

This page contains information about the virtual game's character. Any coincidences with the real people (name, surname or other information) are accidental and unintended.

日期 發送人 收件人 詳細內容
24-04-07 06:15 villian wind fire Yvon Pinto (25 歲; 298 RT)
Chen Shi (24 歲; 261 RT)
24-02-13 10:56 wind fire Canbeast Nie Bai (25 歲; 229 RT)
Gei Pan (18 歲; 138 RT)
Sa Tie (18 歲; 121 RT)
Chen Shi (23 歲; 254 RT)
24-01-30 16:03 Peacockfly Canbeast Chen Shi (23 歲; 252 RT)
Yi-Yang Wei (16 歲; 87 RT)
Chien-Yu Tong (21 歲; 217 RT)
Shuai Wèi (18 歲; 142 RT)
23-05-22 11:04 Day day up Peacockfly Ian Francis (23 歲; 191 RT)
Chen Shi (19 歲; 143 RT)
Ričards Dušelis (28 歲; 209 RT)
Laifu Bà (20 歲; 193 RT)
23-03-06 19:03 Peacockfly Day day up Bernardas Novikas (21 歲; 157 RT)
Chen Shi (18 歲; 117 RT)
Bo Chou (17 歲; 102 RT)
Ning Nong (20 歲; 166 RT)