

This page contains information about the virtual game's character. Any coincidences with the real people (name, surname or other information) are accidental and unintended.

日期 發送人 收件人 詳細內容
19-05-21 23:38 Meetsharer Monkey Artis Celmiņš (27 歲; 304 RT)
Konfucijus Luokis (24 歲; 255 RT)
Pranciškus Bagučianskas (16 歲; 67 RT)
18-05-10 17:15 Meetsharer Be Sansu Gui Kun (21 歲; 188 RT)
Gailius Jazbutas (19 歲; 121 RT)
Dionizas Bulota (19 歲; 117 RT)
Kantrimas Rutėnas (28 歲; 210 RT)
Artis Celmiņš (21 歲; 177 RT)