

This page contains information about the virtual game's character. Any coincidences with the real people (name, surname or other information) are accidental and unintended.

日期 發送人 收件人 詳細內容
24-04-06 17:02 T1 Faker 721invi Fu Shing Wade (29 歲; 303 RT)
啟倫 姚 (25 歲; 274 RT)
Tak Kuen Ka (24 歲; 266 RT)
Chi Ming Chiang (20 歲; 243 RT)
22-07-07 17:18 721invi HK Monarch Tung Him Yau (23 歲; 222 RT)
Charles Hartwig (19 歲; 138 RT)
Andrei Nikolaevich Капустин (27 歲; 265 RT)
Siu Chau Chui (15 歲; 50 RT)
啟倫 姚 (15 歲; 45 RT)