
Icon 交易/租借球員: GA & CBCO
-- 69 賽季 2 天
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交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 69 賽季 3 天
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交易後開始在新球隊比賽 -- 69 賽季 3 天
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交易已接受 -- 69 賽季 3 天
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jajajajaajaja -- 69 賽季 3 天
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Se pasan.... -- 69 賽季 3 天
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交易已被公平競賽委員會退回 -- 69 賽季 4 天
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公平競賽委員會決定這筆交易不公平,兩支球隊均予以處罰。 -- 69 賽季 4 天
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hi, why commitee decided this trade is unfair? i don't understand.can you explain to me? -- 69 賽季 4 天
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You can not trade denominative player. -- 69 賽季 4 天
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I think this penalty for PFC is correct. It is obviously not equal for a 4-potential player to exchange a 10-pot potential player. One of them gets the benefit while the other does not. -- 69 賽季 4 天
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