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  • 賦予每個國家(或每個球隊)- 特別是小型遊戲社群 - 選擇是否要加入國內聯賽。
  • 改善財務狀況,讓某些球隊沒有理由故意參加低級聯賽(至少在立陶宛聯賽中有些球隊這樣做)

如果我們依循這個想法,我們還可以查看國家聯賽的財務方面,並使財務更符合聯賽的實力。 我們正在等待您對本主題的意見和建議。

遊戲新聞: 現狀及新投資領域
-- 80 賽季 42 天
New article about the current status and updates!
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)
顯示隱藏回應: 42
What do you think about instead of country's league we have a continent league (or maybe a regional league). Of course that option will not work for every place, but I think that if we divide the teams in continental leagues, we will have stronger leagues.

I just think that by looking where there's more players to hire in the free market, I don't know exactly what are the strongest or maybe more active leagues in the game.
-- 80 賽季 62 天
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)
“Region/continental” leagues would have the same problem as it is now - different strength. And if one team in that region becomes a TOP team, it would play against a lot weaker opponents.

Joining a few countries to one league has some issues I already explained in my comments above.

So far I still think that the best solution would be to let teams individually decide to leave (or rejoin from the bottom league) their national tournaments.
-- 80 賽季 63 天
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)
Just want to leave it here.
Europe has Spain (15 leagues), Greece (7 leagues), Latvia (7 leagues), France (7 leagues), Italy (7 leagues), UK (3 leagues), Czechia (3 leagues), Germany (3 leagues), Turkey (3 leagues), Russia (3 leagues), there is Sweeden and Netherlands teams too (maybe this continet should be splitted to North and South esspecially if there will be Lithuania (127 leagues))
America has Argentina (7 Leagues) and USA (15 leagues), there is teams from Canada, Jamaica, Brasil maybe teams from Africa could be included in this list
Asia main country is China (63 leagues), but there could be added Australia, Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand maybe teams from Middle East
In all of these continents I see TOP teams, there is no such thing like a different strenght in my oppinion
-- 80 賽季 63 天
-- (翻譯) (翻譯 EN)