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Icon Takas/Kiralık oyuncular: Alaska & CSE
-- 95 S 11 g.
Team made a trade offer
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Ying-Chen Hsian was acquired by his current team without the presence of a youth team. After one season of play, it was discovered that he couldn't provide the team with the efficiency matching his salary, so the decision was made to trade him. Ying-Chen Hsian's salary is 8K/4yrs, and he can contribute with an efficiency rating of 9 in 20 minutes of playtime in the fifth-tier league.

Alaska Canis lupus arctos traded the following three players in exchange for Ying-Chen Hsian, and they are expected to bring the following values to the new team:

1.Zhuang Deng, a mature center at 224cm, has proven over four seasons that he can contribute with an efficiency rating of 15 in 20 minutes of playtime in the fifth-tier league. His contract is worth 5.2K/1yr.

2.Tien-Lung Chen, a budget-friendly center at 216cm with an RT of 152, has a contract worth 0.75K/3yrs. He is estimated to contribute with an efficiency rating of 5 or more in 20 minutes of playtime in the fifth-tier league, and his entire contract is 33K less than the market minimum salary.

3.Kuei-Yuan Cheng, an RT 120 player at 210cm, is a potential-filled rookie with a contract worth 1.5K/1yr, which is at market levels. Kuei-Yuan Cheng won't have much impact on the court but will strengthen the team's roster depth and seek to develop a more valuable contract through jumps.

In this trade, Chiense is estimated to decrease its salary by 0.5K and increase on-court efficiency by 10-12. Alaska Canis lupus arctos is trading away surplus assets from their youth team in exchange for a rookie who may generate value in the future.

Since Ying-Chen Hsian is an eight-potential player on paper, he falls into the high-risk category for trade violations. Therefore, the trade's purpose is explained in advance as part of the trade review documentation.
-- 95 S 11 g.
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Started to play in a new team after a trade -- 95 S 12 g.
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Oyuncu: Tien-Lung Chen
Started to play in a new team after a trade -- 95 S 12 g.
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Oyuncu: Kuei-Yuan Cheng
Started to play in a new team after a trade -- 95 S 12 g.
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Oyuncu: Ying-Chen Hsian
Started to play in a new team after a trade -- 95 S 12 g.
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Takas teklifi kabul edildi -- 95 S 12 g.
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