國家 flag Greece
聯盟 Greek Bballzone National League
俱樂部簡稱 Roosters (KMR)
籃球學校 Roosters 籃球學校


遊戲排名 1068 (排名)
國內聯賽排名 6 (排名)
國際聯賽排名 27 (排名)
平均RT 191
球迷俱樂部 262
球迷排名 853 (排名)
國際聯賽人氣排名 30 (排名)
形象 3/7
員工意見 5/7


每週贊助收入 36826 Eu
人員薪資上限 60389 Eu
交易限制等級 7 (歷史)
完成交易 5
本季交易 2
全部勝場/比賽 191/335 57%
賽季勝場/比賽 15/47 32%
租借球員數量 1 (統計數據)
Icon 球員: Barrington Nembhard (RT: 260)
-- 98 賽季 29 天
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)
Icon 球員: Menios Iktinos (RT: 186)
-- 98 賽季 25 天
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)
球員: Leonidas Paiteris (RT: 42)
-- 98 賽季 23 天
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)
Icon 球員: Barrington Nembhard (RT: 260)
-- 98 賽季 16 天
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)
-- 98 賽季 16 天
The pre-selection for the team happened, the criteria of the selection was the future, to select the future star players for our country, players that we will help to gain experience and value and can help the future men National Team the most, even if some of them are not the highest RT for their possition at this moment because of their younger age compared to other players of lower potential, they have the most potential for the future and they are the most promising at the moment. Players that belong to teams that quit the game and didnt go inactive yet but they are losing potenntial and skills, and retired players are not included. Thank you for the trust and lets try to do our best for the future of our National Teams.
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)