Oyuncu bilgisi


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Gavin Anglin Yüz

flag Gavin Anglin

Oyuncunun kulübü yok

Oyuncunun kariyeri sona erdi
83 y.
201 cm. (6' 7'' )
Icon Oyuncu: Gavin Anglin (GS: 205)
-- 47 S 31 g.
Kulüp oyuncuyu kovdu
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Icon Oyuncu: Gavin Anglin (GS: 205)
-- 46 S 42 g.
Oyuncu yaptığın sözleşme teklifini kabul etti
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Gizli cevapları göster: 6
miami zoes -- 46 S 44 g.
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Welcome back! -- 46 S 44 g.
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Thanks good to be back. -- 46 S 44 g.
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Icon Oyuncu: Gavin Anglin (GS: 205)
-- 46 S 28 g.
Oyuncu yaptığın sözleşme teklifini kabul etti
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Former Shockwave player strengthens our bench in our push towards WL 2 promotion -- 46 S 28 g.
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He is a good player, I just went into full rebuild mode. -- 46 S 28 g.
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For 10k only. Pretty good deal I would say. -- 46 S 28 g.
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Icon Oyuncu: Gavin Anglin (GS: 205)
-- 44 S 62 g.
Oyuncunun potansiyeli arttı
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Struck out on the 11th hour on two quality players. This time since it is a closed team he will be a shockwave member for sure. Not the top of line player we were helping for, but he fills a need for next season. -- 45 S 42 g.
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