

This page contains information about the virtual game's character. Any coincidences with the real people (name, surname or other information) are accidental and unintended.

日期 發送人 收件人 詳細內容
22-05-27 09:40 Answer Big Dipper Ryan Howard (29 歲; 380 RT)
Setiawan Vanto (18 歲; 108 RT)
Deman Qie (38 歲; 392 RT)
Qian Xiu (35 歲; 355 RT)
22-02-21 03:56 Big Dipper Wǒ bù pà Stavros Pounentes (35 歲; 372 RT)
Sigitas Kluonius (25 歲; 273 RT)
Qian Lie (16 歲; 68 RT)
Deman Qie (37 歲; 389 RT)