

This page contains information about the virtual game's character. Any coincidences with the real people (name, surname or other information) are accidental and unintended.

日期 發送人 收件人 詳細內容
24-03-19 04:32 sky Big Other Chi Man Kui (22 歲; 281 RT)
Ehnan Marcelino (26 歲; 262 RT)
Chun-Sheng Shih (21 歲; 200 RT)
23-04-07 16:32 Kylin sky Hang Shou (21 歲; 215 RT)
Chi Man Kui (16 歲; 97 RT)
Yi Zhai (26 歲; 300 RT)
23-03-06 00:04 HK Monarch Kylin Chi Man Kui (16 歲; 82 RT)
Lai Kwok Hong (15 歲; 53 RT)
Lip To (15 歲; 47 RT)
Esmundo Jauregui (29 歲; 345 RT)