


首先是im511013採訪台灣球隊 Whisky Foreign Studies College 的經理VanthonyDash。



問就是歐肯12年(always suggesting),在這個價位我覺得最頂,風味層次最豐富又不互相干擾,個人並不喜歡泥煤味,所以可能跟大部分人的方向不同,很久以前天天喝,現在一個月喝一次了,老了只能懷念當初的瘋狂。

我10年賽迷,從Isaiah Thomas那時開始看的,雖然沒有親身經歷過GAP時代,不過看著帶我們年年季後賽的Brad Stevens 一路走到現在成為球隊總管,和Isaiah Thomas帶領球隊進季後賽,感動從來沒有停過,唉 說多了都是淚。

在上個問題裡面其實我算是Brad Stevens 的粉絲,,最主要是利用手上的一群綠葉球員組成一支年年都能進季後賽的勁旅,所以我很喜歡那種可以調配上場時間,還有球員的打法位置等的戰術系統,讓我更有機會在這方面打出我想要的成績,只是如果還能調配球員或是位置上的球權比重那就更好了。


財務、財務、還是財務,永遠要保持自己的薪資健康不能被複數年合約給綁死,以及善用統計數據 去找到適合自己的球員或者自己的弱點,算好你要補這個洞該花多少錢,不要一昧追求RT,最後善用戰術裡面的球員位置讓他打出優勢。



做為一個愛嘗試不同戰術的人,我希望戰術配置可以更鉅細靡遺一點,比如前文提到的球權比重 球員的打法類型再增加,比如高位傳導 手遞手傳球 雙擋拆 電梯門等。

隨著U21賽事來臨,DanTitan 花很多時間採訪多位U21國教,以下分享對斯洛維尼亞U21國教的專訪。

- How difficult has it been to decide your squad this year?

It was not as hard as rosters last season, since right now we have quite similar engine to what we had last season. I might not be a big fan of what happened last season, that after few season of changes going more towards giving bigger role to the shooters from outside, now once again we reversed towards "dominating" bigs playing inside, but it is what it is.

- Could you tell us the criteria to select the players? Do you ask for their skills in advance to their players owners?
It depends, when I see there's a lot of players available for National Team, that are very close to each other in strenght, then I'm going to ask owners for skills of said players. I did it many times as head coach of different national teams of Poland, but when I see big gaps between players, I'm just going with my "instinct" and judge them only by their stats in said season during selection.

- Has any of your selected players surprised you and who is he?
There're for sure few players who surprised me, both in positive and negative way. For sure pleasant surprise are Hladnik and Odlazek, both very young players (18-yo and 17-yo) and they look right now better than some older players with way higher RT, due to their more focused training plan. Mostly disappointed I'm with PGs I've selected, there were not many options to do something different here, but two of them are unplayable (at least in my opinion) and it will be very hard to make them decent players.

- The U21 is the last step for the youngsters to shine and hopefully most of them will make it to the World Cup National Selection. How many do you think that will make it from your team?
It's the last step for them for sure, but also from my experience with many different national teams, I could say it could go in very different directions. I saw players perform great at U21 NT, that were never even close to get spot in Senior NT, while their partners, that were only role players, could break into Senior NT. I'm not exactly familiar with the strength of Senior National Team of Slovenia, but I think at least 4-5 guys should get their chance in future in Senior NT and I'm not counting here Hladnik and Odlazek, since they will still have chance to prove their worth in future in U21.

-Regarding this year, how do you see your squad? What are the possibilities for this WC?
We have quite tough group at the start, with 3 teams from TOP8 of the rankings right now (Poland, Italy and China), so we want to put good fight in first group phase and play for the top place in group at LAST12 round, since I can't imagine actually beating any of this top3 teams in first round. I think 13/14 place is possible for us.

- And finally, could you predict the top 3 and the biggest "grower/revelation" country.
I could try at least. Lithuania and China for sure will play for medals, so at 99% they will be in TOP3. For sure also Taiwan has strong case to be there, but I could imagine someone else getting here (I wish it could be Poland :) ). As for revelation, maybe I'll go with Malta. I know they might not look strong on paper, but I know very well it's head coach and I know he can surprise their opponents and do something big with less resources, so that's where I'm going to put my vote.




-- 97 賽季 46 天
Interview with VanthonyDash and jopencjusz!
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)