
Icon 交易/租借球員: IrokeZ & Majestics
-- 71 賽季 31 天
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交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 71 賽季 31 天
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球員: Reyus Mammadli
交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 71 賽季 31 天
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交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 71 賽季 31 天
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交易已接受 -- 71 賽季 31 天
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交易已被公平競賽委員會退回 -- 71 賽季 34 天
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公平競賽委員會決定這筆交易不公平,並向球隊提出警告。 -- 71 賽季 34 天
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)
How the Fair Play Committee members voted:<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert and punish&quot;: 1<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Revert&quot;: 6<br />
- volunteers voted &quot;Fair&quot;: 5<br />
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These reasons were chosen by the volunteers during voting:<br />
4 - Overuse of disbalanced trades. Players&#39; trade somehow has to benefit both teams (financially, in respect of team composition, etc). Good but expensive player can be traded to a bit worse but cheaper player. This type of trade can not be overused.<br />
3 - Salary drop (one or more useful players are exchanged for useless player(s) with the only goal to reduce salaries)<br />
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-- 71 賽季 35 天
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