
Icon Обмен (Сделка)/Одолжение игроков: Shockwave & KR Pirates
-- 71 сез. 11 д.
Команда выступила с предложением об обмене
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В результате обмена начал играть в новой команде -- 71 сез. 11 д.
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Игрок: Virgil Haungs
В результате обмена начал играть в новой команде -- 71 сез. 11 д.
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В результате обмена начал играть в новой команде -- 71 сез. 11 д.
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В результате обмена начал играть в новой команде -- 71 сез. 11 д.
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Игрок: John Wick
В результате обмена начал играть в новой команде -- 71 сез. 11 д.
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В результате обмена начал играть в новой команде -- 71 сез. 11 д.
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Предложение обмена принято -- 71 сез. 11 д.
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Once again, TheCoach is using his clout over the USA community to circumvent the rules about Trades.

I didn't report the trade involving this Balanda guy because, on its face value it was borderline acceptable.

But after one week, as soon as the "grace period" ended, theCoach unveils its plan: Balanda is not of any use. Fired.
(same happens for the other team: Haungs is up for trade, see Press Conference)

all of the above constitutes a VIOLATION of the following rule: Veterans should not be traded for prospects ONLY.
By the act of releasing Balanda, theCoach effectively traded 2 veterans for 2 prospects!

Excerpt from the Official Rules of the Game:

Trades' rules that must be followed and respected by all users:

2) Players' trade somehow has to benefit both teams (financially, in respect of team composition, etc).
You can trade a good but expensive player to a bit worse but cheaper player. You should not overuse this type of trade.
-- 71 сез. 18 д.
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I see word "lending" not word "trade" https://prnt.sc/oq5sr8 -- 71 сез. 18 д.
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:D. Looks like someone didn’t take their meds again...... -- 71 сез. 18 д.
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My complaint is about TheCoach action to fire a player.
That's a fact
-- 71 сез. 19 д.
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Сообщалось, что эти обмены были мошенническими. Тем не менее, Комитет Честной игры решил, что эти обмены были честными. -- 71 сез. 19 д.
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Pirates gave up a pot9 and one pot10 prospects and their best rated player in exchange for a pot8 prospect and two lesser players. One of which the Pirates is trying to unload (either because they cannot afford the salary or whatever reason).
Which means that the Pirates traded two prospects in exchange of one, only to gain 9cm difference between Balanda and Merden!
And you mean to tell me this is a Fair trade?
Just look at the numbers!
Just look at the rule!
As I copy/pasted above, a trade as such is against the rules!
-- 71 сез. 19 д.
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I think you are not looking at the rules correctly. The trade as such is not against the rules. That being said I think the Pirates made a bad deal for their team here, giving up two own-scouted players that have Wl1 potential for two players that are rather expensive for a WL4 team. But it's nowhere against the rules to trade useful Veterans for young high pots. -- 71 сез. 19 д.
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想要给一个人脱罪,那么你有1000条理由,这个游戏没有规则,交易合不合理,只不过少数人说了算而已, -- 71 сез. 19 д.
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If I was in FTC I would have voted down the trade....but I am not and so I trust their judgement. Simply put, if you have a problem with the way FTC is being run then become a member yourself and change it.....all of this complaining in the press conferences is just nonsense -- 71 сез. 19 д.
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FTC sees more of the trade than us, as a 3rd party do....so either trust them or become a member yourself and decide how a trade should go. -- 71 сез. 19 д.
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